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-layout: "guides"
-page_title: "Web UI"
-sidebar_current: "guides-ui"
-description: |-
- The Nomad Web UI is a great companion for both operators and developers.
- It is an easy to use way to inspect jobs, allocations, and nodes.
-# Web UI
-The Nomad Web UI offers an easy to use web experience for inspecting a Nomad cluster.
-Jobs, Deployments, Evaluations, Task Groups, Allocations, Logs, Clients, and Servers can all be
-monitored from the Web UI. The Web UI also supports the use of ACL tokens for
-clusters that are using the [ACL system](/guides/security/acl.html).
-## Accessing the Web UI
-The Web UI is served on the same address and port as the HTTP API. It is namespaced
-under `/ui`, but visiting the root of the Nomad server in your browser will redirect you
-to the Web UI. If you are unsure what port the Nomad HTTP API is running under, try the default
-port, `4646`.
-## Reviewing Jobs
-The home page of the Web UI is the jobs list view. This page has a searchable, sortable,
-paginated table of all jobs in the cluster, regardless of job status. This page will automatically
-update as jobs are started, stopped, and allocations transition through states.
-[![Jobs List][img-jobs-list]][img-jobs-list]
-To sort the table, click a table column's header cell. To search, type a query into the searchbox.
-By default the search will fuzzy-match any job name, but by starting a query with a `/`, the search
-will instead be based on a regular expression.
-Sort property, sort direction, search term, and page number are all stored as query params to make
-sharing links easier.
-In addition to name, each job in the table includes details such as current status, type, priority,
-number of task groups, and an aggregation of all allocations by allocation status.
-[![Job Row Detail][img-jobs-row-detail]][img-jobs-row-detail]
-## Inspecting a Job
-Clicking on a job will navigate to the Job Detail page. This page shows a list of task groups
-for the job as well as the status of each allocation for each task group by allocation status.
-This page will automatically update as deployments start and finish, new versions fail to be placed,
-allocations transition through states, and evaluations update.
-[![Job Detail][img-job-detail]][img-job-detail]
-### Reading a Job Definition
-The Job Detail page has multiple tabs, one of which is Definition. On the Definition page, the full
-job definition is shown as an interactive JSON object.
-[![Job Definition][img-job-definition]][img-job-definition]
-### Reviewing Past Job Versions
-Job Versions can be found on the Versions tab on the Job Detail page. This page has a timeline view of
-every tracked version for the job.
-This page will automatically update as new versions are submitted to the cluster.
-[![Job Versions][img-job-versions]][img-job-versions]
-Each version can be toggled to also show the diff between job versions.
-[![Job Version Diff][img-job-version-diff]][img-job-version-diff]
-### Reviewing Past Job Deployments
-Job Deployments are listed on the Deployments tab on the Job Detail page. Every tracked deployment is listed in
-a timeline view.
-This page will automatically update as new versions are submitted to the cluster and deployments proceed.
-[![Job Deployments][img-job-deployments]][img-job-deployments]
-Each deployment can be toggle to show information about the deployment, including canaries placed and desired,
-allocations placed and desired, healthy and unhealthy allocations, task group metrics, and existing allocations.
-[![Job Deployment Detail][img-job-deployment-detail]][img-job-deployment-detail]
-### Monitoring a Current Job Deployment
-When a deployment is currently running, it is called out on the Job Detail Overview tab. It will update
-automatically as canaries and allocations are placed and deemed healthy or unhealthy.
-[![Active Job Deployment][img-active-job-deployment]][img-active-job-deployment]
-### Inspecting Child Jobs
-Child jobs are only listed on the parent periodic or parameterized job detail pages. This leaves the global
-jobs list view uncluttered.
-[![Periodic Job Detail Showing Children Jobs][img-periodic-job-detail]][img-periodic-job-detail]
-### Forcing a Periodic Launch
-From the job detail page for a periodic job, a child instance can be launched on demand rather than waiting
-the scheduled amount of time as defined by the cron in the job definition.
-[![Periodic Force Launch Button][img-periodic-force-launch-button]][img-periodic-force-launch-button]
-### Inspecting a Dispatch Payload
-When a parameterized job is dispatched, the payload is captured and accessible from the bottom of the
-parameterized child job detail page. The Web UI will attempt to parse the payload as JSON for improved
-inspecting capabilities.
-[![Parameterized Dispatch Payload][img-parameterized-dispatch-payload]][img-parameterized-dispatch-payload]
-## Inspecting a Task Group
-Clicking on a task group from the Job Detail page will navigate to the Task Group Detail page. This page shows
-the aggregated resource metrics for a task group as well as a list of all associated allocations.
-This page will automatically update as the allocations in the task group change states.
-[![Task Group Detail][img-task-group-detail]][img-task-group-detail]
-## Inspecting an Allocation
-From the Task Group Detail page, each allocation in the allocations table will report basic information about
-the allocation, including utilized CPU and memory.
-Each allocation will poll for updates to current stats.
-[![Allocation Stats][img-allocation-stats]][img-allocation-stats]
-Clicking an allocation will navigate to the Allocation Detail page. From here, the event history for each task
-in the allocation can be seen.
-This page will automatically update as new task events are emitted.
-[![Allocation Detail][img-allocation-detail]][img-allocation-detail]
-## Reviewing Logs
-Clicking on a task from the allocation detail will navigate to the Task Detail page. The Task Detail page includes
-a list of recent events as well as a tab for logs.
-On the Logs tab, anything the task writes to `stdout` or `stderr` is accessible. The log stream component allows
-for pausing and playing log streaming, jumping to the head or tail of the log, and toggling between `stdout` and
-~> **Note.** The Web UI will first attempt to stream logs directly from the client agent to avoid unnecessary load
-~> on server agents. If the client is not accessible, the Web UI will fallback to using the server for convenience.
-[![Task Logs][img-task-logs]][img-task-logs]
-~> **Note.** Only `stdout` and `stderr` are available in the UI. Any logs written to a file are available from the
-~> CLI using the [`nomad alloc fs`](/docs/commands/alloc/fs.html), but filesystem access is not yet in the Web UI.
-## Reviewing Clients
-Clicking the Clients link in the left-hand menu of the Web UI will navigate to the Clients List page. This page
-has a searchable, sortable, paginated table of all clients in the cluster.
-Sort property, sort direction, search term, and page number are all stored as query params to make
-sharing links easier.
-In addition to name, each client in the table includes details such as current status, address, datacenter,
-and number of allocations.
-This page will automatically update as nodes change states and work is allocated.
-[![Clients List][img-clients-list]][img-clients-list]
-## Inspecting a Client
-Clicking on a client will navigate to the Client Detail page. This page shows the status of the client as
-well as the list of all allocations placed on the client. Additionally, all attributes of the machine are
-This page will automatically update as allocations come and go on the client and the usage stats for an
-allocation change.
-[![Client Detail][img-client-detail]][img-client-detail]
-## Inspecting Servers
-Clicking on the Servers link in the left-hand menu of the Web UI will navigate to the Servers List page. This
-page lists all servers, including which one is the current leader.
-Clicking on a server in the list will open up a table that lists the Tags for the server.
-[![Server Detail][img-server-detail]][img-server-detail]
-## Using an ACL Token
-When the ACL system is enabled for the cluster, tokens can be used to gain elevated permissions to see
-otherwise private jobs, nodes, and other details. To register a token with the Web UI, click ACL Tokens on the
-right-hand side of the top navigation.
-The ACL Tokens page has a two field form for providing a token Secret ID and token Accessor ID. The form
-automatically updates as the values change, and once a Secret ID is provided, all future HTTP requests the
-Web UI makes will provide the Secret ID as the ACL Token via the `X-Nomad-Token` request header.
-[![ACL Tokens][img-acl-tokens]][img-acl-tokens]
-[img-jobs-list]: /assets/images/guide-ui-jobs-list.png
-[img-jobs-row-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-jobs-row-detail.png
-[img-job-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-job-detail.png
-[img-job-definition]: /assets/images/guide-ui-job-definition.png
-[img-job-versions]: /assets/images/guide-ui-job-versions.png
-[img-job-version-diff]: /assets/images/guide-ui-job-version-diff.png
-[img-job-deployments]: /assets/images/guide-ui-job-deployments.png
-[img-job-deployment-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-job-deployment-detail.png
-[img-active-job-deployment]: /assets/images/guide-ui-active-job-deployment.png
-[img-task-group-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-task-group-detail.png
-[img-allocation-stats]: /assets/images/guide-ui-allocation-stats.png
-[img-allocation-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-allocation-detail.png
-[img-clients-list]: /assets/images/guide-ui-clients-list.png
-[img-client-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-client-detail.png
-[img-server-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-server-detail.png
-[img-acl-tokens]: /assets/images/guide-ui-acl-tokens.png
-[img-task-logs]: /assets/images/guide-ui-task-logs.png
-[img-parameterized-dispatch-payload]: /assets/images/guide-ui-parameterized-dispatch-payload.png
-[img-periodic-force-launch-button]: /assets/images/guide-ui-periodic-force-launch-button.png
-[img-periodic-job-detail]: /assets/images/guide-ui-periodic-job-detail.png