{{page-title "Tokens"}}

Access Control Tokens

Clusters that use Access Control Lists require tokens to perform certain tasks. By providing a token Secret ID, each future request will be authenticated, potentially authorizing read access to additional information. By providing a token Accessor ID, the policies and rules for the token will be listed.

Token Storage

Tokens are stored client-side in local storage. This will persist your token across sessions. You can manually clear your token here.

{{#unless this.tokenIsValid}}

Sent with every request to determine authorization

{{/unless}} {{#if this.tokenIsValid}}

Token Authenticated!

Your token is valid and authorized for the following policies.

{{/if}} {{#if this.tokenIsInvalid}}

Token Failed to Authenticate

The token secret you have provided does not match an existing token.

{{/if}} {{#if this.tokenRecord}}

Token: {{this.tokenRecord.name}}

AccessorID: {{this.tokenRecord.accessor}}
SecretID: {{this.tokenRecord.secret}}


{{#if (eq this.tokenRecord.type "management")}}
The management token has all permissions
{{else}} {{#each this.tokenRecord.policies as |policy|}}

{{#if policy.description}} {{policy.description}} {{else}} No description {{/if}}

{{/each}} {{/if}} {{/if}}