Buck Doyle
Fix audit workflow action versions ( #9877 )
This fixes the version reference error seen in this workflow failure:
I’ve also included an update to the sticky comment action version to address this warning in the above link:
marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@33a6cfb looks like the shortened version of a commit SHA. Referencing actions by the short SHA will be disabled soon. Please see https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/security-hardening-for-github-actions#using-third-party-actions .
We were previously using 33a6cfb after the maintainer merged my PR to allow the comment to be read from a file, there was no released version with that, but it’s now included in v2.0.0.
2021-01-26 09:06:22 -06:00
Buck Doyle
Change to fork of audit to log flaky tests ( #9518 )
This will report the names of flaky tests instead of just counting them.
2021-01-21 08:25:16 -06:00
Buck Doyle
Remove minor version from audit comparison action ( #8048 )
Making this less specific means we can benefit from updates
to the action without needing to change the workflow, such
as the bug fix in backspace/ember-test-audit-comparison-action@a87d252 ,
which addresses the incorrect duration delta here:
2020-05-26 15:34:12 -05:00
Buck Doyle
Add test-timing comparison for UI PRs ( #7929 )
This runs ember-test-audit for UI PRs to compare how long
the tests take for the base vs the PR. It posts or updates
a comparison of times and test count.
It’s somewhat slow to report back as it runs the test suite
three times to even out variability in a shared environment.
If we end up being unhappy with that slowness, we could try
running the repetitions in parallel as well, but that would
involve more changes to ember-test-audit.
2020-05-21 11:41:13 -05:00