import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import ScaleEventModel from 'nomad-ui/models/scale-event'; module('Unit | Serializer | Scale Event', function (hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); this.subject = () =>'scale-event'); }); const sampleDate = new Date('2020-12-07T00:00:00'); const normalizationTestCases = [ { name: 'Normal', in: { Count: null, CreateIndex: 16, Error: true, EvalID: null, Message: 'job scaling blocked due to active deployment', Meta: { OriginalCount: 3, OriginalMessage: 'submitted using the Nomad CLI', OriginalMeta: null, }, PreviousCount: 1, Time: +sampleDate * 1000000, }, out: { data: { attributes: { count: null, error: true, message: 'job scaling blocked due to active deployment', meta: { OriginalCount: 3, OriginalMessage: 'submitted using the Nomad CLI', OriginalMeta: null, }, previousCount: 1, time: sampleDate, timeNanos: 0, }, relationships: {}, type: 'scale-event', id: null, }, }, }, { name: 'No meta', in: { Count: 3, CreateIndex: 23, Error: false, EvalID: '753bb12c-345e-22b2-f0b4-17f84239b98b', Message: 'submitted using the Nomad CLI', Meta: null, PreviousCount: 1, Time: +sampleDate * 1000000, }, out: { data: { attributes: { count: 3, error: false, message: 'submitted using the Nomad CLI', meta: {}, previousCount: 1, time: sampleDate, timeNanos: 0, }, relationships: {}, type: 'scale-event', id: null, }, }, }, ]; normalizationTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { test(`normalization: ${}`, async function (assert) { assert.deepEqual( this.subject().normalize(ScaleEventModel,, testCase.out ); }); }); });