/* eslint-disable qunit/require-expect */ import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import pageSizeSelect from './behaviors/page-size-select'; import PluginAllocations from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/storage/plugins/plugin/allocations'; module('Acceptance | plugin allocations', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); let plugin; hooks.beforeEach(function () { server.create('node'); window.localStorage.clear(); }); test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function (assert) { plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: true, controllersExpected: 3, nodesExpected: 3, }); await PluginAllocations.visit({ id: plugin.id }); await a11yAudit(assert); }); test('/csi/plugins/:id/allocations shows all allocations in a single table', async function (assert) { plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: true, controllersExpected: 3, nodesExpected: 3, }); await PluginAllocations.visit({ id: plugin.id }); assert.equal(PluginAllocations.allocations.length, 6); }); pageSizeSelect({ resourceName: 'allocation', pageObject: PluginAllocations, pageObjectList: PluginAllocations.allocations, async setup() { const total = PluginAllocations.pageSize; plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: true, controllersExpected: Math.floor(total / 2), nodesExpected: Math.ceil(total / 2), }); await PluginAllocations.visit({ id: plugin.id }); }, }); testFacet('Health', { facet: PluginAllocations.facets.health, paramName: 'healthy', async beforeEach() { plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: true, controllersExpected: 3, nodesExpected: 3, }); await PluginAllocations.visit({ id: plugin.id }); }, filter: (allocation, selection) => selection.includes(allocation.healthy.toString()), }); testFacet('Type', { facet: PluginAllocations.facets.type, paramName: 'type', async beforeEach() { plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: true, controllersExpected: 3, nodesExpected: 3, }); await PluginAllocations.visit({ id: plugin.id }); }, filter: (allocation, selection) => { if (selection.length === 0 || selection.length === 2) return true; if (selection[0] === 'controller') return plugin.controllers.models.includes(allocation); return plugin.nodes.models.includes(allocation); }, }); function testFacet(label, { facet, paramName, beforeEach, filter }) { test(`the ${label} facet filters the allocations list by ${label}`, async function (assert) { let option; await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); option = facet.options.objectAt(0); await option.toggle(); const selection = [option.key]; const allAllocations = [ ...plugin.controllers.models, ...plugin.nodes.models, ]; const expectedAllocations = allAllocations .filter((allocation) => filter(allocation, selection)) .sortBy('updateTime'); PluginAllocations.allocations.forEach((allocation, index) => { assert.equal(allocation.id, expectedAllocations[index].allocID); }); }); test(`selecting multiple options in the ${label} facet results in a broader search`, async function (assert) { const selection = []; await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); const option1 = facet.options.objectAt(0); const option2 = facet.options.objectAt(1); await option1.toggle(); selection.push(option1.key); await option2.toggle(); selection.push(option2.key); const allAllocations = [ ...plugin.controllers.models, ...plugin.nodes.models, ]; const expectedAllocations = allAllocations .filter((allocation) => filter(allocation, selection)) .sortBy('updateTime'); PluginAllocations.allocations.forEach((allocation, index) => { assert.equal(allocation.id, expectedAllocations[index].allocID); }); }); test(`selecting options in the ${label} facet updates the ${paramName} query param`, async function (assert) { const selection = []; await beforeEach(); await facet.toggle(); const option1 = facet.options.objectAt(0); const option2 = facet.options.objectAt(1); await option1.toggle(); selection.push(option1.key); await option2.toggle(); selection.push(option2.key); const queryString = `${paramName}=${window.encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify(selection) )}`; assert.equal( currentURL(), `/csi/plugins/${plugin.id}/allocations?${queryString}` ); }); } });