import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import NodeModel from 'nomad-ui/models/node'; import pushPayloadToStore from '../../utils/push-payload-to-store'; import { settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; module('Unit | Serializer | Node', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); this.subject = () =>'node'); }); test('local store is culled to reflect the state of findAll requests', async function(assert) { const findAllResponse = [ makeNode('1', 'One', ''), makeNode('2', 'Two', ''), makeNode('3', 'Three', ''), ]; const payload = this.subject().normalizeFindAllResponse(, NodeModel, findAllResponse); pushPayloadToStore(, payload, NodeModel.modelName); assert.equal(, findAllResponse.length, 'Each original record is returned in the response' ); assert.equal( .peekAll('node') .filterBy('id') .get('length'), findAllResponse.length, 'Each original record is now in the store' ); const newFindAllResponse = [ makeNode('2', 'Two', ''), makeNode('3', 'Three', ''), makeNode('4', 'Four', ''), ]; let newPayload; run(() => { newPayload = this.subject().normalizeFindAllResponse(, NodeModel, newFindAllResponse ); }); pushPayloadToStore(, newPayload, NodeModel.modelName); await settled(); assert.equal(, newFindAllResponse.length, 'Each new record is returned in the response' ); assert.equal( .peekAll('node') .filterBy('id') .get('length'), newFindAllResponse.length, 'The node length in the store reflects the new response' ); assert.notOk('node').findBy('id', '1'), 'Record One is no longer found'); }); function makeNode(id, name, ip) { return { ID: id, Name: name, HTTPAddr: ip }; } const normalizationTestCases = [ { name: 'Normal', in: { ID: 'test-node', HTTPAddr: '867.53.0.9:4646', Drain: false, Drivers: { docker: { Detected: true, Healthy: false, }, }, HostVolumes: { one: { Name: 'one', ReadOnly: true, }, two: { Name: 'two', ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, out: { data: { id: 'test-node', type: 'node', attributes: { isDraining: false, httpAddr: '867.53.0.9:4646', drivers: [ { name: 'docker', detected: true, healthy: false, }, ], hostVolumes: [{ name: 'one', readOnly: true }, { name: 'two', readOnly: false }], }, relationships: { allocations: { links: { related: '/v1/node/test-node/allocations', }, }, }, }, }, }, { name: 'Dots in driver names', in: { ID: 'test-node', HTTPAddr: '867.53.0.9:4646', Drain: false, Drivers: { 'my.driver': { Detected: true, Healthy: false, }, 'my.other.driver': { Detected: false, Healthy: false, }, }, }, out: { data: { id: 'test-node', type: 'node', attributes: { isDraining: false, httpAddr: '867.53.0.9:4646', drivers: [ { name: 'my.driver', detected: true, healthy: false, }, { name: 'my.other.driver', detected: false, healthy: false, }, ], }, relationships: { allocations: { links: { related: '/v1/node/test-node/allocations', }, }, }, }, }, }, ]; normalizationTestCases.forEach(testCase => { test(`normalization: ${}`, async function(assert) { assert.deepEqual(this.subject().normalize(NodeModel,, testCase.out); }); }); });