node drain: use msgtype on txn so that events are emitted
wip: encoding extension to add Node.Drain field back to API responses
new approach for hiding Node.SecretID in the API, using `json` tag
documented this approach in the contributing guide
refactored the JSON handlers with extensions
modified event stream encoding to use the go-msgpack encoders with the extensions
* use msgtype in upsert node
adds message type to signature for upsert node, update tests, remove placeholder method
* UpsertAllocs msg type test setup
* use upsertallocs with msg type in signature
update test usage of delete node
delete placeholder msgtype method
* add msgtype to upsert evals signature, update test call sites with test setup msg type
handle snapshot upsert eval outside of FSM and ignore eval event
remove placeholder upsertevalsmsgtype
handle job plan rpc and prevent event creation for plan
msgtype cleanup upsertnodeevents
updatenodedrain msgtype
msg type 0 is a node registration event, so set the default to the ignore type
* fix named import
* fix signature ordering on upsertnode to match
* Truncate all UUID identifiers to eight characters by default
* Refactor the node identifier to an auto-generated UUID
* Created and updated tests and mocks
* Reverted changes to get methods
* Added prefix query parameter
* Updated node status to use prefix based searching
* Fixed tests
* Removed truncation logic