import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { action, set } from '@ember/object'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale'; import { extent } from 'd3-array'; import RSVP from 'rsvp'; export default class TopoViz extends Component { @tracked heightScale = null; @tracked isLoaded = false; @tracked element = null; @tracked topology = {}; @tracked activeAllocation = null; @tracked activeEdges = []; get activeTaskGroup() { return this.activeAllocation && this.activeAllocation.taskGroupName; } get activeJobId() { return this.activeAllocation && this.activeAllocation.belongsTo('job').id(); } dataForNode(node) { return { node, datacenter: node.datacenter, memory: node.resources.memory, cpu: node.resources.cpu, allocations: [], }; } dataForAllocation(allocation, node) { const jobId = allocation.belongsTo('job').id(); return { allocation, node, jobId, groupKey: JSON.stringify([jobId, allocation.taskGroupName]), memory: allocation.resources.memory, cpu: allocation.resources.cpu, memoryPercent: allocation.resources.memory / node.memory, cpuPercent: allocation.resources.cpu / node.cpu, isSelected: false, }; } @task(function*() { const nodes = this.args.nodes; const allocations = this.args.allocations; // Nodes are probably partials and we'll need the resources on them // TODO: this is an API update waiting to happen. yield RSVP.all( => (node.isPartial ? node.reload() : RSVP.resolve(node)))); // Wrap nodes in a topo viz specific data structure and build an index to speed up allocation assignment const nodeContainers = []; const nodeIndex = {}; nodes.forEach(node => { const container = this.dataForNode(node); nodeContainers.push(container); nodeIndex[] = container; }); // Wrap allocations in a topo viz specific data structure, assign allocations to nodes, and build an allocation // index keyed off of job and task group const allocationIndex = {}; allocations.forEach(allocation => { const nodeId = allocation.belongsTo('node').id(); const nodeContainer = nodeIndex[nodeId]; if (!nodeContainer) throw new Error(`Node ${nodeId} for alloc ${} not in index???`); const allocationContainer = this.dataForAllocation(allocation, nodeContainer); nodeContainer.allocations.push(allocationContainer); const key = allocationContainer.groupKey; if (!allocationIndex[key]) allocationIndex[key] = []; allocationIndex[key].push(allocationContainer); }); // Group nodes into datacenters const datacentersMap = nodeContainers.reduce((datacenters, nodeContainer) => { if (!datacenters[nodeContainer.datacenter]) datacenters[nodeContainer.datacenter] = []; datacenters[nodeContainer.datacenter].push(nodeContainer); return datacenters; }, {}); // Turn hash of datacenters into a sorted array const datacenters = Object.keys(datacentersMap) .map(key => ({ name: key, nodes: datacentersMap[key] })) .sortBy('name'); const topology = { datacenters, allocationIndex, selectedKey: null, heightScale: scaleLinear() .range([15, 40]) .domain(extent(nodeContainers.mapBy('memory'))), }; this.topology = topology; }) buildTopology; @action async loadNodes() { await RSVP.all( => node.reload())); // TODO: Make the range dynamic based on the extent of the domain this.heightScale = scaleLinear() .range([15, 40]) .domain(extent( => node.resources.memory))); this.isLoaded = true; // schedule masonry run.schedule('afterRender', () => { this.masonry(); }); } @action masonry() { => { const datacenterSections = this.element.querySelectorAll('.topo-viz-datacenter'); const elementStyles = window.getComputedStyle(this.element); if (!elementStyles) return; const rowHeight = parseInt(elementStyles.getPropertyValue('grid-auto-rows')) || 0; const rowGap = parseInt(elementStyles.getPropertyValue('grid-row-gap')) || 0; if (!rowHeight) return; for (let dc of datacenterSections) { const contents = dc.querySelector('.masonry-container'); const height = contents.getBoundingClientRect().height; const rowSpan = Math.ceil((height + rowGap) / (rowHeight + rowGap)); = `span ${rowSpan}`; } }); } @action captureElement(element) { this.element = element; } @action associateAllocations(allocation) { if (this.activeAllocation === allocation) { this.activeAllocation = null; this.activeEdges = []; if (this.topology.selectedKey) { const selectedAllocations = this.topology.allocationIndex[this.topology.selectedKey]; if (selectedAllocations) { selectedAllocations.forEach(allocation => { set(allocation, 'isSelected', false); }); } set(this.topology, 'selectedKey', null); } } else { this.activeAllocation = allocation; const selectedAllocations = this.topology.allocationIndex[this.topology.selectedKey]; if (selectedAllocations) { selectedAllocations.forEach(allocation => { set(allocation, 'isSelected', false); }); } set(this.topology, 'selectedKey', allocation.groupKey); const newAllocations = this.topology.allocationIndex[this.topology.selectedKey]; if (newAllocations) { newAllocations.forEach(allocation => { set(allocation, 'isSelected', true); }); } this.computedActiveEdges(); } if (this.args.onAllocationSelect) this.args.onAllocationSelect(this.activeAllocation && this.activeAllocation.allocation); } @action computedActiveEdges() { // Wait a render cycle => { const activeEl = this.element.querySelector( `[data-allocation-id="${}"]` ); const selectedAllocations = this.element.querySelectorAll('.memory'); const activeBBox = activeEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const vLeft = window.visualViewport.pageLeft; const vTop = window.visualViewport.pageTop; const edges = []; for (let allocation of selectedAllocations) { if (allocation !== activeEl) { const bbox = allocation.getBoundingClientRect(); edges.push({ x1: activeBBox.x + activeBBox.width / 2 + vLeft, y1: activeBBox.y + activeBBox.height / 2 + vTop, x2: bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 + vLeft, y2: bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 + vTop, }); } } this.activeEdges = edges; }); // get element for active alloc // get element for all selected allocs // draw lines between centroid of each } }