For L4/tcp exported services the mesh gateways will not be terminating TLS. A caller in one peer will be directly establishing TLS connections to the ultimate exported service in the other peer. The caller will be doing SAN validation using the replicated SpiffeID values shipped from the exporting side. There are a class of discovery chain edits that could be done on the exporting side that would cause the introduction of a new SpiffeID value. In between the time of the config entry update on the exporting side and the importing side getting updated peer stream data requests to the exported service would fail due to SAN validation errors. This is unacceptable so instead prohibit the exporting peer from making changes that would break peering in this way.
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package state
import (
memdb ""
func TestStore_ConfigEntry(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
expected := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "global",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"DestinationServiceName": "foo",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, expected))
idx, config, err := s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(0), idx)
require.Equal(t, expected, config)
// Update
updated := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "global",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"DestinationServiceName": "bar",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, updated))
idx, config, err = s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(1), idx)
require.Equal(t, updated, config)
// Delete
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteConfigEntry(2, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil))
idx, config, err = s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), idx)
require.Nil(t, config)
// Set up a watch.
serviceConf := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "foo",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(3, serviceConf))
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.ConfigEntry(ws, structs.ServiceDefaults, "foo", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Make an unrelated modification and make sure the watch doesn't fire.
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(4, updated))
require.False(t, watchFired(ws))
// Update the watched config and make sure it fires.
serviceConf.Protocol = "http"
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(5, serviceConf))
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
func TestStore_ConfigEntryCAS(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
expected := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "global",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"DestinationServiceName": "foo",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, expected))
idx, config, err := s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(1), idx)
require.Equal(t, expected, config)
// Update with invalid index
updated := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "global",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"DestinationServiceName": "bar",
ok, err := s.EnsureConfigEntryCAS(2, 99, updated)
require.False(t, ok)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Entry should not be changed
idx, config, err = s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(1), idx)
require.Equal(t, expected, config)
// Update with a valid index
ok, err = s.EnsureConfigEntryCAS(2, 1, updated)
require.True(t, ok)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Entry should be updated
idx, config, err = s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, "global", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), idx)
require.Equal(t, updated, config)
func TestStore_ConfigEntry_DeleteCAS(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
entry := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "global",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"DestinationServiceName": "foo",
// Attempt to delete the entry before it exists.
ok, err := s.DeleteConfigEntryCAS(1, 0, entry)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, ok)
// Create the entry.
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, entry))
// Attempt to delete with an invalid index.
ok, err = s.DeleteConfigEntryCAS(2, 99, entry)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, ok)
// Entry should not be deleted.
_, config, err := s.ConfigEntry(nil, entry.Kind, entry.Name, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, config)
// Attempt to delete with a valid index.
ok, err = s.DeleteConfigEntryCAS(2, 1, entry)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
// Entry should be deleted.
_, config, err = s.ConfigEntry(nil, entry.Kind, entry.Name, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, config)
func TestStore_ConfigEntry_UpdateOver(t *testing.T) {
// This test uses ServiceIntentions because they are the only
// kind that implements UpdateOver() at this time.
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
var (
idA = testUUID()
idB = testUUID()
loc = time.FixedZone("UTC-8", -8*60*60)
timeA = time.Date(1955, 11, 5, 6, 15, 0, 0, loc)
timeB = time.Date(1985, 10, 26, 1, 35, 0, 0, loc)
require.NotEqual(t, idA, idB)
initial := &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
LegacyID: idA,
Name: "web",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
LegacyCreateTime: &timeA,
LegacyUpdateTime: &timeA,
// Create
nextIndex := uint64(1)
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(nextIndex, initial.Clone()))
idx, raw, err := s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ServiceIntentions, "api", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, nextIndex, idx)
got, ok := raw.(*structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry)
require.True(t, ok)
initial.RaftIndex = got.RaftIndex
require.Equal(t, initial, got)
t.Run("update and fail change legacyID", func(t *testing.T) {
// Update
updated := &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
LegacyID: idB,
Name: "web",
Action: structs.IntentionActionDeny,
LegacyCreateTime: &timeB,
LegacyUpdateTime: &timeB,
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(nextIndex, updated.Clone())
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, "cannot set this field to a different value")
t.Run("update and do not update create time", func(t *testing.T) {
// Update
updated := &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
LegacyID: idA,
Name: "web",
Action: structs.IntentionActionDeny,
LegacyCreateTime: &timeB,
LegacyUpdateTime: &timeB,
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(nextIndex, updated.Clone()))
// check
idx, raw, err = s.ConfigEntry(nil, structs.ServiceIntentions, "api", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, nextIndex, idx)
got, ok = raw.(*structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry)
require.True(t, ok)
updated.RaftIndex = got.RaftIndex
updated.Sources[0].LegacyCreateTime = &timeA // UpdateOver will not replace this
require.Equal(t, updated, got)
func TestStore_ConfigEntries(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
// Create some config entries.
entry1 := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "test1",
entry2 := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "test2",
entry3 := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "test3",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, entry1))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, entry2))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, entry3))
// Get all entries
idx, entries, err := s.ConfigEntries(nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), idx)
require.Equal(t, []structs.ConfigEntry{entry1, entry2, entry3}, entries)
// Get all proxy entries
idx, entries, err = s.ConfigEntriesByKind(nil, structs.ProxyDefaults, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), idx)
require.Equal(t, []structs.ConfigEntry{entry1}, entries)
// Get all service entries
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
idx, entries, err = s.ConfigEntriesByKind(ws, structs.ServiceDefaults, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), idx)
require.Equal(t, []structs.ConfigEntry{entry2, entry3}, entries)
// Watch should not have fired
require.False(t, watchFired(ws))
// Now make an update and make sure the watch fires.
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(3, &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "test2",
Protocol: "tcp",
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
func TestStore_ServiceDefaults_Kind_Destination(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "dest1",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
destination := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "dest1",
Destination: &structs.DestinationConfig{},
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, destination))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindDestination)
_, kindServices, err := s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteConfigEntry(6, structs.ServiceDefaults, destination.Name, &destination.EnterpriseMeta))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
_, kindServices, err = s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 0)
func TestStore_ServiceDefaults_Kind_NotDestination(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "dest1",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
destination := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "dest1",
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, destination))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.False(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteConfigEntry(6, structs.ServiceDefaults, destination.Name, &destination.EnterpriseMeta))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.False(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
func TestStore_Service_TerminatingGateway_Kind_Service_Destination(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "web",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
service := &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "web",
destination := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Destination: &structs.DestinationConfig{},
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureNode(0, &structs.Node{Node: "node1"}))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureService(0, "node1", service))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindService)
_, kindServices, err := s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindTypical)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindTypical)
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, destination))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindService)
_, kindServices, err = s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindTypical)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindTypical)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteService(6, "node1", service.ID, &service.EnterpriseMeta, ""))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindDestination)
_, kindServices, err = s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
func TestStore_Service_TerminatingGateway_Kind_Destination_Service(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "web",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
service := &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "web",
destination := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Destination: &structs.DestinationConfig{},
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, destination))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindDestination)
_, kindServices, err := s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureNode(0, &structs.Node{Node: "node1"}))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureService(0, "node1", service))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindService)
_, kindServices, err = s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindTypical)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindTypical)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteService(6, "node1", service.ID, &service.EnterpriseMeta, ""))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindDestination)
_, kindServices, err = s.ServiceNamesOfKind(ws, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, kindServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, kindServices[0].Kind, structs.ServiceKindDestination)
func TestStore_Service_TerminatingGateway_Kind_Service(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "web",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
service := &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "web",
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureNode(0, &structs.Node{Node: "node1"}))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureService(0, "node1", service))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindService)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteService(6, "node1", service.ID, &service.EnterpriseMeta, ""))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
func TestStore_ServiceDefaults_Kind_Destination_Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "*",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
destination := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "dest1",
Destination: &structs.DestinationConfig{},
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 0)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, destination))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindDestination)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteConfigEntry(6, structs.ServiceDefaults, destination.Name, &destination.EnterpriseMeta))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindUnknown)
func TestStore_Service_TerminatingGateway_Kind_Service_Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "*",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
service := &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "web",
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 0)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureNode(0, &structs.Node{Node: "node1"}))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureService(0, "node1", service))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindService)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteService(6, "node1", service.ID, &service.EnterpriseMeta, ""))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 0)
func TestStore_Service_TerminatingGateway_Kind_Service_Destination_Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
Gtwy := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "Gtwy1",
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "*",
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, Gtwy))
service := &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "web",
destination := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Destination: &structs.DestinationConfig{},
_, gatewayServices, err := s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 0)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, destination))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(nil, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindDestination)
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureNode(0, &structs.Node{Node: "node1"}))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureService(0, "node1", service))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 1)
require.Equal(t, gatewayServices[0].ServiceKind, structs.GatewayServiceKindService)
ws = memdb.NewWatchSet()
_, _, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteService(6, "node1", service.ID, &service.EnterpriseMeta, ""))
//Watch is fired because we transitioned to a destination, by default we assume it's not.
require.True(t, watchFired(ws))
_, gatewayServices, err = s.GatewayServices(ws, "Gtwy1", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, gatewayServices, 0)
func TestStore_ConfigEntry_GraphValidation(t *testing.T) {
ensureConfigEntry := func(s *Store, idx uint64, entry structs.ConfigEntry) error {
if err := entry.Normalize(); err != nil {
return err
if err := entry.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
return s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, entry)
type tcase struct {
entries []structs.ConfigEntry
opAdd structs.ConfigEntry
opDelete configentry.KindName
expectErr string
expectGraphErr bool
EMPTY_KN := configentry.KindName{}
run := func(t *testing.T, tc tcase) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
for _, entry := range tc.entries {
require.NoError(t, ensureConfigEntry(s, 0, entry))
nOps := 0
if tc.opAdd != nil {
if tc.opDelete != EMPTY_KN {
require.Equal(t, 1, nOps, "exactly one operation is required")
var err error
switch {
case tc.opAdd != nil:
err = ensureConfigEntry(s, 0, tc.opAdd)
case tc.opDelete != EMPTY_KN:
kn := tc.opDelete
err = s.DeleteConfigEntry(0, kn.Kind, kn.Name, &kn.EnterpriseMeta)
t.Fatal("not possible")
if tc.expectErr != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expectErr)
_, ok := err.(*structs.ConfigEntryGraphError)
if tc.expectGraphErr {
require.True(t, ok, "%T is not a *ConfigEntryGraphError", err)
} else {
require.False(t, ok, "did not expect a *ConfigEntryGraphError here: %v", err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
cases := map[string]tcase{
"splitter fails without default protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{},
opAdd: &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100},
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"splitter fails with tcp protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "tcp",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100},
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"splitter works with http protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "tcp", // loses
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(),
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(),
"splitter works with http protocol (from proxy-defaults)": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
"router fails with tcp protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "tcp",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"other": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == other",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceRouterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/other",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "other",
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"router fails without default protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"other": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == other",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceRouterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/other",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "other",
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot remove default protocol after splitter created": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
opDelete: configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot remove global default protocol after splitter created": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
opDelete: configentry.NewKindName(structs.ProxyDefaults, structs.ProxyConfigGlobal, nil),
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"can remove global default protocol after splitter created if service default overrides it": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
opDelete: configentry.NewKindName(structs.ProxyDefaults, structs.ProxyConfigGlobal, nil),
"cannot change to tcp protocol after splitter created": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
opAdd: &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "tcp",
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot remove default protocol after router created": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"other": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == other",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/other",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "other",
opDelete: configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot change to tcp protocol after router created": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"other": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == other",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/other",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "other",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "tcp",
expectErr: "does not permit advanced routing or splitting behavior",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot split to a service using tcp": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "other",
Protocol: "tcp",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90},
{Weight: 10, Service: "other"},
expectErr: "uses inconsistent protocols",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot route to a service using tcp": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "other",
Protocol: "tcp",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceRouterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/other",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "other",
expectErr: "uses inconsistent protocols",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot failover to a service using a different protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "grpc",
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "other",
Protocol: "tcp",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
ConnectTimeout: 33 * time.Second,
opAdd: &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Failover: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverFailover{
"*": {
Service: "other",
expectErr: "uses inconsistent protocols",
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot redirect to a service using a different protocol": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "grpc",
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "other",
Protocol: "tcp",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
ConnectTimeout: 33 * time.Second,
opAdd: &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "other",
expectErr: "uses inconsistent protocols",
expectGraphErr: true,
"redirect to a subset that does exist is fine": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "other",
ConnectTimeout: 33 * time.Second,
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "other",
ServiceSubset: "v1",
"cannot redirect to a subset that does not exist": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "other",
ConnectTimeout: 33 * time.Second,
opAdd: &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "other",
ServiceSubset: "v1",
expectErr: `does not have a subset named "v1"`,
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot introduce circular resolver redirect": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "other",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "main",
opAdd: &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "other",
expectErr: `detected circular resolver redirect`,
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot introduce circular split": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: "service-splitter",
Name: "other",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100, Service: "main"},
opAdd: &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-splitter",
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100, Service: "other"},
expectErr: `detected circular reference`,
expectGraphErr: true,
"cannot peer export cross-dc redirect": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Datacenter: "dc3",
opAdd: &structs.ExportedServicesConfigEntry{
Name: "default",
Services: []structs.ExportedService{{
Name: "main",
Consumers: []structs.ServiceConsumer{{PeerName: "my-peer"}},
expectErr: `contains cross-datacenter resolver redirect`,
"cannot peer export cross-dc redirect via wildcard": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Datacenter: "dc3",
opAdd: &structs.ExportedServicesConfigEntry{
Name: "default",
Services: []structs.ExportedService{{
Name: "*",
Consumers: []structs.ServiceConsumer{{PeerName: "my-peer"}},
expectErr: `contains cross-datacenter resolver redirect`,
"cannot peer export cross-dc failover": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
Failover: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverFailover{
"*": {
Datacenters: []string{"dc3"},
opAdd: &structs.ExportedServicesConfigEntry{
Name: "default",
Services: []structs.ExportedService{{
Name: "main",
Consumers: []structs.ServiceConsumer{{PeerName: "my-peer"}},
expectErr: `contains cross-datacenter failover`,
"cannot peer export cross-dc failover via wildcard": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: "service-resolver",
Name: "main",
Failover: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverFailover{
"*": {
Datacenters: []string{"dc3"},
opAdd: &structs.ExportedServicesConfigEntry{
Name: "default",
Services: []structs.ExportedService{{
Name: "*",
Consumers: []structs.ServiceConsumer{{PeerName: "my-peer"}},
expectErr: `contains cross-datacenter failover`,
"cannot redirect a peer exported tcp service": {
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Name: "default",
Services: []structs.ExportedService{{
Name: "main",
Consumers: []structs.ServiceConsumer{{PeerName: "my-peer"}},
opAdd: &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "other",
expectErr: `cannot introduce new discovery chain targets like`,
for name, tc := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
run(t, tc)
func TestStore_ReadDiscoveryChainConfigEntries_Overrides(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
entries []structs.ConfigEntry
expectBefore []configentry.KindName
overrides map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry
expectAfter []configentry.KindName
expectAfterErr string
checkAfter func(t *testing.T, entrySet *configentry.DiscoveryChainSet)
name: "mask service-defaults",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "tcp",
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil): nil,
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
// nothing
name: "edit service-defaults",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "tcp",
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil): &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "grpc",
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
checkAfter: func(t *testing.T, entrySet *configentry.DiscoveryChainSet) {
defaults := entrySet.GetService(structs.NewServiceID("main", nil))
require.NotNil(t, defaults)
require.Equal(t, "grpc", defaults.Protocol)
name: "mask service-router",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceRouter, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceRouter, "main", nil): nil,
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
name: "edit service-router",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1"},
"v2": {Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2"},
"v3": {Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v3"},
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/admin",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "v2",
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceRouter, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceRouter, "main", nil): &structs.ServiceRouterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "main",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/admin",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "v3",
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceRouter, "main", nil),
checkAfter: func(t *testing.T, entrySet *configentry.DiscoveryChainSet) {
router := entrySet.GetRouter(structs.NewServiceID("main", nil))
require.NotNil(t, router)
require.Len(t, router.Routes, 1)
expect := structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/admin",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
ServiceSubset: "v3",
require.Equal(t, expect, router.Routes[0])
name: "mask service-splitter",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100},
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceSplitter, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceSplitter, "main", nil): nil,
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
name: "edit service-splitter",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100},
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceSplitter, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceSplitter, "main", nil): &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 85, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 15, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceDefaults, "main", nil),
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceSplitter, "main", nil),
checkAfter: func(t *testing.T, entrySet *configentry.DiscoveryChainSet) {
splitter := entrySet.GetSplitter(structs.NewServiceID("main", nil))
require.NotNil(t, splitter)
require.Len(t, splitter.Splits, 2)
expect := []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 85, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 15, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
require.Equal(t, expect, splitter.Splits)
name: "mask service-resolver",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil): nil,
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
// nothing
name: "edit service-resolver",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
expectBefore: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil),
overrides: map[configentry.KindName]structs.ConfigEntry{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil): &structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
ConnectTimeout: 33 * time.Second,
expectAfter: []configentry.KindName{
configentry.NewKindName(structs.ServiceResolver, "main", nil),
checkAfter: func(t *testing.T, entrySet *configentry.DiscoveryChainSet) {
resolver := entrySet.GetResolver(structs.NewServiceID("main", nil))
require.NotNil(t, resolver)
require.Equal(t, 33*time.Second, resolver.ConnectTimeout)
} {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
for _, entry := range tc.entries {
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, entry))
t.Run("without override", func(t *testing.T) {
_, entrySet, err := s.readDiscoveryChainConfigEntries(nil, "main", nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
got := entrySetToKindNames(entrySet)
require.ElementsMatch(t, tc.expectBefore, got)
t.Run("with override", func(t *testing.T) {
_, entrySet, err := s.readDiscoveryChainConfigEntries(nil, "main", tc.overrides, nil)
if tc.expectAfterErr != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expectAfterErr)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
got := entrySetToKindNames(entrySet)
require.ElementsMatch(t, tc.expectAfter, got)
if tc.checkAfter != nil {
tc.checkAfter(t, entrySet)
func entrySetToKindNames(entrySet *configentry.DiscoveryChainSet) []configentry.KindName {
var out []configentry.KindName
for _, entry := range entrySet.Routers {
out = append(out, configentry.NewKindName(
for _, entry := range entrySet.Splitters {
out = append(out, configentry.NewKindName(
for _, entry := range entrySet.Resolvers {
out = append(out, configentry.NewKindName(
for _, entry := range entrySet.Services {
out = append(out, configentry.NewKindName(
for _, entry := range entrySet.ProxyDefaults {
out = append(out, configentry.NewKindName(
return out
func TestStore_ReadDiscoveryChainConfigEntries_SubsetSplit(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
entries := []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "main",
Protocol: "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "main",
Subsets: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverSubset{
"v1": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v1",
"v2": {
Filter: "Service.Meta.version == v2",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "main",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, ServiceSubset: "v1"},
{Weight: 10, ServiceSubset: "v2"},
for _, entry := range entries {
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, entry))
_, entrySet, err := s.readDiscoveryChainConfigEntries(nil, "main", nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, entrySet.Routers, 0)
require.Len(t, entrySet.Splitters, 1)
require.Len(t, entrySet.Resolvers, 1)
require.Len(t, entrySet.Services, 1)
// TODO(rb): add ServiceIntentions tests
func TestStore_ValidateGatewayNamesCannotBeShared(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
ingress := &structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.IngressGateway,
Name: "gateway",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, ingress))
terminating := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Name: "gateway",
// Cannot have 2 gateways with same service name
require.Error(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, terminating))
ingress = &structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.IngressGateway,
Name: "gateway",
Listeners: []structs.IngressListener{
{Port: 8080},
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, ingress))
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteConfigEntry(3, structs.IngressGateway, "gateway", nil))
// Adding the terminating gateway with same name should now work
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(4, terminating))
// Cannot have 2 gateways with same service name
require.Error(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(5, ingress))
func TestStore_ValidateIngressGatewayErrorOnMismatchedProtocols(t *testing.T) {
newIngress := func(protocol, name string) *structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry {
return &structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.IngressGateway,
Name: "gateway",
Listeners: []structs.IngressListener{
Port: 8080,
Protocol: protocol,
Services: []structs.IngressService{
{Name: name},
t.Run("http ingress fails with http upstream later changed to tcp", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
// First set the target service as http
expected := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Protocol: "http",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, expected))
// Next configure http ingress to route to the http service
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, newIngress("http", "web")))
t.Run("via modification", func(t *testing.T) {
// Now redefine the target service as tcp
expected = &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Protocol: "tcp",
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, expected)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "tcp"`)
t.Run("via deletion", func(t *testing.T) {
// This will fall back to the default tcp.
err := s.DeleteConfigEntry(2, structs.ServiceDefaults, "web", nil)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "tcp"`)
t.Run("tcp ingress ok with tcp upstream (defaulted) later changed to http", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
// First configure tcp ingress to route to a defaulted tcp service
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, newIngress("tcp", "web")))
// Now redefine the target service as http
expected := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Protocol: "http",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, expected))
t.Run("tcp ingress fails with tcp upstream (defaulted) later changed to http", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
// First configure tcp ingress to route to a defaulted tcp service
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, newIngress("tcp", "web")))
// Now redefine the target service as http
expected := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Protocol: "http",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, expected))
t.Run("and a router defined", func(t *testing.T) {
// This part should fail.
expected2 := &structs.ServiceRouterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "web",
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, expected2)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "http"`)
t.Run("and a splitter defined", func(t *testing.T) {
// This part should fail.
expected2 := &structs.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "web",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 100},
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, expected2)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "http"`)
t.Run("http ingress fails with tcp upstream (defaulted)", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, newIngress("http", "web"))
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "tcp"`)
t.Run("http ingress fails with http2 upstream (via proxy-defaults)", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
expected := &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: "global",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http2",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(0, expected))
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, newIngress("http", "web"))
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "http2"`)
t.Run("http ingress fails with grpc upstream (via service-defaults)", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
expected := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Protocol: "grpc",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, expected))
err := s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, newIngress("http", "web"))
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), `has protocol "grpc"`)
t.Run("http ingress ok with http upstream (via service-defaults)", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
expected := &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "web",
Protocol: "http",
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(2, expected))
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(3, newIngress("http", "web")))
t.Run("http ingress ignores wildcard specifier", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(4, newIngress("http", "*")))
t.Run("deleting ingress config entry ok", func(t *testing.T) {
s := testConfigStateStore(t)
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(1, newIngress("tcp", "web")))
require.NoError(t, s.DeleteConfigEntry(5, structs.IngressGateway, "gateway", nil))
func TestSourcesForTarget(t *testing.T) {
defaultMeta := *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition()
type expect struct {
idx uint64
names []structs.ServiceName
tt := []struct {
name string
entries []structs.ConfigEntry
expect expect
name: "no relevant config entries",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{},
expect: expect{
idx: 1,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from route match",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "web",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/sink",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "sink",
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from redirect",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "web",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "sink",
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from failover",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "web",
Failover: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverFailover{
"*": {
Service: "sink",
Datacenters: []string{"dc2", "dc3"},
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from splitter",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "web",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, Service: "web"},
{Weight: 10, Service: "sink"},
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "chained route redirect",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "source",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/route",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "routed",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "routed",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "sink",
expect: expect{
idx: 3,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "source", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "routed", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "kitchen sink with multiple services referencing sink directly",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "routed",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/sink",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "sink",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "redirected",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "sink",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "failed-over",
Failover: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverFailover{
"*": {
Service: "sink",
Datacenters: []string{"dc2", "dc3"},
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "split",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, Service: "no-op"},
{Weight: 10, Service: "sink"},
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "unrelated",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, Service: "zip"},
{Weight: 10, Service: "zop"},
expect: expect{
idx: 6,
names: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "split", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "failed-over", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "redirected", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "routed", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s := testStateStore(t)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
ca := &structs.CAConfiguration{
Provider: "consul",
err := s.CASetConfig(0, ca)
require.NoError(t, err)
var i uint64 = 1
for _, entry := range tc.entries {
require.NoError(t, entry.Normalize())
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(i, entry))
tx := s.db.ReadTxn()
defer tx.Abort()
sn := structs.NewServiceName("sink", structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition())
idx, names, err := s.discoveryChainSourcesTxn(tx, ws, "dc1", sn)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expect.idx, idx)
require.ElementsMatch(t, tc.expect.names, names)
func TestTargetsForSource(t *testing.T) {
defaultMeta := *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition()
type expect struct {
idx uint64
ids []structs.ServiceName
tt := []struct {
name string
entries []structs.ConfigEntry
expect expect
name: "from route match",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "web",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/sink",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "sink",
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
ids: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from redirect",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "web",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "sink",
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
ids: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from failover",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "web",
Failover: map[string]structs.ServiceResolverFailover{
"*": {
Service: "remote-web",
Datacenters: []string{"dc2", "dc3"},
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
ids: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "from splitter",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceSplitter,
Name: "web",
Splits: []structs.ServiceSplit{
{Weight: 90, Service: "web"},
{Weight: 10, Service: "sink"},
expect: expect{
idx: 2,
ids: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
name: "chained route redirect",
entries: []structs.ConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Kind: structs.ServiceRouter,
Name: "web",
Routes: []structs.ServiceRoute{
Match: &structs.ServiceRouteMatch{
HTTP: &structs.ServiceRouteHTTPMatch{
PathExact: "/route",
Destination: &structs.ServiceRouteDestination{
Service: "routed",
Kind: structs.ServiceResolver,
Name: "routed",
Redirect: &structs.ServiceResolverRedirect{
Service: "sink",
expect: expect{
idx: 3,
ids: []structs.ServiceName{
{Name: "web", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
{Name: "sink", EnterpriseMeta: defaultMeta},
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s := testStateStore(t)
ws := memdb.NewWatchSet()
ca := &structs.CAConfiguration{
Provider: "consul",
err := s.CASetConfig(0, ca)
require.NoError(t, err)
var i uint64 = 1
for _, entry := range tc.entries {
require.NoError(t, entry.Normalize())
require.NoError(t, s.EnsureConfigEntry(i, entry))
tx := s.db.ReadTxn()
defer tx.Abort()
idx, ids, err := s.discoveryChainTargetsTxn(tx, ws, "dc1", "web", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expect.idx, idx)
require.ElementsMatch(t, tc.expect.ids, ids)
func TestStore_ValidateServiceIntentionsErrorOnIncompatibleProtocols(t *testing.T) {
l7perms := []*structs.IntentionPermission{
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
HTTP: &structs.IntentionHTTPPermission{
PathPrefix: "/v2/",
serviceDefaults := func(service, protocol string) *structs.ServiceConfigEntry {
return &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: service,
Protocol: protocol,
proxyDefaults := func(protocol string) *structs.ProxyConfigEntry {
return &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": protocol,
type operation struct {
entry structs.ConfigEntry
deletion bool
type testcase struct {
ops []operation
expectLastErr string
cases := map[string]testcase{
"L4 intention cannot upgrade to L7 when tcp": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as tcp
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "tcp"),
{ // create an L4 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow},
{ // Should fail if converted to L7
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
expectLastErr: `has protocol "tcp"`,
"L4 intention can upgrade to L7 when made http via service-defaults": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as tcp
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "tcp"),
{ // create an L4 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow},
{ // set the target service as http
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "http"),
{ // Should succeed if converted to L7
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
"L4 intention can upgrade to L7 when made http via proxy-defaults": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as tcp
entry: proxyDefaults("tcp"),
{ // create an L4 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow},
{ // set the target service as http
entry: proxyDefaults("http"),
{ // Should succeed if converted to L7
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
"L7 intention cannot have protocol downgraded to tcp via modification via service-defaults": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as http
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "http"),
{ // create an L7 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
{ // setting the target service as tcp should fail
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "tcp"),
expectLastErr: `has protocol "tcp"`,
"L7 intention cannot have protocol downgraded to tcp via modification via proxy-defaults": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as http
entry: proxyDefaults("http"),
{ // create an L7 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
{ // setting the target service as tcp should fail
entry: proxyDefaults("tcp"),
expectLastErr: `has protocol "tcp"`,
"L7 intention cannot have protocol downgraded to tcp via deletion of service-defaults": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as http
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "http"),
{ // create an L7 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
{ // setting the target service as tcp should fail
entry: serviceDefaults("api", "tcp"),
deletion: true,
expectLastErr: `has protocol "tcp"`,
"L7 intention cannot have protocol downgraded to tcp via deletion of proxy-defaults": {
ops: []operation{
{ // set the target service as http
entry: proxyDefaults("http"),
{ // create an L7 intention
entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
{Name: "web", Permissions: l7perms},
{ // setting the target service as tcp should fail
entry: proxyDefaults("tcp"),
deletion: true,
expectLastErr: `has protocol "tcp"`,
for name, tc := range cases {
tc := tc
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
s := testStateStore(t)
var nextIndex = uint64(1)
for i, op := range tc.ops {
isLast := (i == len(tc.ops)-1)
var err error
if op.deletion {
err = s.DeleteConfigEntry(nextIndex, op.entry.GetKind(), op.entry.GetName(), nil)
} else {
err = s.EnsureConfigEntry(nextIndex, op.entry)
if isLast && tc.expectLastErr != "" {
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, `has protocol "tcp"`)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)