
390 lines
12 KiB

package controller
import (
// much of this is a re-implementation of
// Transformer is a function that takes one type of config entry that has changed
// and transforms that into a set of reconciliation requests to enqueue.
type Transformer func(entry structs.ConfigEntry) []Request
// Controller subscribes to a set of watched resources from the
// state store and delegates processing them to a given Reconciler.
// If a Reconciler errors while processing a Request, then the
// Controller handles rescheduling the Request to be re-processed.
type Controller interface {
// Run begins the Controller's main processing loop. When the given
// context is canceled, the Controller stops processing any remaining work.
// The Run function should only ever be called once.
Run(ctx context.Context) error
// Subscribe tells the controller to subscribe to updates for config entries based
// on the given request. Optional transformation functions can also be passed in
// to Subscribe, allowing a controller to map a config entry to a different type of
// request under the hood (i.e. watching a dependency and triggering a Reconcile on
// the dependent resource). This should only ever be called prior to calling Run.
Subscribe(request *stream.SubscribeRequest, transformers ...Transformer) Controller
// WithBackoff changes the base and maximum backoff values for the Controller's
// Request retry rate limiter. This should only ever be called prior to
// running Run.
WithBackoff(base, max time.Duration) Controller
// WithLogger sets the logger for the controller, it should be called prior to Start
// being invoked.
WithLogger(logger hclog.Logger) Controller
// WithWorkers sets the number of worker goroutines used to process the queue
// this defaults to 1 goroutine.
WithWorkers(i int) Controller
// WithQueueFactory allows a Controller to replace its underlying work queue
// implementation. This is most useful for testing. This should only ever be called
// prior to running Run.
WithQueueFactory(fn func(ctx context.Context, baseBackoff time.Duration, maxBackoff time.Duration) WorkQueue) Controller
// AddTrigger allows for triggering a reconciliation request when a
// triggering function returns, when the passed in context is canceled
// the trigger must return
AddTrigger(request Request, trigger func(ctx context.Context) error)
// RemoveTrigger removes the triggering function associated with the Request object
RemoveTrigger(request Request)
// Enqueue adds all of the given requests into the work queue.
Enqueue(requests ...Request)
var _ Controller = &controller{}
type subscription struct {
request *stream.SubscribeRequest
transformers []Transformer
// controller implements the Controller interface
type controller struct {
// reconciler is the Reconciler that processes all subscribed
// Requests
reconciler Reconciler
// makeQueue is the factory used for creating the work queue, generally
// this shouldn't be touched, but can be updated for testing purposes
makeQueue func(ctx context.Context, baseBackoff time.Duration, maxBackoff time.Duration) WorkQueue
// workers is the number of workers to use to process data
workers int
// work is the internal work queue that pending Requests are added to
work WorkQueue
// baseBackoff is the starting backoff time for the work queue's rate limiter
baseBackoff time.Duration
// maxBackoff is the maximum backoff time for the work queue's rate limiter
maxBackoff time.Duration
// subscriptions is a list of subscription requests for retrieving configuration entries
subscriptions []subscription
// publisher is the event publisher that should be subscribed to for any updates
publisher state.EventPublisher
// waitOnce ensures we wait until the controller has started
waitOnce sync.Once
// started signals when the controller has started
started chan struct{}
// group is the error group used in our main start up worker routines
group *errgroup.Group
// groupCtx is the context of the error group to use in spinning up our
// worker routines
groupCtx context.Context
// triggers is a map of cancel functions for out-of-band Request triggers
triggers map[Request]func()
// triggerMutex is used for accessing the above map
triggerMutex sync.Mutex
// running ensures that we are only calling Run a single time
running int32
// logger is the logger for the controller
logger hclog.Logger
// New returns a new Controller associated with the given state store and reconciler.
func New(publisher state.EventPublisher, reconciler Reconciler) Controller {
return &controller{
reconciler: reconciler,
publisher: publisher,
workers: 1,
baseBackoff: 5 * time.Millisecond,
maxBackoff: 1000 * time.Second,
makeQueue: RunWorkQueue,
started: make(chan struct{}),
triggers: make(map[Request]func()),
logger: hclog.NewNullLogger(),
// Subscribe tells the controller to subscribe to updates for config entries of the
// given kind and with the associated enterprise metadata. This should only ever be
// called prior to running Start.
func (c *controller) Subscribe(request *stream.SubscribeRequest, transformers ...Transformer) Controller {
c.subscriptions = append(c.subscriptions, subscription{
request: request,
transformers: transformers,
return c
// WithBackoff changes the base and maximum backoff values for the Controller's
// Request retry rate limiter. This should only ever be called prior to
// running Start.
func (c *controller) WithBackoff(base, max time.Duration) Controller {
c.baseBackoff = base
c.maxBackoff = max
return c
// WithWorkers sets the number of worker goroutines used to process the queue
// this defaults to 1 goroutine.
func (c *controller) WithWorkers(i int) Controller {
if i <= 0 {
i = 1
c.workers = i
return c
// WithLogger sets the internal logger for the controller.
func (c *controller) WithLogger(logger hclog.Logger) Controller {
c.logger = logger
return c
// WithQueueFactory changes the initialization method for the Controller's work
// queue, this is predominantly just used for testing. This should only ever be called
// prior to running Start.
func (c *controller) WithQueueFactory(fn func(ctx context.Context, baseBackoff time.Duration, maxBackoff time.Duration) WorkQueue) Controller {
c.makeQueue = fn
return c
// ensureNotRunning makes sure we aren't trying to reconfigure an already
// running controller, it panics if Run has already been invoked
func (c *controller) ensureNotRunning() {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&c.running) == 1 {
panic("cannot configure controller once Run is called")
// Run begins the Controller's main processing loop. When the given
// context is canceled, the Controller stops processing any remaining work.
// The Run function should only ever be called once, calling it multiple
// times will result in a panic.
func (c *controller) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&c.running, 0, 1) {
panic("Run cannot be called more than once")
}, c.groupCtx = errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// set up our queue = c.makeQueue(c.groupCtx, c.baseBackoff, c.maxBackoff)
// we can now add stuff to the queue from other contexts
for _, sub := range c.subscriptions {
// store a reference for the closure
sub := sub error {
var index uint64
subscription, err := c.publisher.Subscribe(sub.request)
if err != nil {
return err
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
for {
event, err := subscription.Next(ctx)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, context.Canceled):
return nil
case err != nil:
return err
if event.IsFramingEvent() {
if event.Index <= index {
index = event.Index
if err := c.processEvent(sub, event); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < c.workers; i++ { error {
for {
request, shutdown :=
if shutdown {
// Stop working
return nil
c.reconcileHandler(c.groupCtx, request)
// Done is called here because it is required to be called
// when we've finished processing each request
return nil
// AddTrigger allows for triggering a reconciliation request every time that the
// triggering function returns, when the passed in context is canceled
// the trigger must return
func (c *controller) AddTrigger(request Request, trigger func(ctx context.Context) error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(c.groupCtx)
oldCancel, ok := c.triggers[request]
if ok {
c.triggers[request] = cancel
c.triggerMutex.Unlock() error {
if err := trigger(ctx); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("error while running trigger, adding re-reconcilation anyway", "error", err)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
return nil
// RemoveTrigger removes the triggering function associated with the Request object
func (c *controller) RemoveTrigger(request Request) {
cancel, ok := c.triggers[request]
if ok {
delete(c.triggers, request)
func (c *controller) wait() {
c.waitOnce.Do(func() {
func (c *controller) processEvent(sub subscription, event stream.Event) error {
switch payload := event.Payload.(type) {
case state.EventPayloadConfigEntry:
c.enqueueEntry(payload.Value, sub.transformers...)
return nil
case *stream.PayloadEvents:
for _, event := range payload.Items {
if err := c.processEvent(sub, event); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unhandled event type: %T", payload)
// enqueueEntry adds all of the given entry into the work queue. If given
// one or more transformation functions, it will enqueue all of the resulting
// reconciliation requests returned from each Transformer.
func (c *controller) enqueueEntry(entry structs.ConfigEntry, transformers ...Transformer) {
if len(transformers) == 0 {{
Kind: entry.GetKind(),
Name: entry.GetName(),
Meta: entry.GetEnterpriseMeta(),
} else {
for _, fn := range transformers {
for _, request := range fn(entry) {
// Enqueue adds all of the given requests into the work queue.
func (c *controller) Enqueue(requests ...Request) {
for _, request := range requests {
// reconcile wraps the reconciler in a panic handler
func (c *controller) reconcile(ctx context.Context, req Request) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic [recovered]: %v", r)
return c.reconciler.Reconcile(ctx, req)
// reconcileHandler invokes the reconciler and looks at its return value
// to determine whether the request should be rescheduled
func (c *controller) reconcileHandler(ctx context.Context, req Request) {
if err := c.reconcile(ctx, req); err != nil {
// handle the case where we're specifically told to requeue later
var requeueAfter RequeueAfterError
if errors.As(err, &requeueAfter) {, time.Duration(requeueAfter))
// fallback to rate limit ourselves
// if no error then Forget this request so it is not retried