import Ember from 'ember'; import ApplicationAdapter from './application'; const { RSVP, inject, assign } = Ember; export default ApplicationAdapter.extend({ system: inject.service(), shouldReloadAll: () => true, buildQuery() { const namespace = this.get(''); if (namespace && namespace !== 'default') { return { namespace }; } }, findAll() { const namespace = this.get('system.activeNamespace'); return this._super(...arguments).then(data => { data.forEach(job => { job.Namespace = namespace ? namespace.get('id') : 'default'; }); return data; }); }, findRecord(store, { modelName }, id, snapshot) { // To make a findRecord response reflect the findMany response, the JobSummary // from /summary needs to be stitched into the response. // URL is the form of /job/:name?namespace=:namespace with arbitrary additional query params const [name, namespace] = JSON.parse(id); const namespaceQuery = namespace && namespace !== 'default' ? { namespace } : {}; return RSVP.hash({ job: this.ajax(this.buildURL(modelName, name, snapshot, 'findRecord'), 'GET', { data: assign(this.buildQuery() || {}, namespaceQuery), }), summary: this.ajax( `${this.buildURL(modelName, name, snapshot, 'findRecord')}/summary`, 'GET', { data: assign(this.buildQuery() || {}, namespaceQuery), } ), }).then(({ job, summary }) => { job.JobSummary = summary; return job; }); }, findAllocations(job) { const url = `${this.buildURL('job', job.get('id'), job, 'findRecord')}/allocations`; return this.ajax(url, 'GET', { data: this.buildQuery() }).then(allocs => { return'allocation', { allocations: allocs, }); }); }, fetchRawDefinition(job) { const [name, namespace] = JSON.parse(job.get('id')); const namespaceQuery = namespace && namespace !== 'default' ? { namespace } : {}; const url = this.buildURL('job', name, job, 'findRecord'); return this.ajax(url, 'GET', { data: assign(this.buildQuery() || {}, namespaceQuery) }); }, });