{{did-update this.onViewChange @view}} {{did-insert this.establishKeyValues}}
{{#if @model.isNew}} {{/if}} {{#if this.hasConflict}}

Heads up! Your variable has a conflict.

This might be because someone else tried saving in the time since you've had it open.

{{#if this.conflictingVariable.modifyTime}} {{moment-from-now this.conflictingVariable.modifyTime}} {{/if}} {{#if this.conflictingVariable.items}}
{{stringify-object this.conflictingVariable.items whitespace=2}}

Your ACL token limits your ability to see further details about the conflicting variable.

{{#if (eq this.view "json")}}
{{#if this.JSONError}}


{{else}} {{#each this.keyValues as |entry iter|}}
{{#if (eq entry this.keyValues.lastObject)}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{#each-in entry.warnings as |k v|}} {{v}} {{/each-in}}
{{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if (and this.shouldShowLinkedEntities @model.isNew)}} {{/if}}