
52 lines
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Feature: login
Scenario: Logging into the login page from ACLs tokens
Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1"
And the url "/v1/acl/tokens" responds with a 403 status
When I visit the tokens page for yaml
dc: dc-1
Then the url should be /dc-1/acls/tokens
And I click login on the navigation
And I fill in the auth form with yaml
SecretID: something
And I click submit on the authdialog.form
Then a GET request was made to "/v1/acl/token/self?dc=dc-1" from yaml
X-Consul-Token: something
Scenario: Logging in via SSO
Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1"
And SSO is enabled
And partitions are enabled
And 1 oidcProvider model from yaml
- DisplayName: Okta
Name: okta
Kind: okta
When I visit the services page for yaml
dc: dc-1
And the "okta" oidcProvider responds with from yaml
state: state-123456789/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
code: code-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/123456789
And I click login on the navigation
And I click "[data-test-tab=tab_sso] button"
And I type "partition" into "[name=partition]"
And I click ".oidc-select button"
Then a GET request was made to "/v1/internal/ui/oidc-auth-methods?dc=dc-1&ns=@namespace&partition=partition"
And I click ".okta-oidc-provider"
Then a POST request was made to "/v1/acl/oidc/auth-url?dc=dc-1&ns=@!namespace&partition=partition"
And a POST request was made to "/v1/acl/oidc/callback?dc=dc-1&ns=@!namespace&partition=partition"
And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-authorize" class
And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class