
153 lines
3.7 KiB

package proxy
import (
// Daemon is a long-running proxy process. It is expected to keep running
// and to use blocking queries to detect changes in configuration, certs,
// and more.
// Consul will ensure that if the daemon crashes, that it is restarted.
type Daemon struct {
// Command is the command to execute to start this daemon. This must
// be a Cmd that isn't yet started.
Command *exec.Cmd
// ProxyToken is the special local-only ACL token that allows a proxy
// to communicate to the Connect-specific endpoints.
ProxyToken string
// Logger is where logs will be sent around the management of this
// daemon. The actual logs for the daemon itself will be sent to
// a file.
Logger *log.Logger
// process is the started process
lock sync.Mutex
process *os.Process
stopCh chan struct{}
// Start starts the daemon and keeps it running.
// This function returns after the process is successfully started.
func (p *Daemon) Start() error {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
// If the daemon is already started, return no error.
if p.stopCh != nil {
return nil
// Start it for the first time
process, err := p.start()
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the stop channel we use to notify when we've gracefully stopped
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
p.stopCh = stopCh
// Store the process so that we can signal it later
p.process = process
go p.keepAlive(stopCh)
return nil
func (p *Daemon) keepAlive(stopCh chan struct{}) {
process := p.process
for {
if process == nil {
// If we gracefully stopped (stopCh is closed) then don't restart. We
// check stopCh and not p.stopCh because the latter could reference
// a new process.
select {
case <-stopCh:
// Process isn't started currently. We're restarting.
var err error
process, err = p.start()
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Printf("[ERR] agent/proxy: error restarting daemon: %s", err)
p.process = process
_, err := process.Wait()
process = nil
p.Logger.Printf("[INFO] agent/proxy: daemon exited: %s", err)
// start starts and returns the process. This will create a copy of the
// configured *exec.Command with the modifications documented on Daemon
// such as setting the proxy token environmental variable.
func (p *Daemon) start() (*os.Process, error) {
cmd := *p.Command
// Add the proxy token to the environment. We first copy the env because
// it is a slice and therefore the "copy" above will only copy the slice
// reference. We allocate an exactly sized slice.
cmd.Env = make([]string, len(p.Command.Env), len(p.Command.Env)+1)
copy(cmd.Env, p.Command.Env)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", EnvProxyToken, p.ProxyToken))
// Start it
err := cmd.Start()
return cmd.Process, err
// Stop stops the daemon.
// This will attempt a graceful stop (SIGINT) before force killing the
// process (SIGKILL). In either case, the process won't be automatically
// restarted unless Start is called again.
// This is safe to call multiple times. If the daemon is already stopped,
// then this returns no error.
func (p *Daemon) Stop() error {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
// If we don't have a stopCh then we never even started yet.
if p.stopCh == nil {
return nil
// If stopCh is closed, then we're already stopped
select {
case <-p.stopCh:
return nil
err := p.process.Signal(os.Interrupt)
// This signals that we've stopped and therefore don't want to restart
p.stopCh = nil
return err
//return p.Command.Process.Kill()