.PHONY: \ all \ lint \ vet \ fmtcheck \ pretest \ test \ integration all: test lint: @ go get -v golang.org/x/lint/golint [ -z "$$(golint . | grep -v 'type name will be used as docker.DockerInfo' | grep -v 'context.Context should be the first' | tee /dev/stderr)" ] vet: go vet ./... fmtcheck: if [ -z "$${SKIP_FMT_CHECK}" ]; then [ -z "$$(gofmt -s -d *.go ./testing | tee /dev/stderr)" ]; fi testdeps: go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep dep ensure -v pretest: testdeps lint vet fmtcheck gotest: go test -race ./... test: pretest gotest integration: go test -tags docker_integration -run TestIntegration -v