import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; export default { title: 'Components|Log Stream', }; export let LogStream = () => { return { template: hbs`
Log stream
{{if (eq mode1 "stdout") sampleOutput sampleError}}
`, context: { mode1: 'stdout', isPlaying1: true, sampleOutput: `Sample output > 1 > 2 > 3 [00:12:58] Log output here [00:15:29] [ERR] Uh oh Loading. Loading.. Loading... >> Done! << `, sampleError: `Sample error [====|--------------------] 20% !!! Unrecoverable error: Cannot continue beyond this point. Exception should be caught. This is not a mistake. You did something wrong. Check the code. No, you will not receive any more details or guidance from this error message. `, }, }; };