{{! Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 ~}}

Not Authorized

{{#if this.token.secret}} You currently lack the {{#if this.permission}} {{this.permission}} {{else}} required {{/if}} permission for this resource.
Contact your administrator if this is an error. {{else}} {{#if this.authMethods}} Sign in with {{#each this.authMethods as |authMethod|}} {{authMethod.name}}, {{/each}} or {{/if}} {{conditionally-capitalize "provide" (not this.authMethods.length)}} a token with the {{#if this.permission}} {{this.permission}} {{else}} requisite {{/if}} permission to view this. {{/if}}

{{#unless this.token.secret}}

If you have signed in via the Nomad CLI, authenticate with:

$ nomad ui -authenticate
