diff --git a/website/source/api/nodes.html.md b/website/source/api/nodes.html.md
index 92a5d68dc..c48ebb2eb 100644
--- a/website/source/api/nodes.html.md
+++ b/website/source/api/nodes.html.md
@@ -161,6 +161,355 @@ $ curl \
+## List Node Allocations
+This endpoint lists all of the allocations for the given node. This can be used to
+determine what allocations have been scheduled on the node, their current status,
+and the values of dynamically assigned resources, like ports.
+| Method | Path | Produces |
+| ------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
+| `GET` | `/v1/node/:node_id/allocations` | `application/json` |
+The table below shows this endpoint's support for
+[blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
+[required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
+| Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
+| ---------------- | ------------ |
+| `YES` | `none` |
+### Parameters
+- `:node_id` `(string: )`- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must
+ be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of
+ the path.
+### Sample Request
+$ curl \
+ https://nomad.rocks/v1/node/e02b6169-83bd-9df6-69bd-832765f333eb/allocations
+### Sample Response
+ {
+ "ID": "8dfa702d-0c03-6fd4-ade6-386d72fb8192",
+ "EvalID": "a128568e-6cc6-0f95-f37d-3fd4c8123316",
+ "Name": "example.cache[0]",
+ "NodeID": "05129072-6258-4ea6-79bf-03bd31418ac7",
+ "JobID": "example",
+ "Job": {
+ "Stop": false,
+ "Region": "global",
+ "ID": "example",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Name": "example",
+ "Type": "service",
+ "Priority": 50,
+ "AllAtOnce": false,
+ "Datacenters": [
+ "dc1"
+ ],
+ "Constraints": null,
+ "TaskGroups": [
+ {
+ "Name": "cache",
+ "Count": 1,
+ "Update": {
+ "Stagger": 10000000000,
+ "MaxParallel": 1,
+ "HealthCheck": "checks",
+ "MinHealthyTime": 10000000000,
+ "HealthyDeadline": 300000000000,
+ "AutoRevert": false,
+ "Canary": 0
+ },
+ "Constraints": null,
+ "RestartPolicy": {
+ "Attempts": 10,
+ "Interval": 300000000000,
+ "Delay": 25000000000,
+ "Mode": "delay"
+ },
+ "Tasks": [
+ {
+ "Name": "redis",
+ "Driver": "docker",
+ "User": "",
+ "Config": {
+ "image": "redis:3.2",
+ "port_map": [
+ {
+ "db": 6379
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "Env": null,
+ "Services": [
+ {
+ "Name": "global-redis-check",
+ "PortLabel": "db",
+ "AddressMode": "auto",
+ "Tags": [
+ "global",
+ "cache"
+ ],
+ "Checks": [
+ {
+ "Name": "alive",
+ "Type": "tcp",
+ "Command": "",
+ "Args": null,
+ "Path": "",
+ "Protocol": "",
+ "PortLabel": "",
+ "Interval": 10000000000,
+ "Timeout": 2000000000,
+ "InitialStatus": "",
+ "TLSSkipVerify": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Vault": null,
+ "Templates": null,
+ "Constraints": null,
+ "Resources": {
+ "CPU": 500,
+ "MemoryMB": 256,
+ "DiskMB": 0,
+ "IOPS": 0,
+ "Networks": [
+ {
+ "Device": "",
+ "CIDR": "",
+ "IP": "",
+ "MBits": 10,
+ "ReservedPorts": null,
+ "DynamicPorts": [
+ {
+ "Label": "db",
+ "Value": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "DispatchPayload": null,
+ "Meta": null,
+ "KillTimeout": 5000000000,
+ "LogConfig": {
+ "MaxFiles": 10,
+ "MaxFileSizeMB": 10
+ },
+ "Artifacts": null,
+ "Leader": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "EphemeralDisk": {
+ "Sticky": false,
+ "SizeMB": 300,
+ "Migrate": false
+ },
+ "Meta": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "Update": {
+ "Stagger": 10000000000,
+ "MaxParallel": 1,
+ "HealthCheck": "",
+ "MinHealthyTime": 0,
+ "HealthyDeadline": 0,
+ "AutoRevert": false,
+ "Canary": 0
+ },
+ "Periodic": null,
+ "ParameterizedJob": null,
+ "Payload": null,
+ "Meta": null,
+ "VaultToken": "",
+ "Status": "pending",
+ "StatusDescription": "",
+ "Stable": false,
+ "Version": 0,
+ "SubmitTime": 1502140975490599700,
+ "CreateIndex": 15050,
+ "ModifyIndex": 15050,
+ "JobModifyIndex": 15050
+ },
+ "TaskGroup": "cache",
+ "Resources": {
+ "CPU": 500,
+ "MemoryMB": 256,
+ "DiskMB": 300,
+ "IOPS": 0,
+ "Networks": [
+ {
+ "Device": "eth0",
+ "CIDR": "",
+ "IP": "",
+ "MBits": 10,
+ "ReservedPorts": null,
+ "DynamicPorts": [
+ {
+ "Label": "db",
+ "Value": 22908
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "SharedResources": {
+ "CPU": 0,
+ "MemoryMB": 0,
+ "DiskMB": 300,
+ "IOPS": 0,
+ "Networks": null
+ },
+ "TaskResources": {
+ "redis": {
+ "CPU": 500,
+ "MemoryMB": 256,
+ "DiskMB": 0,
+ "IOPS": 0,
+ "Networks": [
+ {
+ "Device": "eth0",
+ "CIDR": "",
+ "IP": "",
+ "MBits": 10,
+ "ReservedPorts": null,
+ "DynamicPorts": [
+ {
+ "Label": "db",
+ "Value": 22908
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "Metrics": {
+ "NodesEvaluated": 2,
+ "NodesFiltered": 0,
+ "NodesAvailable": {
+ "dc1": 3
+ },
+ "ClassFiltered": null,
+ "ConstraintFiltered": null,
+ "NodesExhausted": 0,
+ "ClassExhausted": null,
+ "DimensionExhausted": null,
+ "Scores": {
+ "1dabfc7d-a92f-00f2-1cb6-0be3f000e542.binpack": 8.269190730718089
+ },
+ "AllocationTime": 41183,
+ "CoalescedFailures": 0
+ },
+ "DesiredStatus": "run",
+ "DesiredDescription": "",
+ "ClientStatus": "running",
+ "ClientDescription": "",
+ "TaskStates": {
+ "redis": {
+ "State": "running",
+ "Failed": false,
+ "Restarts": 0,
+ "LastRestart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "StartedAt": "2017-08-07T21:22:59.326433825Z",
+ "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "Events": [
+ {
+ "Type": "Received",
+ "Time": 1502140975648341200,
+ "FailsTask": false,
+ "RestartReason": "",
+ "SetupError": "",
+ "DriverError": "",
+ "ExitCode": 0,
+ "Signal": 0,
+ "Message": "",
+ "KillTimeout": 0,
+ "KillError": "",
+ "KillReason": "",
+ "StartDelay": 0,
+ "DownloadError": "",
+ "ValidationError": "",
+ "DiskLimit": 0,
+ "FailedSibling": "",
+ "VaultError": "",
+ "TaskSignalReason": "",
+ "TaskSignal": "",
+ "DriverMessage": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Type": "Task Setup",
+ "Time": 1502140975648601000,
+ "FailsTask": false,
+ "RestartReason": "",
+ "SetupError": "",
+ "DriverError": "",
+ "ExitCode": 0,
+ "Signal": 0,
+ "Message": "Building Task Directory",
+ "KillTimeout": 0,
+ "KillError": "",
+ "KillReason": "",
+ "StartDelay": 0,
+ "DownloadError": "",
+ "ValidationError": "",
+ "DiskLimit": 0,
+ "FailedSibling": "",
+ "VaultError": "",
+ "TaskSignalReason": "",
+ "TaskSignal": "",
+ "DriverMessage": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Type": "Started",
+ "Time": 1502140979184330000,
+ "FailsTask": false,
+ "RestartReason": "",
+ "SetupError": "",
+ "DriverError": "",
+ "ExitCode": 0,
+ "Signal": 0,
+ "Message": "",
+ "KillTimeout": 0,
+ "KillError": "",
+ "KillReason": "",
+ "StartDelay": 0,
+ "DownloadError": "",
+ "ValidationError": "",
+ "DiskLimit": 0,
+ "FailedSibling": "",
+ "VaultError": "",
+ "TaskSignalReason": "",
+ "TaskSignal": "",
+ "DriverMessage": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "PreviousAllocation": "",
+ "DeploymentID": "ea696568-4518-0099-6811-9c26425c60af",
+ "DeploymentStatus": {
+ "Healthy": true,
+ "ModifyIndex": 15057
+ },
+ "CreateIndex": 15052,
+ "ModifyIndex": 15057,
+ "AllocModifyIndex": 15052,
+ "CreateTime": 1502140975600438500
+ },
## Create Node Evaluation
This endpoint creates a new evaluation for the given node. This can be used to