import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; export default { title: 'Components|Alerts', }; export let Standard = () => { return { template: hbs`

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

Alerts use Bulma's notification component.

`, }; }; export let Colors = () => { return { template: hbs`
Alert colors

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

Alerts are always paired with an emotive color. If there is no emotive association with the content of the alert, then an alert is the wrong component to use.

`, }; }; export let Dismissal = () => { return { template: hbs`
Alert dismissal

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

This is an alert

Alerts are used for both situational and reactionary information.

`, }; };