
334 lines
7.5 KiB

package iradix
import (
const (
// defaultModifiedCache is the default size of the modified node
// cache used per transaction. This is used to cache the updates
// to the nodes near the root, while the leaves do not need to be
// cached. This is important for very large transactions to prevent
// the modified cache from growing to be enormous.
defaultModifiedCache = 8192
// Tree implements an immutable radix tree. This can be treated as a
// Dictionary abstract data type. The main advantage over a standard
// hash map is prefix-based lookups and ordered iteration. The immutability
// means that it is safe to concurrently read from a Tree without any
// coordination.
type Tree struct {
root *Node
size int
// New returns an empty Tree
func New() *Tree {
t := &Tree{root: &Node{}}
return t
// Len is used to return the number of elements in the tree
func (t *Tree) Len() int {
return t.size
// Txn is a transaction on the tree. This transaction is applied
// atomically and returns a new tree when committed. A transaction
// is not thread safe, and should only be used by a single goroutine.
type Txn struct {
root *Node
size int
modified *simplelru.LRU
// Txn starts a new transaction that can be used to mutate the tree
func (t *Tree) Txn() *Txn {
txn := &Txn{
root: t.root,
size: t.size,
return txn
// writeNode returns a node to be modified, if the current
// node as already been modified during the course of
// the transaction, it is used in-place.
func (t *Txn) writeNode(n *Node) *Node {
// Ensure the modified set exists
if t.modified == nil {
lru, err := simplelru.NewLRU(defaultModifiedCache, nil)
if err != nil {
t.modified = lru
// If this node has already been modified, we can
// continue to use it during this transaction.
if _, ok := t.modified.Get(n); ok {
return n
// Copy the existing node
nc := new(Node)
if n.prefix != nil {
nc.prefix = make([]byte, len(n.prefix))
copy(nc.prefix, n.prefix)
if n.leaf != nil {
nc.leaf = new(leafNode)
*nc.leaf = *n.leaf
if len(n.edges) != 0 {
nc.edges = make([]edge, len(n.edges))
copy(nc.edges, n.edges)
// Mark this node as modified
t.modified.Add(n, nil)
return nc
// insert does a recursive insertion
func (t *Txn) insert(n *Node, k, search []byte, v interface{}) (*Node, interface{}, bool) {
// Handle key exhaution
if len(search) == 0 {
nc := t.writeNode(n)
if n.isLeaf() {
old := nc.leaf.val
nc.leaf.val = v
return nc, old, true
} else {
nc.leaf = &leafNode{
key: k,
val: v,
return nc, nil, false
// Look for the edge
idx, child := n.getEdge(search[0])
// No edge, create one
if child == nil {
e := edge{
label: search[0],
node: &Node{
leaf: &leafNode{
key: k,
val: v,
prefix: search,
nc := t.writeNode(n)
return nc, nil, false
// Determine longest prefix of the search key on match
commonPrefix := longestPrefix(search, child.prefix)
if commonPrefix == len(child.prefix) {
search = search[commonPrefix:]
newChild, oldVal, didUpdate := t.insert(child, k, search, v)
if newChild != nil {
nc := t.writeNode(n)
nc.edges[idx].node = newChild
return nc, oldVal, didUpdate
return nil, oldVal, didUpdate
// Split the node
nc := t.writeNode(n)
splitNode := &Node{
prefix: search[:commonPrefix],
label: search[0],
node: splitNode,
// Restore the existing child node
modChild := t.writeNode(child)
label: modChild.prefix[commonPrefix],
node: modChild,
modChild.prefix = modChild.prefix[commonPrefix:]
// Create a new leaf node
leaf := &leafNode{
key: k,
val: v,
// If the new key is a subset, add to to this node
search = search[commonPrefix:]
if len(search) == 0 {
splitNode.leaf = leaf
return nc, nil, false
// Create a new edge for the node
label: search[0],
node: &Node{
leaf: leaf,
prefix: search,
return nc, nil, false
// delete does a recursive deletion
func (t *Txn) delete(parent, n *Node, search []byte) (*Node, *leafNode) {
// Check for key exhaution
if len(search) == 0 {
if !n.isLeaf() {
return nil, nil
// Remove the leaf node
nc := t.writeNode(n)
nc.leaf = nil
// Check if this node should be merged
if n != t.root && len(nc.edges) == 1 {
return nc, n.leaf
// Look for an edge
label := search[0]
idx, child := n.getEdge(label)
if child == nil || !bytes.HasPrefix(search, child.prefix) {
return nil, nil
// Consume the search prefix
search = search[len(child.prefix):]
newChild, leaf := t.delete(n, child, search)
if newChild == nil {
return nil, nil
// Copy this node
nc := t.writeNode(n)
// Delete the edge if the node has no edges
if newChild.leaf == nil && len(newChild.edges) == 0 {
if n != t.root && len(nc.edges) == 1 && !nc.isLeaf() {
} else {
nc.edges[idx].node = newChild
return nc, leaf
// Insert is used to add or update a given key. The return provides
// the previous value and a bool indicating if any was set.
func (t *Txn) Insert(k []byte, v interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
newRoot, oldVal, didUpdate := t.insert(t.root, k, k, v)
if newRoot != nil {
t.root = newRoot
if !didUpdate {
return oldVal, didUpdate
// Delete is used to delete a given key. Returns the old value if any,
// and a bool indicating if the key was set.
func (t *Txn) Delete(k []byte) (interface{}, bool) {
newRoot, leaf := t.delete(nil, t.root, k)
if newRoot != nil {
t.root = newRoot
if leaf != nil {
return leaf.val, true
return nil, false
// Root returns the current root of the radix tree within this
// transaction. The root is not safe across insert and delete operations,
// but can be used to read the current state during a transaction.
func (t *Txn) Root() *Node {
return t.root
// Get is used to lookup a specific key, returning
// the value and if it was found
func (t *Txn) Get(k []byte) (interface{}, bool) {
return t.root.Get(k)
// Commit is used to finalize the transaction and return a new tree
func (t *Txn) Commit() *Tree {
t.modified = nil
return &Tree{t.root, t.size}
// Insert is used to add or update a given key. The return provides
// the new tree, previous value and a bool indicating if any was set.
func (t *Tree) Insert(k []byte, v interface{}) (*Tree, interface{}, bool) {
txn := t.Txn()
old, ok := txn.Insert(k, v)
return txn.Commit(), old, ok
// Delete is used to delete a given key. Returns the new tree,
// old value if any, and a bool indicating if the key was set.
func (t *Tree) Delete(k []byte) (*Tree, interface{}, bool) {
txn := t.Txn()
old, ok := txn.Delete(k)
return txn.Commit(), old, ok
// Root returns the root node of the tree which can be used for richer
// query operations.
func (t *Tree) Root() *Node {
return t.root
// Get is used to lookup a specific key, returning
// the value and if it was found
func (t *Tree) Get(k []byte) (interface{}, bool) {
return t.root.Get(k)
// longestPrefix finds the length of the shared prefix
// of two strings
func longestPrefix(k1, k2 []byte) int {
max := len(k1)
if l := len(k2); l < max {
max = l
var i int
for i = 0; i < max; i++ {
if k1[i] != k2[i] {
return i
// concat two byte slices, returning a third new copy
func concat(a, b []byte) []byte {
c := make([]byte, len(a)+len(b))
copy(c, a)
copy(c[len(a):], b)
return c