--- layout: "http" page_title: "HTTP API: JSON Job Specification" sidebar_current: "docs-http-json-jobs" description: |- Jobs can also be specified via the HTTP API using a JSON format. This guide discusses the job specification in JSON format. --- # Job Specification This guide covers the JSON syntax for submitting jobs to Nomad. A useful command for generating valid JSON versions of HCL jobs is `nomad run -output ` which will emit a JSON version of the job. ## JSON Syntax Below is an example of a JSON object that submits a `periodic` job to Nomad: ```json { "Job":{ "Region":"global", "ID":"example", "Name":"example", "Type":"batch", "Priority":50, "AllAtOnce":false, "Datacenters":[ "dc1" ], "Constraints":[ { "LTarget":"${attr.kernel.name}", "RTarget":"linux", "Operand":"=" } ], "TaskGroups":[ { "Name":"cache", "Count":1, "Constraints":null, "Tasks":[ { "Name":"redis", "Driver":"docker", "User":"foo-user", "Config":{ "image":"redis:latest", "port_map":[ { "db":6379 } ] }, "Constraints":null, "Env":{ "foo":"bar", "baz":"pipe" }, "Services":[ { "Name":"cache-redis", "Tags":[ "global", "cache" ], "PortLabel":"db", "Checks":[ { "Id":"", "Name":"alive", "Type":"tcp", "Command":"", "Args":null, "Path":"", "Protocol":"", "Interval":10000000000, "Timeout":2000000000 } ] } ], "Vault": { "Policies": ["policy-name"], "Env": true, "ChangeMode": "restart", "ChangeSignal": "" }, "Resources":{ "CPU":500, "MemoryMB":256, "DiskMB":300, "IOPS":0, "Networks":[ { "ReservedPorts":[ { "Label":"rpc", "Value":25566 } ], "DynamicPorts":[ { "Label":"db" } ], "MBits":10 } ] }, "Meta":{ "foo":"bar", "baz":"pipe" }, "KillTimeout":5000000000, "LogConfig":{ "MaxFiles":10, "MaxFileSizeMB":10 }, "Templates":[ { "SourcePath": "local/config.conf.tpl", "DestPath": "local/config.conf", "EmbeddedTmpl": "", "ChangeMode": "signal", "ChangeSignal": "SIGUSR1", "Splay": 5000000000 } ], "Artifacts":[ { "GetterSource":"http://foo.com/artifact.tar.gz", "GetterOptions":{ "checksum":"md5:c4aa853ad2215426eb7d70a21922e794" }, "RelativeDest":"local/" } ], "DispatchPayload": { "File": "config.json" } } ], "RestartPolicy":{ "Interval":300000000000, "Attempts":10, "Delay":25000000000, "Mode":"delay" }, "Meta":{ "foo":"bar", "baz":"pipe" } } ], "Update":{ "Stagger":10000000000, "MaxParallel":1 }, "Periodic":{ "Enabled":true, "Spec":"* * * * *", "SpecType":"cron", "ProhibitOverlap":true }, "Meta":{ "foo":"bar", "baz":"pipe" }, "ParameterizedJob": { "Payload": "required", "MetaRequired": [ "foo" ], "MetaOptional": [ "bar" ] }, "Payload": null } } ``` ## Syntax Reference Following is a syntax reference for the possible keys that are supported and their default values if any for each type of object. ### Job The `Job` object supports the following keys: * `AllAtOnce` - Controls if the entire set of tasks in the job must be placed atomically or if they can be scheduled incrementally. This should only be used for special circumstances. Defaults to `false`. * `Constraints` - A list to define additional constraints where a job can be run. See the constraint reference for more details. * `Datacenters` - A list of datacenters in the region which are eligible for task placement. This must be provided, and does not have a default. * `TaskGroups` - A list to define additional task groups. See the task group reference for more details. * `Meta` - Annotates the job with opaque metadata. * `ParameterizedJob` - Specifies the job as a paramterized job such that it can be dispatched against. The `ParamaterizedJob` object supports the following attributes: * `MetaOptional` - Specifies the set of metadata keys that may be provided when dispatching against the job as a string array. * `MetaRequired` - Specifies the set of metadata keys that must be provided when dispatching against the job as a string array. * `Payload` - Specifies the requirement of providing a payload when dispatching against the parameterized job. The options for this field are "optional", "required" and "forbidden". The default value is "optional". * `Payload` - The payload may not be set when submitting a job but may appear in a dispatched job. The `Payload` will be a base64 encoded string containing the payload that the job was dispatched with. The `payload` has a **maximum size of 16 KiB**. * `Priority` - Specifies the job priority which is used to prioritize scheduling and access to resources. Must be between 1 and 100 inclusively, and defaults to 50. * `Region` - The region to run the job in, defaults to "global". * `Type` - Specifies the job type and switches which scheduler is used. Nomad provides the `service`, `system` and `batch` schedulers, and defaults to `service`. To learn more about each scheduler type visit [here](/docs/runtime/schedulers.html) * `Update` - Specifies the task's update strategy. When omitted, rolling updates are disabled. The `Update` object supports the following attributes: * `MaxParallel` - `MaxParallel` is given as an integer value and specifies the number of tasks that can be updated at the same time. * `Stagger` - `Stagger` introduces a delay between sets of task updates and is given in nanoseconds. An example `Update` block: ```json { "Update": { "MaxParallel" : 3, "Stagger" : 10000000000 } } ``` * `Periodic` - `Periodic` allows the job to be scheduled at fixed times, dates or intervals. The periodic expression is always evaluated in the UTC timezone to ensure consistent evaluation when Nomad Servers span multiple time zones. The `Periodic` object is optional and supports the following attributes: * `Enabled` - `Enabled` determines whether the periodic job will spawn child jobs. * `time_zone` - Specifies the time zone to evaluate the next launch interval against. This is useful when wanting to account for day light savings in various time zones. The time zone must be parsable by Golang's [LoadLocation](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#LoadLocation). The default is UTC. * `SpecType` - `SpecType` determines how Nomad is going to interpret the periodic expression. `cron` is the only supported `SpecType` currently. * `Spec` - A cron expression configuring the interval the job is launched at. Supports predefined expressions such as "@daily" and "@weekly" See [here](https://github.com/gorhill/cronexpr#implementation) for full documentation of supported cron specs and the predefined expressions. * `ProhibitOverlap` - `ProhibitOverlap` can be set to true to enforce that the periodic job doesn't spawn a new instance of the job if any of the previous jobs are still running. It is defaulted to false. An example `periodic` block: ```json { "Periodic": { "Spec": "*/15 * * * * *" "SpecType": "cron", "Enabled": true, "ProhibitOverlap": true } } ``` ### Task Group `TaskGroups` is a list of `TaskGroup` objects, each supports the following attributes: * `Constraints` - This is a list of `Constraint` objects. See the constraint reference for more details. * `Count` - Specifies the number of the task groups that should be running. Must be non-negative, defaults to one. * `Meta` - A key-value map that annotates the task group with opaque metadata. * `Name` - The name of the task group. Must be specified. * `RestartPolicy` - Specifies the restart policy to be applied to tasks in this group. If omitted, a default policy for batch and non-batch jobs is used based on the job type. See the [restart policy reference](#restart_policy) for more details. * `Tasks` - A list of `Task` object that are part of the task group. ### Task The `Task` object supports the following keys: * `Artifacts` - `Artifacts` is a list of `Artifact` objects which define artifacts to be downloaded before the task is run. See the artifacts reference for more details. * `Config` - A map of key-value configuration passed into the driver to start the task. The details of configurations are specific to each driver. * `Constraints` - This is a list of `Constraint` objects. See the constraint reference for more details. - `DispatchPayload` - Configures the task to have access to dispatch payloads. The `DispatchPayload` object supports the following attributes: * `File` - Specifies the file name to write the content of dispatch payload to. The file is written relative to the task's local directory. * `Driver` - Specifies the task driver that should be used to run the task. See the [driver documentation](/docs/drivers/index.html) for what is available. Examples include `docker`, `qemu`, `java`, and `exec`. * `Env` - A map of key-value representing environment variables that will be passed along to the running process. Nomad variables are interpreted when set in the environment variable values. See the table of interpreted variables [here](/docs/runtime/interpolation.html). For example the below environment map will be reinterpreted: ```json { "Env": { "NODE_CLASS" : "${nomad.class}" } } ``` * `KillTimeout` - `KillTimeout` is a time duration in nanoseconds. It can be used to configure the time between signaling a task it will be killed and actually killing it. Drivers first sends a task the `SIGINT` signal and then sends `SIGTERM` if the task doesn't die after the `KillTimeout` duration has elapsed. The default `KillTimeout` is 5 seconds. * `leader` - Specifies whether the task is the leader task of the task group. If set to true, when the leader task completes, all other tasks within the task group will be gracefully shutdown. * `LogConfig` - This allows configuring log rotation for the `stdout` and `stderr` buffers of a Task. See the log rotation reference below for more details. * `Meta` - Annotates the task group with opaque metadata. * `Name` - The name of the task. This field is required. * `Resources` - Provides the resource requirements of the task. See the resources reference for more details. * `Services` - `Services` is a list of `Service` objects. Nomad integrates with Consul for service discovery. A `Service` object represents a routable and discoverable service on the network. Nomad automatically registers when a task is started and de-registers it when the task transitions to the dead state. [Click here](/docs/service-discovery/index.html) to learn more about services. Below is the fields in the `Service` object: * `Name`: An explicit name for the Service. Nomad will replace `${JOB}`, `${TASKGROUP}` and `${TASK}` by the name of the job, task group or task, respectively. `${BASE}` expands to the equivalent of `${JOB}-${TASKGROUP}-${TASK}`, and is the default name for a Service. Each service defined for a given task must have a distinct name, so if a task has multiple services only one of them can use the default name and the others must be explicitly named. Names must adhere to [RFC-1123 ยง2.1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123#section-2) and are limited to alphanumeric and hyphen characters (i.e. `[a-z0-9\-]`), and be less than 64 characters in length. * `Tags`: A list of string tags associated with this Service. String interpolation is supported in tags. * `PortLabel`: `PortLabel` is an optional string and is used to associate a port with the service. If specified, the port label must match one defined in the resources block. This could be a label of either a dynamic or a static port. * `Checks`: `Checks` is an array of check objects. A check object defines a health check associated with the service. Nomad supports the `script`, `http` and `tcp` Consul Checks. Script checks are not supported for the qemu driver since the Nomad client doesn't have access to the file system of a task using the Qemu driver. * `Type`: This indicates the check types supported by Nomad. Valid options are currently `script`, `http` and `tcp`. * `Name`: The name of the health check. * `Interval`: This indicates the frequency of the health checks that Consul will perform. * `Timeout`: This indicates how long Consul will wait for a health check query to succeed. * `Path`:The path of the http endpoint which Consul will query to query the health of a service if the type of the check is `http`. Nomad will add the IP of the service and the port, users are only required to add the relative URL of the health check endpoint. * `Protocol`: This indicates the protocol for the http checks. Valid options are `http` and `https`. We default it to `http`. * `Command`: This is the command that the Nomad client runs for doing script based health check. * `Args`: Additional arguments to the `command` for script based health checks. * `Templates` - Specifies the set of [`Template`](#template) objects to render for the task. Templates can be used to inject both static and dynamic configuration with data populated from environment variables, Consul and Vault. * `User` - Set the user that will run the task. It defaults to the same user the Nomad client is being run as. This can only be set on Linux platforms. ### Resources The `Resources` object supports the following keys: * `CPU` - The CPU required in MHz. * `DiskMB` - The disk required in MB. * `IOPS` - The number of IOPS required given as a weight between 10-1000. * `MemoryMB` - The memory required in MB. * `Networks` - A list of network objects. The Network object supports the following keys: * `MBits` - The number of MBits in bandwidth required. Nomad can allocate two types of ports to a task - Dynamic and Static/Reserved ports. A network object allows the user to specify a list of `DynamicPorts` and `ReservedPorts`. Each object supports the following attributes: * `Value` - The port number for static ports. If the port is dynamic, then this attribute is ignored. * `Label` - The label to annotate a port so that it can be referred in the service discovery block or environment variables. ### Restart Policy The `RestartPolicy` object supports the following keys: * `Attempts` - `Attempts` is the number of restarts allowed in an `Interval`. * `Interval` - `Interval` is a time duration that is specified in nanoseconds. The `Interval` begins when the first task starts and ensures that only `Attempts` number of restarts happens within it. If more than `Attempts` number of failures happen, behavior is controlled by `Mode`. * `Delay` - A duration to wait before restarting a task. It is specified in nanoseconds. A random jitter of up to 25% is added to the delay. * `Mode` - `Mode` is given as a string and controls the behavior when the task fails more than `Attempts` times in an `Interval`. Possible values are listed below: * `delay` - `delay` will delay the next restart until the next `Interval` is reached. * `fail` - `fail` will not restart the task again. ### Constraint The `Constraint` object supports the following keys: * `LTarget` - Specifies the attribute to examine for the constraint. See the table of attributes [here](/docs/runtime/interpolation.html#interpreted_node_vars). * `RTarget` - Specifies the value to compare the attribute against. This can be a literal value, another attribute or a regular expression if the `Operator` is in "regexp" mode. * `Operand` - Specifies the test to be performed on the two targets. It takes on the following values: * `regexp` - Allows the `RTarget` to be a regular expression to be matched. * `set_contains` - Allows the `RTarget` to be a comma separated list of values that should be contained in the LTarget's value. * `distinct_host` - If set, the scheduler will not co-locate any task groups on the same machine. This can be specified as a job constraint which applies the constraint to all task groups in the job, or as a task group constraint which scopes the effect to just that group. Placing the constraint at both the job level and at the task group level is redundant since when placed at the job level, the constraint will be applied to all task groups. When specified, `LTarget` and `RTarget` should be omitted. * Comparison Operators - `=`, `==`, `is`, `!=`, `not`, `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`. The ordering is compared lexically. ### Log Rotation The `LogConfig` object configures the log rotation policy for a task's `stdout` and `stderr`. The `LogConfig` object supports the following attributes: * `MaxFiles` - The maximum number of rotated files Nomad will retain for `stdout` and `stderr`, each tracked individually. * `MaxFileSizeMB` - The size of each rotated file. The size is specified in `MB`. If the amount of disk resource requested for the task is less than the total amount of disk space needed to retain the rotated set of files, Nomad will return a validation error when a job is submitted. ```json { "LogConfig": { "MaxFiles": 3, "MaxFileSizeMB": 10 } } ``` In the above example we have asked Nomad to retain 3 rotated files for both `stderr` and `stdout` and size of each file is 10MB. The minimum disk space that would be required for the task would be 60MB. ### Artifact Nomad downloads artifacts using [`go-getter`](https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter). The `go-getter` library allows downloading of artifacts from various sources using a URL as the input source. The key-value pairs given in the `options` block map directly to parameters appended to the supplied `source` URL. These are then used by `go-getter` to appropriately download the artifact. `go-getter` also has a CLI tool to validate its URL and can be used to check if the Nomad `artifact` is valid. Nomad allows downloading `http`, `https`, and `S3` artifacts. If these artifacts are archives (zip, tar.gz, bz2, etc.), these will be unarchived before the task is started. The `Artifact` object supports the following keys: * `GetterSource` - The path to the artifact to download. * `RelativeDest` - An optional path to download the artifact into relative to the root of the task's directory. If omitted, it will default to `local/`. * `GetterOptions` - A `map[string]string` block of options for `go-getter`. Full documentation of supported options are available [here](https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter/tree/ef5edd3d8f6f482b775199be2f3734fd20e04d4a#protocol-specific-options-1). An example is given below: ```json { "GetterOptions": { "checksum": "md5:c4aa853ad2215426eb7d70a21922e794", "aws_access_key_id": "", "aws_access_key_secret": "", "aws_access_token": "" } } ``` An example of downloading and unzipping an archive is as simple as: ```json { "Artifacts": [ { "GetterSource": "https://example.com/my.zip", "GetterOptions": { "checksum": "md5:7f4b3e3b4dd5150d4e5aaaa5efada4c3" } } ] } ``` #### S3 examples S3 has several different types of addressing and more detail can be found [here](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingBucket.html#access-bucket-intro) S3 region specific endpoints can be found [here](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region) Path based style: ```json { "Artifacts": [ { "GetterSource": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my-bucket-example/my_app.tar.gz", } ] } ``` or to override automatic detection in the URL, use the S3-specific syntax ```json { "Artifacts": [ { "GetterSource": "s3::https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-bucket-example/my_app.tar.gz", } ] } ``` Virtual hosted based style ```json { "Artifacts": [ { "GetterSource": "my-bucket-example.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_app.tar.gz", } ] } ``` ### Template The `Template` block instantiates an instance of a template renderer. This creates a convenient way to ship configuration files that are populated from environment variables, Consul data, Vault secrets, or just general configurations within a Nomad task. Nomad utilizes a tool called [Consul Template][ct]. Since Nomad v0.5.3, the template can reference [Nomad's runtime environment variables][env]. For a full list of the API template functions, please refer to the [Consul Template README][ct]. `Template` object supports following attributes: * `SourcePath` - Specifies the path to the template to be rendered. `SourcePath` is mutually exclusive with `EmbeddedTmpl` attribute. The source can be fetched using an [`Artifact`](#artifact) resource. The template must exist on the machine prior to starting the task; it is not possible to reference a template inside of a Docker container, for example. * `EmbeddedTmpl` - Specifies the raw template to execute. One of `SourcePath` or `EmbeddedTmpl` must be specified, but not both. This is useful for smaller templates, but we recommend using `SourcePath` for larger templates. * `DestPath` - Specifies the location where the resulting template should be rendered, relative to the task directory. - `ChangeMode` - Specifies the behavior Nomad should take if the rendered template changes. The default value is `"restart"`. The possible values are: - `"noop"` - take no action (continue running the task) - `"restart"` - restart the task - `"signal"` - send a configurable signal to the task * `ChangeSignal` - Specifies the signal to send to the task as a string like "SIGUSR1" or "SIGINT". This option is required if the `ChangeMode` is `signal`. * `perms` - Specifies the rendered template's permissions. File permissions are given as octal of the unix file permissions rwxrwxrwx. * `Splay` - Specifies a random amount of time to wait between 0ms and the given splay value before invoking the change mode. Should be specified in nanoseconds. ```json { "Templates": [ { "SourcePath": "local/config.conf.tpl", "DestPath": "local/config.conf", "EmbeddedTmpl": "", "ChangeMode": "signal", "ChangeSignal": "SIGUSR1", "Splay": 5000000000 } ] } ``` [ct]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template "Consul Template by HashiCorp" [env]: /docs/runtime/environment.html "Nomad Runtime Environment"