
280 lines
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package copystructure
import (
// Copy returns a deep copy of v.
func Copy(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
w := new(walker)
err := reflectwalk.Walk(v, w)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the result. If the result is nil, then we want to turn it
// into a typed nil if we can.
result := w.Result
if result == nil {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
result = reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(val.Type())).Interface()
return result, nil
// CopierFunc is a function that knows how to deep copy a specific type.
// Register these globally with the Copiers variable.
type CopierFunc func(interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// Copiers is a map of types that behave specially when they are copied.
// If a type is found in this map while deep copying, this function
// will be called to copy it instead of attempting to copy all fields.
// The key should be the type, obtained using: reflect.TypeOf(value with type).
// It is unsafe to write to this map after Copies have started. If you
// are writing to this map while also copying, wrap all modifications to
// this map as well as to Copy in a mutex.
var Copiers map[reflect.Type]CopierFunc = make(map[reflect.Type]CopierFunc)
type walker struct {
Result interface{}
depth int
ignoreDepth int
vals []reflect.Value
cs []reflect.Value
ps []bool
func (w *walker) Enter(l reflectwalk.Location) error {
return nil
func (w *walker) Exit(l reflectwalk.Location) error {
if w.ignoreDepth > w.depth {
w.ignoreDepth = 0
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
switch l {
case reflectwalk.Map:
case reflectwalk.Slice:
// Pop map off our container
w.cs = w.cs[:len(w.cs)-1]
case reflectwalk.MapValue:
// Pop off the key and value
mv := w.valPop()
mk := w.valPop()
m := w.cs[len(w.cs)-1]
m.SetMapIndex(mk, mv)
case reflectwalk.SliceElem:
// Pop off the value and the index and set it on the slice
v := w.valPop()
i := w.valPop().Interface().(int)
s := w.cs[len(w.cs)-1]
case reflectwalk.Struct:
// Remove the struct from the container stack
w.cs = w.cs[:len(w.cs)-1]
case reflectwalk.StructField:
// Pop off the value and the field
v := w.valPop()
f := w.valPop().Interface().(reflect.StructField)
if v.IsValid() {
s := w.cs[len(w.cs)-1]
sf := reflect.Indirect(s).FieldByName(f.Name)
case reflectwalk.WalkLoc:
// Clear out the slices for GC
w.cs = nil
w.vals = nil
return nil
func (w *walker) Map(m reflect.Value) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
// Get the type for the map
t := m.Type()
mapType := reflect.MapOf(t.Key(), t.Elem())
// Create the map. If the map itself is nil, then just make a nil map
var newMap reflect.Value
if m.IsNil() {
newMap = reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mapType))
} else {
newMap = reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(t.Key(), t.Elem()))
w.cs = append(w.cs, newMap)
return nil
func (w *walker) MapElem(m, k, v reflect.Value) error {
return nil
func (w *walker) PointerEnter(v bool) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
} = append(, v)
return nil
func (w *walker) PointerExit(bool) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
} =[:len(]
return nil
func (w *walker) Primitive(v reflect.Value) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
var newV reflect.Value
if v.IsValid() {
newV = reflect.New(v.Type())
return nil
func (w *walker) Slice(s reflect.Value) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
var newS reflect.Value
if s.IsNil() {
newS = reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(s.Type()))
} else {
newS = reflect.MakeSlice(s.Type(), s.Len(), s.Cap())
w.cs = append(w.cs, newS)
return nil
func (w *walker) SliceElem(i int, elem reflect.Value) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
// We don't write the slice here because elem might still be
// arbitrarily complex. Just record the index and continue on.
return nil
func (w *walker) Struct(s reflect.Value) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
var v reflect.Value
if c, ok := Copiers[s.Type()]; ok {
// We have a Copier for this struct, so we use that copier to
// get the copy, and we ignore anything deeper than this.
w.ignoreDepth = w.depth
dup, err := c(s.Interface())
if err != nil {
return err
v = reflect.ValueOf(dup)
} else {
// No copier, we copy ourselves and allow reflectwalk to guide
// us deeper into the structure for copying.
v = reflect.New(s.Type())
// Push the value onto the value stack for setting the struct field,
// and add the struct itself to the containers stack in case we walk
// deeper so that its own fields can be modified.
w.cs = append(w.cs, v)
return nil
func (w *walker) StructField(f reflect.StructField, v reflect.Value) error {
if w.ignoring() {
return nil
// Push the field onto the stack, we'll handle it when we exit
// the struct field in Exit...
return nil
func (w *walker) ignoring() bool {
return w.ignoreDepth > 0 && w.depth >= w.ignoreDepth
func (w *walker) pointerPeek() bool {
func (w *walker) valPop() reflect.Value {
result := w.vals[len(w.vals)-1]
w.vals = w.vals[:len(w.vals)-1]
// If we're out of values, that means we popped everything off. In
// this case, we reset the result so the next pushed value becomes
// the result.
if len(w.vals) == 0 {
w.Result = nil
return result
func (w *walker) valPush(v reflect.Value) {
w.vals = append(w.vals, v)
// If we haven't set the result yet, then this is the result since
// it is the first (outermost) value we're seeing.
if w.Result == nil && v.IsValid() {
w.Result = v.Interface()
func (w *walker) replacePointerMaybe() {
// Determine the last pointer value. If it is NOT a pointer, then
// we need to push that onto the stack.
if !w.pointerPeek() {