This enables people to enter things using the mouse to paste for example, plus possible other things. As an aside it also answers my query regarding `fillIn` for testing, nothing needs to be actually _typed_ anymore! Doh
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Feature: dc / kvs / update: KV Update
Scenario: Update to [Name] change value to [Value]
Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter"
And 1 kv model from yaml
Key: [Name]
When I visit the kv page for yaml
dc: datacenter
kv: [Name]
Then the url should be /datacenter/kv/[Name]/edit
Then I fill in with yaml
value: [Value]
And I submit
Then a PUT request is made to "/v1/kv/[Name]?dc=datacenter" with the body "[Value]"
| Name | Value |
| key | value |
| key-name | a value |
| folder/key-name | a value |
Scenario: The feedback dialog says success or failure
Then ok
Scenario: KV's with spaces are saved correctly
Then ok
Scenario: KV's with returns are saved correctly
Then ok