
82 lines
2.4 KiB

import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { get, set } from '@ember/object';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import WithFiltering from 'consul-ui/mixins/with-filtering';
import qsaFactory from 'consul-ui/utils/qsa-factory';
import getComponentFactory from 'consul-ui/utils/get-component-factory';
const $$ = qsaFactory();
export default Controller.extend(WithFiltering, {
queryParams: {
s: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
setProperties: function() {
set(this, 'selectedTab', 'health-checks');
filter: function(item, { s = '' }) {
const term = s.toLowerCase();
return (
get(item, 'Service')
.indexOf(term) !== -1 ||
get(item, 'ID')
.indexOf(term) !== -1 ||
(get(item, 'Tags') || [])
.indexOf(term) !== -1 ||
get(item, 'Port')
.indexOf(term) !== -1
actions: {
change: function(e) {
set(this, 'selectedTab',;
const getComponent = getComponentFactory(getOwner(this));
// Ensure tabular-collections sizing is recalculated
// now it is visible in the DOM
[...$$('.tab-section input[type="radio"]:checked + div table')].forEach(function(item) {
const component = getComponent(item);
if (component && typeof component.didAppear === 'function') {
sortChecksByImportance: function(a, b) {
const statusA = get(a, 'Status');
const statusB = get(b, 'Status');
switch (statusA) {
case 'passing':
// a = passing
// unless b is also passing then a is less important
return statusB === 'passing' ? 0 : 1;
case 'critical':
// a = critical
// unless b is also critical then a is more important
return statusB === 'critical' ? 0 : -1;
case 'warning':
// a = warning
switch (statusB) {
// b is passing so a is more important
case 'passing':
return -1;
// b is critical so a is less important
case 'critical':
return 1;
// a and b are both warning, therefore equal
return 0;
return 0;