Upgrade Tests ============= This directory has a set of scripts for Nomad upgrade testing. The cluster's configs are also included here. For ease of testing, the configs and node names use names like `"server1"` and `"client1"` and the data directories are in `"/tmp/server1"`, "/tmp/client1"`, etc Start a cluster =============== Use `run_cluster.sh` to start a 3 server, 2 client cluster locally. The script takes the path to the Nomad binary. For example, to run a 0.8.7 Nomad cluster do: ``` $ ./run_cluster.sh /path/to/Nomad0.8.7 ``` Run cluster also assumes that `consul` exists in your path and runs a dev agent Stop nodes ========== Use the `kill_node` script to stop nodes. Note that for quorum, you can only stop one server at a time. For example, to stop server1 do : ``` $ ./kill_node.sh server1 ``` This does `kill -9` and is not meant to test graceful shutdowns. To stop client1 do : ``` $ ./kill_node.sh client1 ``` Start nodes =========== Use the `run_node` script to start nodes. In general, upgrade testing involves shutting down a node that's running an older version of nomad and starting it back up with a newer binary. For example, to run Nomad 0.9 as server1 do: ``` $ ./run_node.sh /path/to/Nomad0.9 server1 ``` This will use the same data directory, and should rejoin the quorum Another example - to start client1 do : ``` $ ./run_node.sh /path/to/Nomad0.9 client1 ```