Fix json parsing bug with plugins that don't provide args
This fixes a bug with JSON agent configuration parsing where the AST for the plugin stanza had unnecessary flattening originating from hcl parsing library. The workaround fixes the AST by popping off the flattened element and wrapping it in a list. The workaround comes from similar code in terraform. There were no existing test cases for json parsing so I added a few.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
"acl": [
"enabled": true,
"policy_ttl": "60s",
"replication_token": "foobar",
"token_ttl": "60s"
"addresses": [
"http": "",
"rpc": "",
"serf": ""
"advertise": [
"rpc": "",
"serf": ""
"autopilot": [
"cleanup_dead_servers": true,
"disable_upgrade_migration": true,
"enable_custom_upgrades": true,
"enable_redundancy_zones": true,
"last_contact_threshold": "12705s",
"max_trailing_logs": 17849,
"server_stabilization_time": "23057s"
"bind_addr": "",
"client": [
"alloc_dir": "/tmp/alloc",
"chroot_env": [
"/opt/myapp/bin": "/bin",
"/opt/myapp/etc": "/etc"
"client_max_port": 2000,
"client_min_port": 1000,
"cpu_total_compute": 4444,
"enabled": true,
"gc_disk_usage_threshold": 82,
"gc_inode_usage_threshold": 91,
"gc_interval": "6s",
"gc_max_allocs": 50,
"gc_parallel_destroys": 6,
"max_kill_timeout": "10s",
"meta": [
"baz": "zip",
"foo": "bar"
"network_interface": "eth0",
"network_speed": 100,
"no_host_uuid": false,
"node_class": "linux-medium-64bit",
"options": [
"baz": "zip",
"foo": "bar"
"reserved": [
"cpu": 10,
"disk": 10,
"memory": 10,
"reserved_ports": "1,100,10-12"
"server_join": [
"retry_interval": "15s",
"retry_join": [
"retry_max": 3
"servers": [
"state_dir": "/tmp/client-state",
"stats": [
"collection_interval": "5s",
"data_points": 35
"consul": [
"address": "",
"auth": "username:pass",
"auto_advertise": true,
"ca_file": "/path/to/ca/file",
"cert_file": "/path/to/cert/file",
"checks_use_advertise": true,
"client_auto_join": true,
"client_http_check_name": "nomad-client-http-health-check",
"client_service_name": "nomad-client",
"key_file": "/path/to/key/file",
"server_auto_join": true,
"server_http_check_name": "nomad-server-http-health-check",
"server_rpc_check_name": "nomad-server-rpc-health-check",
"server_serf_check_name": "nomad-server-serf-health-check",
"server_service_name": "nomad",
"ssl": true,
"token": "token1",
"verify_ssl": true
"data_dir": "/tmp/nomad",
"datacenter": "dc2",
"disable_anonymous_signature": true,
"disable_update_check": true,
"enable_debug": true,
"enable_syslog": true,
"http_api_response_headers": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
"leave_on_interrupt": true,
"leave_on_terminate": true,
"log_json": true,
"log_level": "ERR",
"name": "my-web",
"plugin": {
"docker": {
"args": [
"config": {
"foo": "bar",
"nested": {
"bam": 2
"exec": {
"config": {
"foo": true
"plugin_dir": "/tmp/nomad-plugins",
"ports": [
"http": 1234,
"rpc": 2345,
"serf": 3456
"region": "foobar",
"sentinel": [
"import": [
"foo": [
"args": [
"path": "foo"
"bar": [
"args": [
"path": "bar"
"server": [
"authoritative_region": "foobar",
"bootstrap_expect": 5,
"data_dir": "/tmp/data",
"deployment_gc_threshold": "12h",
"enabled": true,
"enabled_schedulers": [
"encrypt": "abc",
"eval_gc_threshold": "12h",
"heartbeat_grace": "30s",
"job_gc_threshold": "12h",
"max_heartbeats_per_second": 11,
"min_heartbeat_ttl": "33s",
"node_gc_threshold": "12h",
"non_voting_server": true,
"num_schedulers": 2,
"protocol_version": 3,
"raft_protocol": 3,
"redundancy_zone": "foo",
"rejoin_after_leave": true,
"retry_interval": "15s",
"retry_join": [
"retry_max": 3,
"server_join": [
"retry_interval": "15s",
"retry_join": [
"retry_max": 3
"start_join": [
"upgrade_version": "0.8.0"
"syslog_facility": "LOCAL1",
"telemetry": [
"backwards_compatible_metrics": true,
"collection_interval": "3s",
"disable_hostname": true,
"disable_tagged_metrics": true,
"prometheus_metrics": true,
"publish_allocation_metrics": true,
"publish_node_metrics": true,
"statsd_address": "",
"statsite_address": ""
"tls": [
"ca_file": "foo",
"cert_file": "bar",
"http": true,
"key_file": "pipe",
"rpc": true,
"rpc_upgrade_mode": true,
"tls_cipher_suites": "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
"tls_min_version": "tls12",
"tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites": true,
"verify_https_client": true,
"verify_server_hostname": true
"vault": [
"address": "",
"allow_unauthenticated": true,
"ca_file": "/path/to/ca/file",
"ca_path": "/path/to/ca",
"cert_file": "/path/to/cert/file",
"create_from_role": "test_role",
"enabled": false,
"key_file": "/path/to/key/file",
"task_token_ttl": "1s",
"tls_server_name": "foobar",
"tls_skip_verify": true,
"token": "12345"
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
client {
memory_total_mb = 5555
plugin "docker" {
config {
allow_privileged = true
plugin "raw_exec" {
config {
enabled = true
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"client" : {
"memory_total_mb": 5555
"plugin": {
"docker": {
"config": {
"allow_privileged": true
"raw_exec": {
"config": {
"enabled": true
@ -1014,6 +1014,11 @@ func parsePlugins(result *[]*config.PluginConfig, list *ast.ObjectList) error {
// Get the current plugin object
listVal := list.Items[i]
// Deal with json->hcl AST parsing incorrectness when directly nested
// items show up as additional keys. This currently only affects plugin
// configuration because args is not necessary. All other fields in the config
// have multiple keys and parse from json into the AST correctly.
unwrapLegacyHCLObjectKeysFromJSON(listVal, 1)
if err := helper.CheckHCLKeys(listVal.Val, valid); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid keys in plugin config %d: %v", i+1, err)
@ -1034,3 +1039,42 @@ func parsePlugins(result *[]*config.PluginConfig, list *ast.ObjectList) error {
*result = plugins
return nil
// unwrapLegacyHCLObjectKeysFromJSON cleans up an edge case that can occur when
// parsing JSON as input: if we're parsing JSON then directly nested
// items will show up as additional "keys".
// For objects that expect a fixed number of keys, this breaks the
// decoding process. This function unwraps the object into what it would've
// looked like if it came directly from HCL by specifying the number of keys
// you expect.
// Example:
// { "foo": { "baz": {} } }
// Will show up with Keys being: []string{"foo", "baz"}
// when we really just want the first two. This function will fix this.
func unwrapLegacyHCLObjectKeysFromJSON(item *ast.ObjectItem, depth int) {
if len(item.Keys) > depth && item.Keys[0].Token.JSON {
for len(item.Keys) > depth {
// Pop off the last key
n := len(item.Keys)
key := item.Keys[n-1]
item.Keys[n-1] = nil
item.Keys = item.Keys[:n-1]
// Wrap our value in a list
item.Val = &ast.ObjectType{
List: &ast.ObjectList{
Items: []*ast.ObjectItem{
Keys: []*ast.ObjectKey{key},
Val: item.Val,
@ -238,6 +238,365 @@ func TestConfig_Parse(t *testing.T) {
Region: "foobar",
Datacenter: "dc2",
NodeName: "my-web",
DataDir: "/tmp/nomad",
PluginDir: "/tmp/nomad-plugins",
LogLevel: "ERR",
LogJson: true,
BindAddr: "",
EnableDebug: true,
Ports: &Ports{
HTTP: 1234,
RPC: 2345,
Serf: 3456,
Addresses: &Addresses{
HTTP: "",
RPC: "",
Serf: "",
AdvertiseAddrs: &AdvertiseAddrs{
RPC: "",
Serf: "",
Client: &ClientConfig{
Enabled: true,
StateDir: "/tmp/client-state",
AllocDir: "/tmp/alloc",
Servers: []string{"a.b.c:80", ""},
NodeClass: "linux-medium-64bit",
ServerJoin: &ServerJoin{
RetryJoin: []string{"", ""},
RetryInterval: time.Duration(15) * time.Second,
RetryMaxAttempts: 3,
Meta: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "zip",
Options: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "zip",
ChrootEnv: map[string]string{
"/opt/myapp/etc": "/etc",
"/opt/myapp/bin": "/bin",
NetworkInterface: "eth0",
NetworkSpeed: 100,
CpuCompute: 4444,
MemoryMB: 0,
MaxKillTimeout: "10s",
ClientMinPort: 1000,
ClientMaxPort: 2000,
Reserved: &Resources{
CPU: 10,
MemoryMB: 10,
DiskMB: 10,
ReservedPorts: "1,100,10-12",
GCInterval: 6 * time.Second,
GCParallelDestroys: 6,
GCDiskUsageThreshold: 82,
GCInodeUsageThreshold: 91,
GCMaxAllocs: 50,
NoHostUUID: helper.BoolToPtr(false),
Server: &ServerConfig{
Enabled: true,
AuthoritativeRegion: "foobar",
BootstrapExpect: 5,
DataDir: "/tmp/data",
ProtocolVersion: 3,
RaftProtocol: 3,
NumSchedulers: helper.IntToPtr(2),
EnabledSchedulers: []string{"test"},
NodeGCThreshold: "12h",
EvalGCThreshold: "12h",
JobGCThreshold: "12h",
DeploymentGCThreshold: "12h",
HeartbeatGrace: 30 * time.Second,
MinHeartbeatTTL: 33 * time.Second,
MaxHeartbeatsPerSecond: 11.0,
RetryJoin: []string{"", ""},
StartJoin: []string{"", ""},
RetryInterval: 15 * time.Second,
RejoinAfterLeave: true,
RetryMaxAttempts: 3,
NonVotingServer: true,
RedundancyZone: "foo",
UpgradeVersion: "0.8.0",
EncryptKey: "abc",
ServerJoin: &ServerJoin{
RetryJoin: []string{"", ""},
RetryInterval: time.Duration(15) * time.Second,
RetryMaxAttempts: 3,
ACL: &ACLConfig{
Enabled: true,
TokenTTL: 60 * time.Second,
PolicyTTL: 60 * time.Second,
ReplicationToken: "foobar",
Telemetry: &Telemetry{
StatsiteAddr: "",
StatsdAddr: "",
PrometheusMetrics: true,
DisableHostname: true,
UseNodeName: false,
CollectionInterval: "3s",
collectionInterval: 3 * time.Second,
PublishAllocationMetrics: true,
PublishNodeMetrics: true,
DisableTaggedMetrics: true,
BackwardsCompatibleMetrics: true,
LeaveOnInt: true,
LeaveOnTerm: true,
EnableSyslog: true,
SyslogFacility: "LOCAL1",
DisableUpdateCheck: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
DisableAnonymousSignature: true,
Consul: &config.ConsulConfig{
ServerServiceName: "nomad",
ServerHTTPCheckName: "nomad-server-http-health-check",
ServerSerfCheckName: "nomad-server-serf-health-check",
ServerRPCCheckName: "nomad-server-rpc-health-check",
ClientServiceName: "nomad-client",
ClientHTTPCheckName: "nomad-client-http-health-check",
Addr: "",
Token: "token1",
Auth: "username:pass",
EnableSSL: &trueValue,
VerifySSL: &trueValue,
CAFile: "/path/to/ca/file",
CertFile: "/path/to/cert/file",
KeyFile: "/path/to/key/file",
ServerAutoJoin: &trueValue,
ClientAutoJoin: &trueValue,
AutoAdvertise: &trueValue,
ChecksUseAdvertise: &trueValue,
Vault: &config.VaultConfig{
Addr: "",
AllowUnauthenticated: &trueValue,
Enabled: &falseValue,
Role: "test_role",
TLSCaFile: "/path/to/ca/file",
TLSCaPath: "/path/to/ca",
TLSCertFile: "/path/to/cert/file",
TLSKeyFile: "/path/to/key/file",
TLSServerName: "foobar",
TLSSkipVerify: &trueValue,
TaskTokenTTL: "1s",
Token: "12345",
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: "foo",
CertFile: "bar",
KeyFile: "pipe",
RPCUpgradeMode: true,
VerifyHTTPSClient: true,
TLSPreferServerCipherSuites: true,
TLSMinVersion: "tls12",
HTTPAPIResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
Sentinel: &config.SentinelConfig{
Imports: []*config.SentinelImport{
Name: "foo",
Path: "foo",
Args: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
Name: "bar",
Path: "bar",
Args: []string{"x", "y", "z"},
Autopilot: &config.AutopilotConfig{
CleanupDeadServers: &trueValue,
ServerStabilizationTime: 23057 * time.Second,
LastContactThreshold: 12705 * time.Second,
MaxTrailingLogs: 17849,
EnableRedundancyZones: &trueValue,
DisableUpgradeMigration: &trueValue,
EnableCustomUpgrades: &trueValue,
Plugins: []*config.PluginConfig{
Name: "docker",
Args: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
"nested": []map[string]interface{}{
"bam": 2,
Name: "exec",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"foo": true,
Region: "",
Datacenter: "",
NodeName: "",
DataDir: "",
PluginDir: "",
LogLevel: "",
BindAddr: "",
EnableDebug: false,
Ports: nil,
Addresses: nil,
AdvertiseAddrs: nil,
Client: &ClientConfig{
Enabled: false,
StateDir: "",
AllocDir: "",
Servers: nil,
NodeClass: "",
Meta: nil,
Options: nil,
ChrootEnv: nil,
NetworkInterface: "",
NetworkSpeed: 0,
CpuCompute: 0,
MemoryMB: 5555,
MaxKillTimeout: "",
ClientMinPort: 0,
ClientMaxPort: 0,
Reserved: nil,
GCInterval: 0,
GCParallelDestroys: 0,
GCDiskUsageThreshold: 0,
GCInodeUsageThreshold: 0,
GCMaxAllocs: 0,
NoHostUUID: nil,
Server: nil,
ACL: nil,
Telemetry: nil,
LeaveOnInt: false,
LeaveOnTerm: false,
EnableSyslog: false,
SyslogFacility: "",
DisableUpdateCheck: nil,
DisableAnonymousSignature: false,
Consul: nil,
Vault: nil,
TLSConfig: nil,
HTTPAPIResponseHeaders: nil,
Sentinel: nil,
Plugins: []*config.PluginConfig{
Name: "docker",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"allow_privileged": true,
Name: "raw_exec",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"enabled": true,
Region: "",
Datacenter: "",
NodeName: "",
DataDir: "",
PluginDir: "",
LogLevel: "",
BindAddr: "",
EnableDebug: false,
Ports: nil,
Addresses: nil,
AdvertiseAddrs: nil,
Client: &ClientConfig{
Enabled: false,
StateDir: "",
AllocDir: "",
Servers: nil,
NodeClass: "",
Meta: nil,
Options: nil,
ChrootEnv: nil,
NetworkInterface: "",
NetworkSpeed: 0,
CpuCompute: 0,
MemoryMB: 5555,
MaxKillTimeout: "",
ClientMinPort: 0,
ClientMaxPort: 0,
Reserved: nil,
GCInterval: 0,
GCParallelDestroys: 0,
GCDiskUsageThreshold: 0,
GCInodeUsageThreshold: 0,
GCMaxAllocs: 0,
NoHostUUID: nil,
Server: nil,
ACL: nil,
Telemetry: nil,
LeaveOnInt: false,
LeaveOnTerm: false,
EnableSyslog: false,
SyslogFacility: "",
DisableUpdateCheck: nil,
DisableAnonymousSignature: false,
Consul: nil,
Vault: nil,
TLSConfig: nil,
HTTPAPIResponseHeaders: nil,
Sentinel: nil,
Plugins: []*config.PluginConfig{
Name: "docker",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"allow_privileged": true,
Name: "raw_exec",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"enabled": true,
Reference in New Issue