layout: "docs"
page_title: "artifact Stanza - Job Specification"
sidebar_current: "docs-job-specification-artifact"
description: |-
The "artifact" stanza instructs Nomad to fetch and unpack a remote resource,
such as a file, tarball, or binary, and permits downloading artifacts from a
variety of locations using a URL as the input source.
# `artifact` Stanza
Placement |
job -> group -> task -> **artifact**
The `artifact` stanza instructs Nomad to fetch and unpack a remote resource,
such as a file, tarball, or binary. Nomad downloads artifacts using the popular
[`go-getter`][go-getter] library, which permits downloading artifacts from a
variety of locations using a URL as the input source.
job "docs" {
group "example" {
task "server" {
artifact {
source = "https://example.com/file.tar.gz"
destination = "/tmp/file"
options {
checksum = "md5:df6a4178aec9fbdc1d6d7e3634d1bc33"
Nomad supports downloading `http`, `https`, `git`, `hg` and `S3` artifacts. If
these artifacts are archived (`zip`, `tgz`, `bz2`), they are automatically
unarchived before the starting the task.
## `artifact` Parameters
- `destination` `(string: "local/$1")` - Specifies the path to download the
artifact, relative to the root of the task's directory. If omitted, the
default value is to place the binary in `local/`. The destination is treated
as a directory and source files will be downloaded into that directory path.
- `options` `(map: nil)` - Specifies configuration parameters to
fetch the artifact. The key-value pairs map directly to parameters appended to
the supplied `source` URL. Please see the [`go-getter`
documentation][go-getter] for a complete list of options and examples
- `source` `(string: )` - Specifies the URL of the artifact to download.
See [`go-getter`][go-getter] for details.
## `artifact` Examples
The following examples only show the `artifact` stanzas. Remember that the
`artifact` stanza is only valid in the placements listed above.
### Download File
This example downloads the artifact from the provided URL and places it in
`local/file.txt`. The `local/` path is relative to the task's directory.
artifact {
source = "https://example.com/file.txt"
### Download with Custom Destination
This example downloads the artifact from the provided URL and places it at
`/tmp/example.txt`, as specified by the optional `destination` parameter.
artifact {
source = "https://example.com/file.txt"
destination = "/tmp/example.txt"
### Download and Unarchive
This example downloads and unarchives the result in `local/file`. Because the
source URL is an archive extension, Nomad will automatically decompress it:
artifact {
source = "https://example.com/file.tar.gz"
To disable automatic unarchiving, set the `archive` option to false:
artifact {
source = "https://example.com/file.tar.gz"
options {
archive = false
### Download and Verify Checksums
This example downloads an artifact and verifies the resulting artifact's
checksum before proceeding. If the checksum is invalid, an error will be
artifact {
source = "https://example.com/file.zip"
options {
checksum = "md5:df6a4178aec9fbdc1d6d7e3634d1bc33"
### Download from an S3 Bucket
These examples download artifacts from Amazon S3. There are several different
types of [S3 bucket addressing][s3-bucket-addr] and [S3 region-specific
This example uses path-based notation on a publicly-accessible bucket:
artifact {
source = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my-bucket-example/my_app.tar.gz"
If a bucket requires authentication, it may be supplied via the `options`
artifact {
options {
aws_access_key_id = ""
aws_access_key_secret = ""
aws_access_token = ""
To force the S3-specific syntax, use the `s3::` prefix:
artifact {
source = "s3::https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-bucket-example/my_app.tar.gz"
Alternatively you can use virtual hosted style:
artifact {
source = "https://my-bucket-example.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_app.tar.gz"
[go-getter]: https://github.com/hashicorp/go-getter "HashiCorp go-getter Library"
[s3-bucket-addr]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingBucket.html#access-bucket-intro "Amazon S3 Bucket Addressing"
[s3-region-endpoints]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region "Amazon S3 Region Endpoints"