import { Factory, faker, trait } from 'ember-cli-mirage'; import { provide } from '../utils'; import { DATACENTERS, HOSTS } from '../common'; const UUIDS = provide(100, faker.random.uuid.bind(faker.random)); const NODE_STATUSES = ['initializing', 'ready', 'down']; export default Factory.extend({ id: i => (i / 100 >= 1 ? `${UUIDS[i]}-${i}` : UUIDS[i]), name: i => `nomad@${HOSTS[i % HOSTS.length]}`, datacenter: faker.list.random(...DATACENTERS), isDraining: faker.random.boolean, status: faker.list.random(...NODE_STATUSES), tls_enabled: faker.random.boolean, createIndex: i => i, modifyIndex: () => faker.random.number({ min: 10, max: 2000 }), httpAddr() { return'@')[1]; }, forceIPv4: trait({ name: i => { const ipv4Hosts = HOSTS.filter(h => !h.startsWith('[')); return `nomad@${ipv4Hosts[i % ipv4Hosts.length]}`; }, }), attributes() { // TODO add variability to these return { 'os.version': '10.12.5', 'cpu.modelname': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz', 'nomad.revision': 'f551dcb83e3ac144c9dbb90583b6e82d234662e9', 'driver.docker.volumes.enabled': '1', 'driver.docker': '1', 'cpu.frequency': '2300', 'memory.totalbytes': '17179869184', 'driver.mock_driver': '1', 'kernel.version': '16.6.0', '': '', 'nomad.version': '0.5.5dev', 'unique.hostname': 'bacon-mac', 'cpu.arch': 'amd64', '': 'darwin', '': 'darwin', '': '/dev/disk1', 'driver.docker.version': '17.03.1-ce', 'cpu.totalcompute': '18400', '': '249783500800', 'cpu.numcores': '8', 'os.signals': 'SIGCONT,SIGSTOP,SIGSYS,SIGINT,SIGIOT,SIGXCPU,SIGSEGV,SIGUSR1,SIGTTIN,SIGURG,SIGUSR2,SIGABRT,SIGALRM,SIGCHLD,SIGFPE,SIGTSTP,SIGIO,SIGKILL,SIGQUIT,SIGXFSZ,SIGBUS,SIGHUP,SIGPIPE,SIGPROF,SIGTRAP,SIGTTOU,SIGILL,SIGTERM', 'driver.raw_exec': '1', '': '142954643456', }; }, withMeta: trait({ meta: { just: 'some', prop: 'erties', '': 100, }, }), afterCreate(node, server) { // Each node has a corresponding client stats resource that's queried via node IP. // Create that record, even though it's not a relationship. server.create('client-stats', { id: node.httpAddr, }); }, });