John Cowen c98130cc08
ui: Move to Workspaced Structure (#8994)
* ui: Add the most basic workspace root in /ui

* We already have a LICENSE file in the repository root

* Change directory path in build scripts ui-v2 -> ui

* Make yarn install flags configurable from elsewhere

* Minimal workspace root makefile

* Call the new docker specific target

* Update yarn in the docker build image

* Reconfigure the netlify target and move to the higher makefile

* Move ui-v2 -> ui/packages/consul-ui

* Change repo root to refleect new folder structure

* Temporarily don't hoist consul-api-double

* Fixup CI configuration

* Fixup lint errors

* Fixup Netlify target
2020-10-21 15:23:16 +01:00

16 lines
485 B

class="radio-card{{if checked ' checked'}}"
{{! workaround FF/Ember problem where you cannnot set a value to be value="" (empty)}}
{{#if (gt value.length 0) }}
<input type="radio" name={{name}} value={{value}} checked={{checked}} onchange={{action onchange}} />
<input type="radio" name={{name}} value="" checked={{checked}} onchange={{action onchange}} />