import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; export default { title: 'Components|Two-Step Button', }; export let Standard = () => { return { template: hbs`
Two-Step Button

`, }; }; export let Styled = () => { return { template: hbs`
Two-Step Button with class overrides

`, }; }; export let InTitle = () => { return { template: hbs`
Two-Step Button in title

This is a page title

`, }; }; export let InlineText = () => { return { template: hbs`
Two-Step Button with inline confirmation message

`, }; }; export let LoadingState = () => { return { template: hbs`
Two-Step Button loading state

This is a page title

Note: the state property is internal state and only used here to bypass the idle state for demonstration purposes.

`, }; };