This ensures that server-to-server streaming RPC calls use the tls
wrapped connections.
Prior to this, `streamingRpcImpl` function uses tls for setting header
and invoking the rpc method, but returns unwrapped tls connection.
Thus, streaming writes fail with tls errors.
This tls streaming bug existed since 0.8.0[1], but PR #5654[2]
exacerbated it in 0.9.2. Prior to PR #5654, nomad client used to
shuffle servers at every heartbeat -- `servers.Manager.setServers`[3]
always shuffled servers and was called by heartbeat code[4]. Shuffling
servers meant that a nomad client would heartbeat and establish a
connection against all nomad servers eventually. When handling
streaming RPC calls, nomad servers used these local connection to
communicate directly to the client. The server-to-server forwarding
logic was left mostly unexercised.
PR #5654 means that a nomad client may connect to a single server only
and caused the server-to-server forward streaming RPC code to get
exercised more and unearthed the problem.
- updated region in job metadata that gets persisted to nomad datastore
- fixed many unrelated unit tests that used an invalid region value
(they previously passed because hcl wasn't getting picked up and
the job would default to global region)
This PR introduces an ack allowing the receiving end of the streaming
RPC to return any error that may have occured during the establishment
of the streaming RPC.