layout: "docs"
page_title: "logs Stanza - Job Specification"
sidebar_current: "docs-job-specification-logs"
description: |-
The "logs" stanza configures the log rotation policy for a task's stdout and
stderr. Logging is enabled by default with sane defaults. The "logs" stanza
allows for finer-grained control over how Nomad handles log files.
# `logs` Stanza
Placement |
job -> group -> task -> **logs**
The `logs` stanza configures the log rotation policy for a task's `stdout` and
`stderr`. Logging is enabled by default with sane defaults (provided in the
parameters section below), and there is currently no way to disable logging for
tasks. The `logs` stanza allows for finer-grained control over how Nomad handles
log files.
job "docs" {
group "example" {
task "server" {
logs {
max_files = 10
max_file_size = 10
For information on how to interact with logs after they have been configured, please see the [`nomad logs`][logs-command] command.
## `logs` Parameters
- `max_files` `(int: 10)` - Specifies the maximum number of rotated files Nomad
will retain for `stdout` and `stderr`. Each stream is tracked individually, so
specifying a value of 2 will create 4 files - 2 for stdout and 2 for stderr
- `max_file_size` `(int: 10)` - Specifies the maximum size of each rotated file
in `MB`. If the amount of disk resource requested for the task is less than
the total amount of disk space needed to retain the rotated set of files,
Nomad will return a validation error when a job is submitted.
## `logs` Examples
The following examples only show the `logs` stanzas. Remember that the
`logs` stanza is only valid in the placements listed above.
### Configure Defaults
This example shows a default logging configuration. Yes, it is empty on purpose.
Nomad automatically enables logging with sane defaults as described in the
parameters section above.
### Customization
This example asks Nomad to retain 3 rotated files for each of `stderr` and
`stdout`, each a maximum size of 5MB per file. The minimum disk space this
would require is 60MB (3 `stderr` + 3 `stdout` × 5MB = 30MB).
logs {
max_files = 3
max_file_size = 5
[logs-command]: /docs/commands/logs.html "Nomad logs command"