docs: migration of Nomad Autoscaler docs with cluster updates.
Co-authored-by: Chris Baker <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -223,6 +223,29 @@ export default [
{ category: 'runtime', content: ['environment', 'interpolation'] },
category: 'autoscaling',
content: [
category: 'plugins',
content: [
category: 'internals',
content: [
{ category: 'telemetry', content: ['metrics'] },
{ category: 'vault-integration' },
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Agent
sidebar_title: Agent
description: The Nomad Autoscaler is a long lived process which coordinates scaling activates.
# Nomad Autoscaler Agent
The Nomad Autoscaler agent has a variety of parameters that can be specified
via configuration files or command-line flags. Configuration files are written
in [HCL][hcl_v2]. The Nomad Autoscaler can read and combine parameters from
multiple configuration files or directories to configure the agent.
## Nomad Namespaces
The Nomad Autoscaler currently has limited support for
[Nomad Namespaces][nomad_namespaces]. The `nomad` configuration below supports
specifying a namespace; if configured with a namespace, the Autoscaler will
retrieve scaling policies and perform autoscaling only for jobs in that
namespace. A future version will include support for multiple namespaces.
## Nomad ACLs
The Nomad Autoscaler can be configured to interact with an ACL-enabled Nomad
cluster. Nomad 0.11 includes the `scale` ACL policy disposition specifically for
supporting the operations of the Nomad Autoscaler. Therefore, the
following policy is sufficient for creating an ACL token that can be used by
the autoscaler for fetching scaling policies and scaling jobs:
namespace "default" {
policy = "scale"
Other APM and target plugins may require additional ACLs; see the plugin documentation for more information.
## Load Order and Merging
The Nomad Autoscaler agent supports multiple configuration files, which can be
provided using the [-config][autoscaler_cli_config] CLI flag. The flag can
accept either a file or folder. In the case of a folder, any `.hcl` and `.json`
files in the folder will be loaded and merged in lexicographical order. Directories
are not loaded recursively.
For example:
$ nomad-autoscaler agent -config=autoscaler.conf -config=/etc/nomad-autoscaler -config=extra.json
This will load configuration from autoscaler.conf, from `.hcl` and `.json` files
under `/etc/nomad-autoscaler`, and finally from `extra.json`. As each file is
processed, its contents are merged into the existing configuration. When merging,
any non-empty values from the latest config file will append or replace
parameters in the current configuration. An empty value means `""` for strings,
`0` for integer or float values, and `false` for booleans.
## General Parameters
- `log_level` `(string: "INFO")` - Specify the verbosity level of Nomad
Autoscaler's logs. Valid values include DEBUG, INFO, and WARN, in decreasing
order of verbosity.
- `log_json` `(bool: false)` - Output logs in a JSON format.
- `plugin_dir` `(string: "./plugins")` - The plugin directory is used to
discover Nomad Autoscaler plugins.
## `http` Block
The `http` block configures the Nomad Autoscaler's HTTP endpoint.
http {
bind_address = ""
bind_port = 9999
### `http` Parameters
- `bind_address` `(string "")` - The HTTP address that the server will
bind to.
- `bind_port` `(int 8080)` - The port that the server will bind to.
## `nomad` Block
The `nomad` block configures the Nomad Autoscaler's Nomad client.
nomad {
address = ""
region = "esp-vlc-1"
### `nomad` Parameters
- `address` `(string "")` - The address of the Nomad server
in the form of protocol://addr:port.
- `region` `(string "global")` - The region of the Nomad servers to connect with.
- `namespace` `(string "")` - The target namespace for queries and actions bound
to a namespace.
- `token` `(string "")` - The SecretID of an ACL token to use to authenticate
API requests with.
- `http_auth` `(string "")` - The authentication information to use when connecting
to a Nomad API which is using HTTP authentication.
- `ca_cert` `(string "")` - Path to a PEM encoded CA cert file to use to verify
the Nomad server SSL certificate.
- `ca_path` `(string "")` - Path to a directory of PEM encoded CA cert files to
verify the Nomad server SSL certificate.
- `client_cert` `(string "")` - Path to a PEM encoded client certificate for TLS
authentication to the Nomad server.
- `client_key` `(string "")` - Path to an unencrypted PEM encoded private key
matching the client certificate.
- `tls_server_name` `(string "")` - The server name to use as the SNI host when
connecting via TLS.
- `skip_verify` `(bool false)` - Do not verify TLS certificates. This is strongly
## `policy` Block
The `policy` block configures the Nomad Autoscaler's policy handling.
policy {
dir = "/opt/nomad-autoscaler/plugins"
default_cooldown = "2m"
### `policy` Parameters
- `dir` `(string "./plugins")` - The path to a directory used to load scaling
- `default_cooldown` `(string "5m")` - The default cooldown that will be applied
to all scaling policies which do not specify a cooldown period.
- `default_evaluation_interval` `(string "10s")` - The default evaluation interval
that will be applied to all scaling policies which do not specify an evaluation
## `apm` Block
The `apm` block is used to configure application performance metric (APM) plugins.
apm "example-apm-plugin" {
driver = "example-apm-plugin"
args = ["-my-flag"]
config = {
address = ""
### `apm` Parameters
- `args` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies a set of arguments to pass to the
plugin binary when it is executed.
- `driver` `(string: "")` - The plugin's executable name relative to to the
plugin_dir. If the plugin has a suffix, such as .exe, this should be omitted.
- `config` `(map<string><string>: nil)` - Specifies configuration values for
the plugin either as HCL or JSON. The accepted values are plugin specific.
Please refer to the individual plugin's documentation.
## `target` Block
The `target` block is used to configure scaling target plugins.
target "example-target-plugin" {
driver = "example-target-plugin"
args = ["-my-flag"]
config = {
region = "esp-vlc-1"
### `target` Parameters
- `args` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies a set of arguments to pass to the
plugin binary when it is executed.
- `driver` `(string: "")` - The plugin's executable name relative to to the
plugin_dir. If the plugin has a suffix, such as .exe, this should be omitted.
- `config` `(map<string><string>: nil)` - Specifies configuration values for
the plugin either as HCL or JSON. The accepted values are plugin specific.
Please refer to the individual plugin's documentation.
## `strategy` Block
The `strategy` block is used to configure scaling strategy plugins.
strategy "example-strategy-plugin" {
driver = "example-strategy-plugin"
args = ["-my-flag"]
config = {
algorithm = "complex"
### `strategy` Parameters
- `args` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies a set of arguments to pass to the
plugin binary when it is executed.
- `driver` `(string: "")` - The plugin's executable name relative to to the
plugin_dir. If the plugin has a suffix, such as .exe, this should be omitted.
- `config` `(map<string><string>: nil)` - Specifies configuration values for
the plugin either as HCL or JSON. The accepted values are plugin specific.
Please refer to the individual plugin's documentation.
[autoscaler_cli_config]: /docs/autoscaling/cli#config
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
layout: docs
page_title: HTTP API
sidebar_title: API
description: Learn about the Nomad Autoscaler HTTP API.
# Nomad Autoscaler HTTP API
The Nomad Autoscaler exposes a small, simple API to be used for health checking
the agent.
## Health API
This endpoint can be used to query the Nomad Autoscaler agent aliveness. If the
agent is alive, the request will return a 200 OK, otherwise it will return a
503 ServiceUnavailable.
| Method | Path | Produces |
| ------ | ------------ | ------------------ |
| `GET` | `/v1/health` | `application/json` |
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--request PUT \
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
layout: docs
page_title: CLI
sidebar_title: CLI
description: >
The Nomad Autoscaler can be controlled via a command-line interface. This
page documents all the commands the Nomad Autoscaler accepts.
# Nomad Autoscaler Command: agent
The agent command is used to start the Nomad Autoscaler which runs until an
interrupt signal is received. The Nomad Autoscaler agent's configuration
primarily comes from the config files used, but a subset of the options may
also be passed directly as CLI arguments. See the
[Nomad Autoscaler Agent guide][nomad_autoscaler_agent_guide] for more information
on how to use this command and the options it has.
## Command-line Options
A subset of the available Nomad Autoscaler agent configuration can optionally be
passed in via CLI arguments. The `agent` command accepts the following arguments:
- `-config=<path>`: The path to either a single config file or a directory of
config files to use for configuring the Nomad Autoscaler agent.
- `-log-level=<level>`: Specify the verbosity level of Nomad Autoscaler's logs.
Valid values include DEBUG, INFO, and WARN, in decreasing order of verbosity.
The default is `INFO`.
- `-log-json`: Output logs in a JSON format. The default is false.
- `-plugin-dir=<path>`: The plugin directory is used to discover Nomad Autoscaler
plugins. If not specified, the plugin directory defaults to be that of
- `-http-bind-address=<addr>`: The HTTP address that the health server will bind
to. The default is ``.
- `-http-bind-port=<port>`: The port that the health server will bind to. The
default is `8080`.
- `-nomad-address=<addr>`: The address of the Nomad server in the form of
protocol://addr:port. The default is ``.
- `-nomad-region=<region>`: The region of the Nomad servers to connect with.
- `-nomad-namespace=<namespace>`: The target namespace for queries and actions
bound to a namespace.
- `-nomad-token=<token>`: The SecretID of an ACL token to use to authenticate
API requests with.
- `-nomad-http-auth=<username:password>`: The authentication information to use
when connecting to a Nomad API which is using HTTP authentication.
- `-nomad-ca-cert=<path>`: Path to a PEM encoded CA cert file to use to verify
the Nomad server SSL certificate.
- `-nomad-ca-path=<path>`: Path to a directory of PEM encoded CA cert files to
verify the Nomad server SSL certificate. If both `-nomad-ca-cert` and
`-nomad-ca-path` are specified, `-nomad-ca-cert` is used.
- `-nomad-client-cert=<path>`: Path to a PEM encoded client certificate for TLS
authentication to the Nomad server. Must also specify `-nomad-client-key`.
- `-nomad-client-key=<path>`: Path to an unencrypted PEM encoded private key
matching the client certificate from `-nomad-client-cert`.
- `-nomad-tls-server-name=<name>`: The server name to use as the SNI host when
connecting via TLS.
- `-nomad-skip-verify`: Do not verify TLS certificates. This is strongly discouraged.
- `-policy-dir=<path>`: The path to a directory used to load scaling policies.
- `-policy-default-cooldown=<dur>`: The default cooldown that will be applied to
all scaling policies which do not specify a cooldown period. The default is `5m`.
- `-policy-default-evaluation-interval=<dur>`: The default evaluation interval
that will be applied to all scaling policies which do not specify an evaluation
interval. The default is `10s`.
# Nomad Autoscaler Command: version
The `version` command displays build information about the running binary,
including the release version and the exact revision.
## Usage
nomad-autoscaler version
## Output
This command prints both the version number as well as the exact commit SHA used
during the build. The SHA may also have the string `+CHANGES` appended to the
end, indicating that local, uncommitted changes were detected at build time.
## Examples
$ nomad-autoscaler version
Nomad Autoscaler v0.0.3-dev (da91fa9)
[nomad_autoscaler_agent_guide]: /docs/autoscaling/agent
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Autoscaling
sidebar_title: Autoscaling
description: |-
Overview of the Nomad Autoscaler that provides horizontal application and
cluster scaling.
# Nomad Autoscaler Overview
This section details the Nomad Autoscaler, a horizontal application and cluster
autoscaler for Nomad. The Nomad Autoscaler is built and released separately to
Nomad. The source code can be viewed on [GitHub][autoscaler_github] and releases
are available on the [HashiCorp releases page][autoscaler_releases] or via
[Docker Hub][autoscaler_dockerhub].
The Nomad Autoscaler repository includes a number of [demos][autoscaler_demo]
which provide guided learning on running the autoscaler.
## Horizontal Application Autoscaling
Horizontal application autoscaling is the process of automatically controlling the number of instances of an application
to have sufficient work throughput to meet service-level agreements (SLA). In
Nomad, horizontal application autoscaling can be achieved by modifying the number
of allocations in a task group based on the value of a relevant metric, such as
CPU and memory utilization or number of open connections. This is enabled by configuring
[autoscaling policies][autoscaling_policy] on individual Nomad jobs using the [scaling block][scaling_block].
## Horizontal Cluster Autoscaling
Horizontal cluster autoscaling is the process of adding or removing Nomad clients from a cluster to ensure there
is an appropriate amount of cluster resource for the scheduled applications.
This is achieved by interacting with remote providers to start or terminate new
Nomad clients based on metrics such as the remaining free schedulable CPU or memory.
Cluster scaling is enabled by configuring the [autoscaler agent][/docs/autoscaling/agent#dir]
with policies targeting the Nomad cluster.
[scaling_block]: /docs/job-specification/scaling
[autoscaling_policy]: /docs/autoscaling/policy
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Checks
sidebar_title: Checks
description: Learn about how the Autoscaler deals with policy checks.
# Nomad Autoscaler Check Calculations
A scaling policy can include several checks all of which produce a scaling
suggesting. The checks are executed at the same time during a policy evaluation
and the results can conflict with each other. In a scenario like this, the
autoscaler iterates the results the chooses the safest result which results in
retaining the most capacity of the resource.
In a scenario where two checks return different desired directions, the following
logic is applied.
- `ScaleOut and ScaleIn => ScaleOut`
- `ScaleOut and ScaleNone => ScaleOut`
- `ScaleIn and ScaleNone => ScaleNone`
In situations where the two same actions are suggested, but with different counts the
following logic is applied, where the count is the absolute desired value.
- `ScaleOut(10) and ScaleOut(9) => ScaleOut(10)`
- `ScaleIn(3) and ScaleIn(4) => ScaleIn(4)`
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Internals
sidebar_title: Internals
description: >
This section covers the internals of the Nomad Autoscaler and explains
technical details of its operation.
# Nomad Autoscaler Internals
This section covers the internals of the Nomad Autoscaler and explains the
technical details of how it functions, its architecture, and sub-systems.
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
layout: docs
page_title: APM
sidebar_title: APM
description: APM plugins provide metric data points describing the resources current state.
# APM Plugins
APMs are used to store metrics about an applications performance and current
state. The APM (Application Performance Management) plugin is responsible for
querying the APM and returning a value which will be used to determine if
scaling should occur.
## Prometheus APM Plugin
Use [Prometheus][prometheus_io] metrics to scale your Nomad job task groups or
cluster. The query performed on Prometheus should return a single value. You can
use the [scalar][prometheus_scaler_function] function in your query to achieve
### Agent Configuration Options
apm "prometheus" {
driver = "prometheus"
config = {
address = ""
- `address` `(string: "")` - The address of the Prometheus
endpoint used to perform queries.
### Policy Configuration Options
check {
source = "prometheus"
query = "scalar(avg((haproxy_server_current_sessions{backend=\"http_back\"}) and (haproxy_server_up{backend=\"http_back\"} == 1)))"
## Nomad APM Plugin
The Nomad APM plugin allows querying the Nomad API for metric data. This provides
an immediate starting point without addition applications but comes at the price
of efficiency. When using this APM, it is advised to monitor Nomad carefully
ensuring it is not put under excessive load pressure.
### Agent Configuration Options
target "nomad-apm" {
driver = "nomad-apm"
### Policy Configuration Options - Task Groups
The Nomad APM allows querying Nomad to understand the current resource usage of
a task group.
check {
source = "nomad-apm"
query = "avg_cpu"
Querying Nomad task group metrics is be done using the `operation_metric` syntax,
where valid operations are:
- `avg` - returns the average of the metric value across allocations in the task
- `min` - returns the lowest metric value among the allocations in the task group.
- `max` - returns the highest metric value among the allocations in the task
- `sum` - returns the sum of all the metric values for the allocations in the
task group.
The metric value can be:
- `cpu` - CPU usage as reported by the `nomad.client.allocs.cpu.total_percent`
- `memory` - Memory usage as reported by the `nomad.client.allocs.memory.usage`
### Policy Configuration Options - Client Nodes
The Nomad APM allows querying Nomad to understand the current allocated resource
as a percentage of the total available.
check {
source = "nomad-apm"
query = "percentage-allocated_cpu"
Querying Nomad client node metrics is be done using the `operation_metric` syntax,
where valid operations are:
- `percentage-allocated` - returns the allocated percentage of the desired
The metric value can be:
- `cpu` - allocated CPU as reported by calculating total allocatable against the
total allocated by the scheduler.
- `memory` - allocated memory as reported by calculating total allocatable against
the total allocated by the scheduler.
[nomad_telemetry_stanza]: /docs/configuration/telemetry#inlinecode-publish_allocation_metrics
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Plugins
sidebar_title: Plugins
description: Plugins are used to architect the Nomad Autoscaler into distinct areas.
# Nomad Autoscaler Plugins
Plugins are an essential part of the Nomad Autoscaler architecture. The Autoscaler
uses the [go-plugin][go_plugin_github] library to implement an ecosystem of
different types of plugins. Each plugin type is responsible for a specific task;
APM plugins retrieve metrics about the workloads being monitored and Strategy
plugins decide which actions Nomad should execute to keep the policy valid. The
flexibility of plugins allows the Nomad Autoscaler to be extended to meet specific
business requirements or technology use cases.
The Nomad Autoscaler currently ships with a number of built-in plugins to ease
the learning curve. Details of these can be found below, under the specific
plugin type sections.
# General Options
All plugins which require Nomad API connectivity support the parameters detailed
below. These plugins include Nomad APM, Nomad Target and all cluster scaling
- `nomad_config_inherit` `(bool: true)` - A boolean flag which indicates whether
the plugin should inherit the agents Nomad configuration parameters. Plugins
can override individual parameters and have their Nomad configuration merged
with that of the agent.
- `nomad_address` `(string: "")` - The address of the Nomad server in the form
of protocol://addr:port.
- `nomad_region` `(string: "")` - The region of the Nomad servers to connect with.
- `nomad_namespace` `(string: "")` - The target namespace for queries and actions
bound to a namespace.
- `nomad_token` `(string: "")` - The SecretID of an ACL token to use to authenticate
API requests with.
- `nomad_http-auth` `(string: "")` - The authentication information to use when
connecting to a Nomad API which is using HTTP authentication.
- `nomad_ca-cert` `(string: "")` - Path to a PEM encoded CA cert file to use to
verify the Nomad server SSL certificate.
- `nomad_ca-path` `(string: "")` - Path to a directory of PEM encoded CA cert
files to verify the Nomad server SSL certificate.
- `nomad_client-cert` `(string: "")` - Path to a PEM encoded client certificate
for TLS authentication to the Nomad server.
- `nomad-client-key` `(string: "")` - Path to an unencrypted PEM encoded private
key matching the client certificate.
- `nomad_tls-server-name` `(string: "")` - The server name to use as the SNI
host when connecting via TLS.
- `nomad_skip-verify` `(string: "")` - Do not verify TLS certificates. This is
strongly discouraged.
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Strategy
sidebar_title: Strategy
description: Strategy plugins compare the current state of the system against the desired state.
# Strategy Plugins
Strategy plugins compare the current state of the system against the desired state
defined by the operator in the scaling policy and generate an action that will
bring the system closer to the desired state. In practical terms, strategies
receive the current count and a metric value for a task group and output what
the new task group count should be.
## Target Value Strategy Plugin
The target value strategy plugin will perform count calculations in order to keep
the value resulting from the APM query at or around a specified target.
### Agent Configuration Options
strategy "target-value" {
driver = "target-value"
### Policy Configuration Options
check {
strategy "target-value" {
target = 20
threshold = 0.0001
- `target` `(float: <required>)` - Specifies the metric value the Autscaler
should try to meet.
- `threshold` `(float: 0.01)` - Specifies how significant a change in the input
metric should be considered. Small threshold values can lead to output
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Target
sidebar_title: Target
description: Target plugins determine where the resource to be autoscaled is located.
# Target Plugins
Target Plugins determine where the resource to be autoscaled is located. All
target plugins support the `dry-run` policy config parameter which allows a policy
to be evaluated, but will noop any suggested changes.
## Nomad Task Group Target
The Nomad task group target indicates the scalable resource is a Nomad job
running on a Nomad cluster.
### Agent Configuration Options
The Nomad target is automatically launched by the Nomad Autoscaler and so the
following setup is optional.
target "nomad" {
driver = "nomad"
### Policy Configuration Options
If using the [Nomad job specification scaling stanza][nomad_scaling_stanza] to
configure the scaling policy, the following section can be omitted as Nomad will
populate them on job submission.
check {
target "nomad" {
Job = "example"
Group = "cache"
- `job` `(string: "") ` - The job identifier which contains the task group to
scale as defined within the job specification [job stanza][nomad_job_stanza].
- `group` `(string: "")` - The name of the task group to scale as defined in the
job specification [group stanza][nomad_group_stanza].
## AWS AutoScaling Group Target
The AWS ASG target plugin allows for the scaling of the Nomad cluster clients
via manipulating [AWS AutoScaling Groups][aws_autoscaling].
### Agent Configuration Options
To use the AWS ASG target plugin, the agent configuration needs to be populated
with the appropriate target block. Authentication to the AWS API can be supplied
in a number of ways including EC2 instance roles. It is recommended, if possible
to use the [Vault AWS Secrets engine][vault_aws_backend] for supplying access
credentials to the plugin. Credentials should be injected into the configuration
via a template rather than as environment variables. This ensures the credentials
are passed only to the plugin, rather than being available for all plugins and
the agent process.
The IAM policy required for the AWS ASG plugin to function properly is detailed
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
target "aws-asg" {
driver = "aws-asg"
config = {
aws_region = "eu-west-3"
aws_access_key_id = "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"
aws_secret_key_id = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
- `aws_region` `(string: "us-east-1")` - The [AWS region][aws_region] identifier
to connect to and where resources should be managed.
- `aws_access_key_id` `(string: "")` - The AWS access key ID used to authenticate
with the AWS API.
- `aws_secret_key_id` `(string: "")` - The AWS secret key ID used to authenticate
with the AWS API.
- `aws_session_token` `(string: "")` - The AWS session token used to authenticate
with the AWS API.
### Policy Configuration Options
check {
target "aws-asg" {
asg_name = "hashistack-client-asg"
class = "hashistack"
drain_deadline = "5m"
- `asg_name` `(string: <required>)` - The name of the AWS AutoScaling Group to
interact with when performing scaling actions.
- `class` `(string: <required>)` - The Nomad [client node class][nomad_node_class]
identifier used to group nodes into a pool of resource.
- `drain_deadline` `(duration: "15m")` The Nomad [drain deadline][nomad_node_drain_deadline]
to use when performing node draining actions.
[nomad_scaling_stanza]: /docs/job-specification/scaling
[nomad_group_stanza]: docs/job-specification/group#group-stanza
[nomad_job_stanza]: /docs/job-specification/job#job-stanza
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
layout: docs
page_title: Scaling Policies
sidebar_title: Policy
description: >
Scaling policies describe the target resource desired state and how to
perform calculations to ensure the current state reaches the desired.
# Nomad Autoscaler Scaling Policies
Nomad Autoscaler scaling policies can be configured via the
[task group scaling stanza][jobspec_scaling_stanza] or by configuration
files stored on disk.
## Top Level Options
- `enabled` - A boolean flag that allows operators to administratively disable a
policy from active evaluation.
- `min` - The minimum running count of the targeted resource. This can be 0 or any
positive integer.
- `max` - The maximum running count of the targeted resource. This can be 0 or any
positive integer.
## `policy` Options
- `cooldown` - A time interval after a scaling action during which no additional
scaling will be performed on the resource. It should be provided as a duration
(e.g.: "5s", "1m"). If omitted the configuration value
[policy_default_cooldown][policy_default_cooldown_agent] from the agent will
be used.
- `evaluation_interval` - Defines how often the policy is evaluated by the
Autoscaler. It should be provided as a duration (e.g.: "5s", "1m"). If
omitted the configuration value [default_evaluation_interval][eval_interval_agent]
from the agent will be used.
- `target` - Defines where the autoscaling target is running. Detailed information
on the configuration options can be found on the [target plugin][target_plugin_docs]
- `check` - Specifies one or more checks to be executed when determining if a
scaling action is required.
## `check` Options
- `source` - The APM plugin that should handle the metric query. If omitted,
this defaults to using the Nomad APM.
- `query` - The query to run against the specified APM. Currently this query
should return a single value. Detailed information on the configuration options
can be found on the [apm plugin][apm_plugin_docs] page.
- `strategy` - The strategy to use, and it's configuration when calculating the
desired state based on the current count and the metric returned by the APM.
Detailed information on the configuration options can be found on the
[strategy plugin][strategy_plugin_docs] page.
### Example
A full example of a policy document that can be written into the Nomad task group
scaling stanza or via a file within the policy dir can be seen below.
min = 2
max = 10
enabled = true
policy {
evaluation_interval = "5s"
cooldown = "1m"
target "target" {
Job = "example"
Group = "example"
check "active_connections" {
source = "prometheus"
query = "scalar(open_connections_example_cache)"
strategy "target_value" {
target = 10
[policy_default_cooldown_agent]: /docs/autoscaling/agent#default_cooldown
[eval_interval_agent]: /docs/autoscaling/agent#default_evaluation_interval
[target_plugin_docs]: /docs/autoscaling/plugins/target
[strategy_plugin_docs]: /docs/autoscaling/plugins/strategy
[apm_plugin_docs]: /docs/autoscaling/plugins/apm
[jobspec_scaling_stanza]: /docs/job-specification/scaling
Reference in New Issue