We recently ran into an issue on a small percentage of nomad-clients
where the nomad-client was running successfully, but due to a race
condition, could not correctly bind to the docker socket. This caused
all of our nomad jobs to be allocated to a single nomad-client instead
of being spread evenly across our clients. The only way to discover this
was to run `nomad node-status <node>` and count each job allocation per
This can lead to a fairly long debugging process if there are several
nomad-clients. Including the number of allocations for each node in the
`node-status` command would save a large amount of debug time.
jake@biscuits [12:08:41] [~]
-> % nomad node-status
ID Datacenter Name Class Drain Status Allocations
2b0aabc5 dc1 biscuits <none> false ready 0
jake@biscuits [12:08:55] [~]
-> % nomad node-status
ID Datacenter Name Class Drain Status Allocations
2b0aabc5 dc1 biscuits <none> false ready 1