# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) *.o *.a *.so *.log /*.hcl .DS_Store Thumbs.db .idea # Folders _obj _test # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes *.[568vq] [568vq].out *.cgo1.go *.cgo2.c _cgo_defun.c _cgo_gotypes.go _cgo_export.* _testmain.go *.exe *.test *.prof /tags /bin/ /pkg/ .vagrant website/build/ website/npm-debug.log *.old *.attr # Test file exit-code # Don't commit uncompressed state test files client/state/testdata/*.db ui/.sass-cache ui/static/base.css ui/static/application.min.js ui/dist/ *.swp *.iml website/.bundle website/vendor # init outputs example.nomad spec.hcl volume.hcl nomad_linux_amd64 nomad_darwin_amd64 TODO.md codecgen-*.generated.go **/structs.generated.go GNUMakefile.local # Terraform state and locking files. .terraform *.tfstate* .terraform.lock.hcl rkt-* ./idea *.iml # UI rules # compiled output /ui/dist /ui/tmp # dependencies /ui/node_modules /ui/bower_components # misc /ui/.sass-cache /ui/.eslintcache /ui/.storybook/preview-head.html /ui/connect.lock /ui/coverage/* /ui/libpeerconnection.log /ui/npm-debug.log* /ui/testem.log /ui/.env* /ui/.pnp* .ignore # ember-try /ui/.node_modules.ember-try/ /ui/bower.json.ember-try /ui/package.json.ember-try # generated routes file command/agent/bindata_assetfs.go # auto-generated cert file for Terraform/Azure azure-hashistack.pem # generated keys for e2e tests e2e/terraform/keys/ # debug bundles nomad-debug-* # locally compiled ecs driver for e2e testing e2e/terraform/packer/ubuntu-bionic-amd64/nomad-driver-ecs # generated variables for e2e tests e2e/remotetasks/input/ecs.vars # local terraform overrides *.auto.tfvars