Our E2E test environment is deployed with mTLS, but it's impractical
for us to use mTLS in headless browsers for automated testing (or even
in manual testing). Provide certificates for proxying the web UI via
Nginx. This proxy uses client certs for proxying to the HTTP endpoint
and a self-signed cert for the browser-facing endpoint. We can accept
certificate errors in the automated tests we'll be adding in the next
step of this work.
While working on infrastructure for testing the UI in E2E, we needed
to upgrade the certificate provider. Performing a provider upgrade via
the TF `init -upgrade` brought in updates for the file and AWS
providers as well. These updates include deprecating the use of
`sensitive_content` fields, removing CA algorithm parameters that can
be inferred from keys, and removing the requirement to manually
specify AWS assume role parameters in the provider config if they're
available in the calling environment's AWS config file (as they are
via doormat or our E2E environment).
Use HCP Consul and HCP Vault for the Consul and Vault clusters used in E2E testing. This has the following benefits:
* Without the need to support mTLS bootstrapping for Consul and Vault, we can simplify the mTLS configuration by leaning on Terraform instead of janky bash shell scripting.
* Vault bootstrapping is no longer required, so we can eliminate even more janky shell scripting
* Our E2E exercises HCP, which is important to us as an organization
* With the reduction in configurability, we can simplify the Terraform configuration and drop the complicated `provision.sh`/`provision.ps1` scripts we were using previously. We can template Nomad configuration files and upload them with the `file` provisioner.
* Packer builds for Linux and Windows become much simpler.
tl;dr way less janky shell scripting!