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import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';
import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import Pretender from 'pretender';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import fetch from 'nomad-ui/utils/fetch';
import NodeStatsTracker from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/node-stats-tracker';
moduleFor('service:stats-trackers-registry', 'Unit | Service | Stats Trackers Registry', {
beforeEach() {
// Inject a mock token service
const authorizedRequestSpy = (this.tokenAuthorizedRequestSpy = sinon.spy());
const mockToken = Service.extend({
authorizedRequest(url) {
return fetch(url);
this.register('service:token', mockToken);
this.token = getOwner(this).lookup('service:token');
this.server = new Pretender(function() {
this.get('/v1/client/stats', () => [
Timestamp: 1234567890,
CPUTicksConsumed: 11,
Memory: {
Used: 12,
afterEach() {
subject() {
return getOwner(this)
const makeModelMock = (modelName, defaults) => {
const Class = EmberObject.extend(defaults);
Class.prototype.constructor.modelName = modelName;
return Class;
const mockNode = makeModelMock('node', { id: 'test' });
test('Creates a tracker when one isnt found', function(assert) {
const registry = this.subject();
const id = 'id';
assert.equal(registry.get('registryRef').size, 0, 'Nothing in the registry yet');
const tracker = registry.getTracker(mockNode.create({ id }));
assert.ok(tracker instanceof NodeStatsTracker, 'The correct type of tracker is made');
assert.equal(registry.get('registryRef').size, 1, 'The tracker was added to the registry');
'The object in the registry has the correct key'
test('Returns an existing tracker when one is found', function(assert) {
const registry = this.subject();
const node = mockNode.create();
const tracker1 = registry.getTracker(node);
const tracker2 = registry.getTracker(node);
assert.equal(tracker1, tracker2, 'Returns an existing tracker for the same resource');
assert.equal(registry.get('registryRef').size, 1, 'Only one tracker in the registry');
test('Registry does not depend on persistent object references', function(assert) {
const registry = this.subject();
const id = 'some-id';
const node1 = mockNode.create({ id });
const node2 = mockNode.create({ id });
assert.notEqual(node1, node2, 'Two different resources');
assert.equal(node1.get('id'), node2.get('id'), 'With the same IDs');
assert.equal(node1.constructor.modelName, node2.constructor.modelName, 'And the same className');
assert.equal(registry.getTracker(node1), registry.getTracker(node2), 'Return the same tracker');
assert.equal(registry.get('registryRef').size, 1, 'Only one tracker in the registry');
test('Has a max size', function(assert) {
const registry = this.subject();
const ref = registry.get('registryRef');
// Kind of a silly assertion, but the exact limit is arbitrary. Whether it's 10 or 1000
// isn't important as long as there is one.
assert.ok(ref.limit < Infinity, `A limit (${ref.limit}) is set`);
test('Removes least recently used when something needs to be removed', function(assert) {
const registry = this.subject();
const activeNode = mockNode.create({ id: 'active' });
const inactiveNode = mockNode.create({ id: 'inactive' });
const limit = registry.get('registryRef').limit;
// First put in the two tracked nodes
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
// Add a new tracker to the registry
const newNode = mockNode.create({ id: `node-${i}` });
// But read the active node tracker to keep it fresh
const ref = registry.get('registryRef');
assert.equal(ref.size, ref.limit, 'The limit was reached');
'The active tracker is still in the registry despite being added first'
'The inactive tracker got pushed out due to not being accessed'
test('Trackers are created using the token authorizedRequest', function(assert) {
const registry = this.subject();
const node = mockNode.create();
const tracker = registry.getTracker(node);
'The token service authorizedRequest function was used'
return wait();