John Cowen 7021433185 ui: dashboard links (#5704)
This PR adds a new {{template-anchor}} component. This component lets you specify a 'href template' in a handlebars like format instead of a normal string href. This template will be interpolated with the contents of a vars="" attribute.

Also contains code to add an extra UI Setting to be able to store a template to be used for this anchor in localStorage
2019-05-01 18:22:38 +00:00

99 lines
2.1 KiB

import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
moduleForComponent('templated-anchor', 'Integration | Component | templated anchor', {
integration: true,
test('it renders', function(assert) {
href: 'http://localhost/?={{Name}}/{{ID}}',
vars: {
Name: 'name',
ID: 'id',
result: 'http://localhost/?=name/id',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{Name}}/{{ID}}',
vars: {
Name: '{{Name}}',
ID: '{{ID}}',
result: 'http://localhost/?={{Name}}/{{ID}}',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{deep.Name}}/{{deep.ID}}',
vars: {
deep: {
Name: '{{Name}}',
ID: '{{ID}}',
result: 'http://localhost/?={{Name}}/{{ID}}',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{}}/{{}}',
vars: {
Name: 'name',
ID: 'id',
result: 'http://localhost/?={{}}/{{}}',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{Service_Name}}/{{Meta-Key}}',
vars: {
Service_Name: 'name',
['Meta-Key']: 'id',
result: 'http://localhost/?=name/id',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{Service_Name}}/{{Meta-Key}}',
vars: {
WrongPropertyName: 'name',
['Meta-Key']: 'id',
result: 'http://localhost/?=/id',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{.Name}}',
vars: {
['.Name']: 'name',
result: 'http://localhost/?=',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{.}}',
vars: {
['.']: 'name',
result: 'http://localhost/?=',
href: 'http://localhost/?={{deep..Name}}',
vars: {
deep: {
Name: 'Name',
ID: 'ID',
result: 'http://localhost/?=',
].forEach(item => {
this.set('item', item);
{{#templated-anchor href=item.href vars=item.vars}}
Dashboard link