/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Ember from 'ember'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import RSVP from 'rsvp'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { AbortController } from 'fetch'; import wait from 'nomad-ui/utils/wait'; import Watchable from 'nomad-ui/adapters/watchable'; import config from 'nomad-ui/config/environment'; const isEnabled = config.APP.blockingQueries !== false; export function watchRecord(modelName) { return task(function* (id, throttle = 2000) { assert( 'To watch a record, the record adapter MUST extend Watchable', this.store.adapterFor(modelName) instanceof Watchable ); if (typeof id === 'object') { id = get(id, 'id'); } while (isEnabled && !Ember.testing) { const controller = new AbortController(); try { yield RSVP.all([ this.store.findRecord(modelName, id, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true, abortController: controller }, }), wait(throttle), ]); } catch (e) { yield e; break; } finally { controller.abort(); } } }).drop(); } export function watchRelationship(relationshipName, replace = false) { return task(function* (model, throttle = 2000) { assert( 'To watch a relationship, the adapter of the model provided to the watchRelationship task MUST extend Watchable', this.store.adapterFor(model.constructor.modelName) instanceof Watchable ); while (isEnabled && !Ember.testing) { const controller = new AbortController(); try { yield RSVP.all([ this.store .adapterFor(model.constructor.modelName) .reloadRelationship(model, relationshipName, { watch: true, abortController: controller, replace, }), wait(throttle), ]); } catch (e) { yield e; break; } finally { controller.abort(); } } }).drop(); } export function watchNonStoreRecords(modelName) { return task(function* (model, asyncCallbackName, throttle = 5000) { assert( 'To watch a non-store records, the adapter of the model provided to the watchNonStoreRecords task MUST extend Watchable', this.store.adapterFor(modelName) instanceof Watchable ); while (isEnabled && !Ember.testing) { const controller = new AbortController(); try { yield model[asyncCallbackName](); yield wait(throttle); } catch (e) { yield e; break; } finally { controller.abort(); } } }).drop(); } export function watchAll(modelName) { return task(function* (throttle = 2000) { assert( 'To watch all, the respective adapter MUST extend Watchable', this.store.adapterFor(modelName) instanceof Watchable ); while (isEnabled && !Ember.testing) { const controller = new AbortController(); try { yield RSVP.all([ this.store.findAll(modelName, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true, abortController: controller }, }), wait(throttle), ]); } catch (e) { yield e; break; } finally { controller.abort(); } } }).drop(); } export function watchQuery(modelName) { return task(function* (params, throttle = 10000) { assert( 'To watch a query, the adapter for the type being queried MUST extend Watchable', this.store.adapterFor(modelName) instanceof Watchable ); while (isEnabled && !Ember.testing) { const controller = new AbortController(); try { yield RSVP.all([ this.store.query(modelName, params, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true, abortController: controller }, }), wait(throttle), ]); } catch (e) { yield e; break; } finally { controller.abort(); } } }).drop(); }