import { find, findAll, render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import flat from 'flat'; const { flatten } = flat; module('Integration | Component | attributes table', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); const commonAttributes = { key: 'value', nested: { props: 'are', supported: 'just', fine: null, }, so: { are: { deeply: { nested: 'properties', like: 'these ones', }, }, }, }; test('should render a row for each key/value pair in a deep object', async function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.set('attributes', commonAttributes); await render(hbs``); const rowsCount = Object.keys(flatten(commonAttributes)).length; assert.equal( this.element.querySelectorAll( '[data-test-attributes-section] [data-test-value]' ).length, rowsCount, `Table has ${rowsCount} rows with values` ); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('should render the full path of key/value pair from the root of the object', async function (assert) { this.set('attributes', commonAttributes); await render(hbs``); assert.equal( find('[data-test-key]').textContent.trim(), 'key', 'Row renders the key' ); assert.equal( find('[data-test-value]').textContent.trim(), 'value', 'Row renders the value' ); const deepRow = findAll('[data-test-attributes-section]')[8]; assert.equal( deepRow.querySelector('[data-test-key]').textContent.trim(), 'so.are.deeply.nested', 'Complex row renders the full path to the key' ); assert.equal( deepRow.querySelector('[data-test-prefix]').textContent.trim(), 'so.are.deeply.', 'The prefix is faded to put emphasis on the attribute' ); assert.equal( deepRow.querySelector('[data-test-value]').textContent.trim(), 'properties' ); }); test('should render a row for key/value pairs even when the value is another object', async function (assert) { this.set('attributes', commonAttributes); await render(hbs``); const countOfParentRows = countOfParentKeys(commonAttributes); assert.equal( findAll('[data-test-heading]').length, countOfParentRows, 'Each key for a nested object gets a row with no value' ); }); function countOfParentKeys(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((count, key) => { const value = obj[key]; return isObject(value) ? count + 1 + countOfParentKeys(value) : count; }, 0); } function isObject(value) { return !Array.isArray(value) && value != null && typeof value === 'object'; } });