2021-12-28 16:08:12 +00:00
import {
find ,
render ,
settled ,
triggerEvent ,
waitUntil ,
} from '@ember/test-helpers' ;
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
import { module , test } from 'qunit' ;
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit' ;
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile' ;
2020-08-25 15:56:02 +00:00
import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit' ;
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
import sinon from 'sinon' ;
import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object' ;
import stepperInput from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/components/stepper-input' ;
const StepperInput = create ( stepperInput ( ) ) ;
const valueChange = ( ) => {
const initial = StepperInput . input . value ;
return ( ) => StepperInput . input . value !== initial ;
} ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
module ( 'Integration | Component | stepper input' , function ( hooks ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
setupRenderingTest ( hooks ) ;
const commonProperties = ( ) => ( {
min : 0 ,
max : 10 ,
value : 5 ,
label : 'Stepper' ,
classVariant : 'is-primary' ,
disabled : false ,
onChange : sinon . spy ( ) ,
} ) ;
const commonTemplate = hbs `
< StepperInput
@ debounce = 50
@ min = { { min } }
@ max = { { max } }
@ value = { { value } }
@ class = { { classVariant } }
@ disabled = { { disabled } }
@ onChange = { { onChange } } >
{ { label } }
< / S t e p p e r I n p u t >
` ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'basic appearance includes a label, an input, and two buttons' , async function ( assert ) {
2021-12-28 19:30:38 +00:00
assert . expect ( 7 ) ;
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . label , this . label ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , this . value ) ;
assert . ok ( StepperInput . decrement . isPresent ) ;
assert . ok ( StepperInput . increment . isPresent ) ;
2021-12-28 16:08:12 +00:00
assert . ok (
StepperInput . decrement . classNames . split ( ' ' ) . includes ( this . classVariant )
) ;
assert . ok (
StepperInput . increment . classNames . split ( ' ' ) . includes ( this . classVariant )
) ;
2020-08-25 15:56:02 +00:00
await componentA11yAudit ( this . element , assert ) ;
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'clicking the increment and decrement buttons immediately changes the shown value in the input but debounces the onUpdate call' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
const baseValue = this . value ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
StepperInput . increment . click ( ) ;
await waitUntil ( valueChange ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , baseValue + 1 ) ;
assert . notOk ( this . onChange . called ) ;
StepperInput . decrement . click ( ) ;
await waitUntil ( valueChange ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , baseValue ) ;
assert . notOk ( this . onChange . called ) ;
StepperInput . decrement . click ( ) ;
await waitUntil ( valueChange ( ) ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , baseValue - 1 ) ;
assert . notOk ( this . onChange . called ) ;
await settled ( ) ;
assert . ok ( this . onChange . calledWith ( baseValue - 1 ) ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'the increment button is disabled when the internal value is the max value' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
this . set ( 'value' , this . max ) ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
assert . ok ( StepperInput . increment . isDisabled ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'the decrement button is disabled when the internal value is the min value' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
this . set ( 'value' , this . min ) ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
assert . ok ( StepperInput . decrement . isDisabled ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'the text input does not call the onUpdate function on oninput' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
const newValue = 8 ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
const input = find ( '[data-test-stepper-input]' ) ;
input . value = newValue ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , newValue ) ;
assert . notOk ( this . onChange . called ) ;
await triggerEvent ( input , 'input' ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , newValue ) ;
assert . notOk ( this . onChange . called ) ;
await triggerEvent ( input , 'change' ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , newValue ) ;
assert . ok ( this . onChange . calledWith ( newValue ) ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'the text input does call the onUpdate function on onchange' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
const newValue = 8 ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
await StepperInput . input . fill ( newValue ) ;
await settled ( ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , newValue ) ;
assert . ok ( this . onChange . calledWith ( newValue ) ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'text input limits input to the bounds of the min/max range' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
let newValue = this . max + 1 ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
await StepperInput . input . fill ( newValue ) ;
await settled ( ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , this . max ) ;
assert . ok ( this . onChange . calledWith ( this . max ) ) ;
newValue = this . min - 1 ;
await StepperInput . input . fill ( newValue ) ;
await settled ( ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , this . min ) ;
assert . ok ( this . onChange . calledWith ( this . min ) ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'pressing ESC in the text input reverts the text value back to the current value' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
const newValue = 8 ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
const input = find ( '[data-test-stepper-input]' ) ;
input . value = newValue ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , newValue ) ;
await StepperInput . input . esc ( ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , this . value ) ;
} ) ;
2020-06-30 00:17:17 +00:00
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'clicking the label focuses in the input' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-30 00:17:17 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
await StepperInput . clickLabel ( ) ;
const input = find ( '[data-test-stepper-input]' ) ;
assert . equal ( document . activeElement , input ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'focusing the input selects the input value' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-30 00:17:17 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
await StepperInput . input . focus ( ) ;
2021-12-28 16:08:12 +00:00
assert . equal (
window . getSelection ( ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ,
this . value . toString ( )
) ;
2020-06-30 00:17:17 +00:00
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'entering a fractional value floors the value' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-30 00:17:17 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
const newValue = 3.14159 ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
await StepperInput . input . fill ( newValue ) ;
await settled ( ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , Math . floor ( newValue ) ) ;
assert . ok ( this . onChange . calledWith ( Math . floor ( newValue ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
2021-12-28 14:45:20 +00:00
test ( 'entering an invalid value reverts the value' , async function ( assert ) {
2020-06-30 00:17:17 +00:00
this . setProperties ( commonProperties ( ) ) ;
const newValue = 'NaN' ;
await render ( commonTemplate ) ;
await StepperInput . input . fill ( newValue ) ;
await settled ( ) ;
assert . equal ( StepperInput . input . value , this . value ) ;
assert . notOk ( this . onChange . called ) ;
} ) ;
2020-06-19 05:07:51 +00:00
} ) ;