
149 lines
5.5 KiB

package login
import (
type AWSLogin struct {
autoBearerToken bool
includeEntity bool
stsEndpoint string
region string
serverIDHeaderValue string
accessKeyId string
secretAccessKey string
sessionToken string
func (a *AWSLogin) flags() *flag.FlagSet {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.BoolVar(&a.autoBearerToken, "aws-auto-bearer-token", false,
"Construct a bearer token and login to the AWS IAM auth method. This requires AWS credentials. "+
"AWS credentials are automatically discovered from standard sources supported by the Go SDK for "+
"AWS. Alternatively, explicit credentials can be passed using the -aws-acesss-key-id and "+
"-aws-secret-access-key flags. [aws-iam only]")
fs.BoolVar(&a.includeEntity, "aws-include-entity", false,
"Include a signed request to get the IAM role or IAM user in the bearer token. [aws-iam only]")
fs.StringVar(&a.stsEndpoint, "aws-sts-endpoint", "",
"URL for AWS STS API calls. [aws-iam only]")
fs.StringVar(&a.region, "aws-region", "",
"Region for AWS API calls. If set, should match the region of -aws-sts-endpoint. "+
"If not provided, the region will be discovered from standard sources, such as "+
"the AWS_REGION environment variable. [aws-iam only]")
fs.StringVar(&a.serverIDHeaderValue, "aws-server-id-header-value", "",
"If set, an X-Consul-IAM-ServerID header is included in signed AWS API request(s) that form "+
"the bearer token. This value must match the server-side configured value for the auth method "+
"in order to login. This is optional and helps protect against replay attacks. [aws-iam only]")
fs.StringVar(&a.accessKeyId, "aws-access-key-id", "",
"AWS access key id to use. Requires -aws-secret-access-key if specified. [aws-iam only]")
fs.StringVar(&a.secretAccessKey, "aws-secret-access-key", "",
"AWS secret access key to use. Requires -aws-access-key-id if specified. [aws-iam only]")
fs.StringVar(&a.sessionToken, "aws-session-token", "",
"AWS session token to use. Requires -aws-access-key-id and -aws-secret-access-key if "+
"specified. [aws-iam only]")
return fs
// checkFlags validates flags for the aws-iam auth method.
func (a *AWSLogin) checkFlags() error {
if !a.autoBearerToken {
if a.includeEntity || a.stsEndpoint != "" || a.region != "" || a.serverIDHeaderValue != "" ||
a.accessKeyId != "" || a.secretAccessKey != "" || a.sessionToken != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing '-aws-auto-bearer-token' flag")
if a.accessKeyId != "" && a.secretAccessKey == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing '-aws-secret-access-key' flag")
if a.secretAccessKey != "" && a.accessKeyId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing '-aws-access-key-id' flag")
if a.sessionToken != "" && (a.accessKeyId == "" || a.secretAccessKey == "") {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing '-aws-access-key-id' and '-aws-secret-access-key' flags")
return nil
// createAWSBearerToken generates a bearer token string for the AWS IAM auth method.
// It will discover AWS credentials which are used to sign AWS API requests.
// Alternatively, static credentials can be passed as flags.
// The bearer token contains a signed sts:GetCallerIdentity request.
// If aws-include-entity is specified, a signed iam:GetRole or iam:GetUser request is
// also included. The AWS credentials are used to retrieve the current user's role
// or user name for the iam:GetRole or iam:GetUser request.
func (a *AWSLogin) createAWSBearerToken() (string, error) {
cfg := aws.Config{
Endpoint: aws.String(a.stsEndpoint),
Region: aws.String(a.region),
// More detailed error message to help debug credential discovery.
CredentialsChainVerboseErrors: aws.Bool(true),
if a.accessKeyId != "" {
// Use creds from flags.
cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentials(
a.accessKeyId, a.secretAccessKey, a.sessionToken,
// Session loads creds from standard sources (env vars, file, EC2 metadata, ...)
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
Config: cfg,
// Allow loading from config files by default:
// ~/.aws/config or AWS_CONFIG_FILE
// ~/.aws/credentials or AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE
SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,
if err != nil {
return "", err
if sess.Config.Region == nil || *sess.Config.Region == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("AWS region not found")
if sess.Config.Credentials == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("AWS credentials not found")
creds := sess.Config.Credentials
loginData, err := iamauth.GenerateLoginData(&iamauth.LoginInput{
Creds: creds,
IncludeIAMEntity: a.includeEntity,
STSEndpoint: a.stsEndpoint,
STSRegion: a.region,
Logger: hclog.New(nil),
ServerIDHeaderValue: a.serverIDHeaderValue,
ServerIDHeaderName: awsauth.IAMServerIDHeaderName,
GetEntityMethodHeader: awsauth.GetEntityMethodHeader,
GetEntityURLHeader: awsauth.GetEntityURLHeader,
GetEntityHeadersHeader: awsauth.GetEntityHeadersHeader,
GetEntityBodyHeader: awsauth.GetEntityBodyHeader,
if err != nil {
return "", err
loginDataJson, err := json.Marshal(loginData)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(loginDataJson), err