import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; module('Unit | Model | allocation', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); }); test("When the allocation's job version matches the job's version, the task group comes from the job.", function(assert) { const job = run(() =>'job', { name: 'this-job', version: 1, taskGroups: [ { name: 'from-job', count: 1, task: [], }, ], }) ); const allocation = run(() =>'allocation', { job, jobVersion: 1, taskGroupName: 'from-job', allocationTaskGroup: { name: 'from-allocation', count: 1, task: [], }, }) ); assert.equal(allocation.get(''), 'from-job'); }); test("When the allocation's job version does not match the job's version, the task group comes from the alloc.", function(assert) { const job = run(() =>'job', { name: 'this-job', version: 1, taskGroups: [ { name: 'from-job', count: 1, task: [], }, ], }) ); const allocation = run(() =>'allocation', { job, jobVersion: 2, taskGroupName: 'from-job', allocationTaskGroup: { name: 'from-allocation', count: 1, task: [], }, }) ); assert.equal(allocation.get(''), 'from-allocation'); }); test("When the allocation's job version does not match the job's version and the allocation has no task group, then task group is null", async function(assert) { const job = run(() =>'job', { name: 'this-job', version: 1, taskGroups: [ { name: 'from-job', count: 1, task: [], }, ], }) ); const allocation = run(() =>'allocation', { job, jobVersion: 2, taskGroupName: 'from-job', }) ); assert.equal(allocation.get(''), null); }); });