import { find, render, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import togglePageObject from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/components/toggle'; const Toggle = create(togglePageObject()); module('Integration | Component | toggle', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); const commonProperties = () => ({ isActive: false, isDisabled: false, label: 'Label', onToggle: sinon.spy(), }); const commonTemplate = hbs` {{label}} `; test('presents as a label with an inner checkbox and display span, and text', async function (assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.equal(Toggle.label, props.label, `Label should be ${props.label}`); assert.ok(Toggle.isPresent); assert.notOk(Toggle.isActive); assert.ok(find('[data-test-toggler]')); assert.equal( find('[data-test-input]').tagName.toLowerCase(), 'input', 'The input is a real HTML input' ); assert.equal( find('[data-test-input]').getAttribute('type'), 'checkbox', 'The input type is checkbox' ); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('the isActive property dictates the active state and class', async function (assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.notOk(Toggle.isActive); assert.notOk(Toggle.hasActiveClass); this.set('isActive', true); await settled(); assert.ok(Toggle.isActive); assert.ok(Toggle.hasActiveClass); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('the isDisabled property dictates the disabled state and class', async function (assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.notOk(Toggle.isDisabled); assert.notOk(Toggle.hasDisabledClass); this.set('isDisabled', true); await settled(); assert.ok(Toggle.isDisabled); assert.ok(Toggle.hasDisabledClass); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('toggling the input calls the onToggle action', async function (assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await Toggle.toggle(); assert.equal(props.onToggle.callCount, 1); }); });