
1524 lines
41 KiB

package consul
import (
msgpackrpc ""
// Test basic creation
func TestIntentionApply_new(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace,
SourceName: "test",
DestinationNS: structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace,
DestinationName: "test",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
Meta: map[string]string{},
var reply string
// Record now to check created at time
now := time.Now()
// Create
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Read
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 1)
actual := resp.Intentions[0]
assert.Equal(resp.Index, actual.ModifyIndex)
assert.WithinDuration(now, actual.CreatedAt, 5*time.Second)
assert.WithinDuration(now, actual.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Second)
actual.CreateIndex, actual.ModifyIndex = 0, 0
actual.CreatedAt = ixn.Intention.CreatedAt
actual.UpdatedAt = ixn.Intention.UpdatedAt
actual.Hash = ixn.Intention.Hash
assert.Equal(ixn.Intention, actual)
// Test the source type defaults
func TestIntentionApply_defaultSourceType(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace,
SourceName: "test",
DestinationNS: structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace,
DestinationName: "test",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
var reply string
// Create
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Read
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 1)
actual := resp.Intentions[0]
assert.Equal(structs.IntentionSourceConsul, actual.SourceType)
// Shouldn't be able to create with an ID set
func TestIntentionApply_createWithID(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
ID: generateUUID(),
SourceName: "test",
var reply string
// Create
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
assert.Contains(err, "ID must be empty")
// Test basic updating
func TestIntentionApply_updateGood(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace,
SourceName: "test",
DestinationNS: structs.IntentionDefaultNamespace,
DestinationName: "test",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
Meta: map[string]string{},
var reply string
// Create
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Read CreatedAt
var createdAt time.Time
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 1)
actual := resp.Intentions[0]
createdAt = actual.CreatedAt
// Sleep a bit so that the updated at will definitely be different, not much
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
// Update
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpUpdate
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
ixn.Intention.SourceName = "*"
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Read
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 1)
actual := resp.Intentions[0]
assert.Equal(createdAt, actual.CreatedAt)
assert.WithinDuration(time.Now(), actual.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Second)
actual.CreateIndex, actual.ModifyIndex = 0, 0
actual.CreatedAt = ixn.Intention.CreatedAt
actual.UpdatedAt = ixn.Intention.UpdatedAt
actual.Hash = ixn.Intention.Hash
assert.Equal(ixn.Intention, actual)
// Shouldn't be able to update a non-existent intention
func TestIntentionApply_updateNonExist(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpUpdate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
ID: generateUUID(),
SourceName: "test",
var reply string
// Create
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
assert.Contains(err, "Cannot modify non-existent intention")
// Test basic deleting
func TestIntentionApply_deleteGood(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: "test",
SourceName: "test",
DestinationNS: "test",
DestinationName: "test",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
var reply string
// Create
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Delete
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpDelete
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Read
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp)
assert.Contains(err, ErrIntentionNotFound.Error())
// Test apply with a deny ACL
func TestIntentionApply_aclDeny(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create an ACL with write permissions
var token string
var rules = `
service "foo" {
policy = "deny"
intentions = "write"
req := structs.ACLRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.ACLSet,
ACL: structs.ACL{
Name: "User token",
Type: structs.ACLTokenTypeClient,
Rules: rules,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: "root"},
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.Apply", &req, &token))
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "foobar"
// Create without a token should error since default deny
var reply string
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
// Now add the token and try again.
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = token
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Read
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: "root"},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 1)
actual := resp.Intentions[0]
assert.Equal(resp.Index, actual.ModifyIndex)
actual.CreateIndex, actual.ModifyIndex = 0, 0
actual.CreatedAt = ixn.Intention.CreatedAt
actual.UpdatedAt = ixn.Intention.UpdatedAt
actual.Hash = ixn.Intention.Hash
assert.Equal(ixn.Intention, actual)
func TestIntention_WildcardACLEnforcement(t *testing.T) {
_, srv, codec := testACLServerWithConfig(t, nil, false)
waitForLeaderEstablishment(t, srv)
// create some test policies.
writeToken, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service_prefix "" { policy = "deny" intentions = "write" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
readToken, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service_prefix "" { policy = "deny" intentions = "read" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
exactToken, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service "*" { policy = "deny" intentions = "write" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
wildcardPrefixToken, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service_prefix "*" { policy = "deny" intentions = "write" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
fooToken, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service "foo" { policy = "deny" intentions = "write" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
denyToken, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service_prefix "" { policy = "deny" intentions = "deny" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
doIntentionCreate := func(t *testing.T, token string, deny bool) string {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: "default",
SourceName: "*",
DestinationNS: "default",
DestinationName: "*",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: token},
var reply string
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
if deny {
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err))
return ""
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, reply)
return reply
t.Run("deny-write-for-read-token", func(t *testing.T) {
// This tests ensures that tokens with only read access to all intentions
// cannot create a wildcard intention
doIntentionCreate(t, readToken.SecretID, true)
t.Run("deny-write-for-exact-wildcard-rule", func(t *testing.T) {
// This test ensures that having a rules like:
// service "*" {
// intentions = "write"
// }
// will not actually allow creating an intention with a wildcard service name
doIntentionCreate(t, exactToken.SecretID, true)
t.Run("deny-write-for-prefix-wildcard-rule", func(t *testing.T) {
// This test ensures that having a rules like:
// service_prefix "*" {
// intentions = "write"
// }
// will not actually allow creating an intention with a wildcard service name
doIntentionCreate(t, wildcardPrefixToken.SecretID, true)
var intentionID string
allowWriteOk := t.Run("allow-write", func(t *testing.T) {
// tests that a token with all the required privileges can create
// intentions with a wildcard destination
intentionID = doIntentionCreate(t, writeToken.SecretID, false)
requireAllowWrite := func(t *testing.T) {
if !allowWriteOk {
t.Skip("Skipping because the allow-write subtest failed")
doIntentionRead := func(t *testing.T, token string, deny bool) {
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: intentionID,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp)
if deny {
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err))
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, resp.Intentions, 1)
require.Equal(t, "*", resp.Intentions[0].DestinationName)
t.Run("allow-read-for-write-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionRead(t, writeToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-read-for-read-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionRead(t, readToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-read-for-exact-wildcard-token", func(t *testing.T) {
// this is allowed because, the effect of the policy is to grant
// intention:write on the service named "*". When reading the
// intention we will validate that the token has read permissions
// for any intention that would match the wildcard.
doIntentionRead(t, exactToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-read-for-prefix-wildcard-token", func(t *testing.T) {
// this is allowed for the same reasons as for the
// exact-wildcard-token case
doIntentionRead(t, wildcardPrefixToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("deny-read-for-deny-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionRead(t, denyToken.SecretID, true)
doIntentionList := func(t *testing.T, token string, deny bool) {
req := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.List", req, &resp)
// even with permission denied this should return success but with an empty list
require.NoError(t, err)
if deny {
require.Empty(t, resp.Intentions)
} else {
require.Len(t, resp.Intentions, 1)
require.Equal(t, "*", resp.Intentions[0].DestinationName)
t.Run("allow-list-for-write-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionList(t, writeToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-list-for-read-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionList(t, readToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-list-for-exact-wildcard-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionList(t, exactToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-list-for-prefix-wildcard-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionList(t, wildcardPrefixToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("deny-list-for-deny-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionList(t, denyToken.SecretID, true)
doIntentionMatch := func(t *testing.T, token string, deny bool) {
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Match: &structs.IntentionQueryMatch{
Type: structs.IntentionMatchDestination,
Entries: []structs.IntentionMatchEntry{
Namespace: "default",
Name: "*",
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentionMatches
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Match", req, &resp)
if deny {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Empty(t, resp.Matches)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, resp.Matches, 1)
require.Len(t, resp.Matches[0], 1)
require.Equal(t, "*", resp.Matches[0][0].DestinationName)
t.Run("allow-match-for-write-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionMatch(t, writeToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-match-for-read-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionMatch(t, readToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-match-for-exact-wildcard-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionMatch(t, exactToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("allow-match-for-prefix-wildcard-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionMatch(t, wildcardPrefixToken.SecretID, false)
t.Run("deny-match-for-deny-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionMatch(t, denyToken.SecretID, true)
doIntentionUpdate := func(t *testing.T, token string, dest string, deny bool) {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpUpdate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
ID: intentionID,
SourceNS: "default",
SourceName: "*",
DestinationNS: "default",
DestinationName: dest,
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: token},
var reply string
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
if deny {
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err))
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("deny-update-for-foo-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionUpdate(t, fooToken.SecretID, "foo", true)
t.Run("allow-update-for-prefix-token", func(t *testing.T) {
// this tests that regardless of going from a wildcard intention
// to a non-wildcard or the opposite direction that the permissions
// are checked correctly. This also happens to leave the intention
// in a state ready for verifying similar things with deletion
doIntentionUpdate(t, writeToken.SecretID, "foo", false)
doIntentionUpdate(t, writeToken.SecretID, "*", false)
doIntentionDelete := func(t *testing.T, token string, deny bool) {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpDelete,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
ID: intentionID,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: token},
var reply string
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
if deny {
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err))
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("deny-delete-for-read-token", func(t *testing.T) {
doIntentionDelete(t, readToken.SecretID, true)
t.Run("deny-delete-for-exact-wildcard-rule", func(t *testing.T) {
// This test ensures that having a rules like:
// service "*" {
// intentions = "write"
// }
// will not actually allow deleting an intention with a wildcard service name
doIntentionDelete(t, exactToken.SecretID, true)
t.Run("deny-delete-for-prefix-wildcard-rule", func(t *testing.T) {
// This test ensures that having a rules like:
// service_prefix "*" {
// intentions = "write"
// }
// will not actually allow creating an intention with a wildcard service name
doIntentionDelete(t, wildcardPrefixToken.SecretID, true)
t.Run("allow-delete", func(t *testing.T) {
// tests that a token with all the required privileges can delete
// intentions with a wildcard destination
doIntentionDelete(t, writeToken.SecretID, false)
// Test apply with delete and a default deny ACL
func TestIntentionApply_aclDelete(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create an ACL with write permissions
var token string
var rules = `
service "foo" {
policy = "deny"
intentions = "write"
req := structs.ACLRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.ACLSet,
ACL: structs.ACL{
Name: "User token",
Type: structs.ACLTokenTypeClient,
Rules: rules,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: "root"},
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.Apply", &req, &token))
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "foobar"
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = token
// Create
var reply string
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Try to do a delete with no token; this should get rejected.
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpDelete
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = ""
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
// Try again with the original token. This should go through.
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = token
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Verify it is gone
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp)
assert.Contains(err.Error(), ErrIntentionNotFound.Error())
// Test apply with update and a default deny ACL
func TestIntentionApply_aclUpdate(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create an ACL with write permissions
var token string
var rules = `
service "foo" {
policy = "deny"
intentions = "write"
req := structs.ACLRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.ACLSet,
ACL: structs.ACL{
Name: "User token",
Type: structs.ACLTokenTypeClient,
Rules: rules,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: "root"},
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.Apply", &req, &token))
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "foobar"
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = token
// Create
var reply string
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Try to do an update without a token; this should get rejected.
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpUpdate
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = ""
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
// Try again with the original token; this should go through.
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = token
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Test apply with a management token
func TestIntentionApply_aclManagement(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "foobar"
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = "root"
// Create
var reply string
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
// Update
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpUpdate
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Delete
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpDelete
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Test update changing the name where an ACL won't allow it
func TestIntentionApply_aclUpdateChange(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create an ACL with write permissions
var token string
var rules = `
service "foo" {
policy = "deny"
intentions = "write"
req := structs.ACLRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.ACLSet,
ACL: structs.ACL{
Name: "User token",
Type: structs.ACLTokenTypeClient,
Rules: rules,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: "root"},
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.Apply", &req, &token))
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "bar"
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = "root"
// Create
var reply string
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Try to do an update without a token; this should get rejected.
ixn.Op = structs.IntentionOpUpdate
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "foo"
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = token
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply)
// Test reading with ACLs
func TestIntentionGet_acl(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create an ACL with service write permissions. This will grant
// intentions read.
var token string
var rules = `
service "foo" {
policy = "write"
req := structs.ACLRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.ACLSet,
ACL: structs.ACL{
Name: "User token",
Type: structs.ACLTokenTypeClient,
Rules: rules,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: "root"},
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.Apply", &req, &token))
// Setup a basic record to create
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = "foobar"
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = "root"
// Create
var reply string
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
ixn.Intention.ID = reply
// Read without token should be error
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp)
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 0)
// Read with token should work
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
IntentionID: ixn.Intention.ID,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Get", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 1)
func TestIntentionList(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Test with no intentions inserted yet
req := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.List", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Intentions, 0)
// Test listing with ACLs
func TestIntentionList_acl(t *testing.T) {
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, testServerACLConfig(nil))
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
waitForNewACLs(t, s1)
token, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service_prefix "foo" { policy = "write" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a few records
for _, name := range []string{"foobar", "bar", "baz"} {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.SourceNS = "default"
ixn.Intention.DestinationNS = "default"
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = name
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = TestDefaultMasterToken
// Create
var reply string
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Test with no token
t.Run("no-token", func(t *testing.T) {
req := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.List", req, &resp))
require.Len(t, resp.Intentions, 0)
// Test with management token
t.Run("master-token", func(t *testing.T) {
req := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: TestDefaultMasterToken},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.List", req, &resp))
require.Len(t, resp.Intentions, 3)
// Test with user token
t.Run("user-token", func(t *testing.T) {
req := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token.SecretID},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.List", req, &resp))
require.Len(t, resp.Intentions, 1)
t.Run("filtered", func(t *testing.T) {
req := &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Token: TestDefaultMasterToken,
Filter: "DestinationName == foobar",
var resp structs.IndexedIntentions
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.List", req, &resp))
require.Len(t, resp.Intentions, 1)
// Test basic matching. We don't need to exhaustively test inputs since this
// is tested in the agent/consul/state package.
func TestIntentionMatch_good(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create some records
insert := [][]string{
{"foo", "*", "foo", "*"},
{"foo", "*", "foo", "bar"},
{"foo", "*", "foo", "baz"}, // shouldn't match
{"foo", "*", "bar", "bar"}, // shouldn't match
{"foo", "*", "bar", "*"}, // shouldn't match
{"foo", "*", "*", "*"},
{"bar", "*", "foo", "bar"}, // duplicate destination different source
for _, v := range insert {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: v[0],
SourceName: v[1],
DestinationNS: v[2],
DestinationName: v[3],
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
// Create
var reply string
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Match
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Match: &structs.IntentionQueryMatch{
Type: structs.IntentionMatchDestination,
Entries: []structs.IntentionMatchEntry{
Namespace: "foo",
Name: "bar",
var resp structs.IndexedIntentionMatches
assert.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Match", req, &resp))
assert.Len(resp.Matches, 1)
expected := [][]string{
{"bar", "*", "foo", "bar"},
{"foo", "*", "foo", "bar"},
{"foo", "*", "foo", "*"},
{"foo", "*", "*", "*"},
var actual [][]string
for _, ixn := range resp.Matches[0] {
actual = append(actual, []string{
assert.Equal(expected, actual)
// Test matching with ACLs
func TestIntentionMatch_acl(t *testing.T) {
_, srv, codec := testACLServerWithConfig(t, nil, false)
waitForLeaderEstablishment(t, srv)
token, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service "bar" { policy = "write" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create some records
insert := []string{
for _, v := range insert {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
ixn.Intention.DestinationName = v
ixn.WriteRequest.Token = TestDefaultMasterToken
// Create
var reply string
require.Nil(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Test with no token
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Match: &structs.IntentionQueryMatch{
Type: structs.IntentionMatchDestination,
Entries: []structs.IntentionMatchEntry{
Namespace: "default",
Name: "bar",
var resp structs.IndexedIntentionMatches
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Match", req, &resp)
require.True(t, acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err))
require.Len(t, resp.Matches, 0)
// Test with proper token
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Match: &structs.IntentionQueryMatch{
Type: structs.IntentionMatchDestination,
Entries: []structs.IntentionMatchEntry{
Namespace: "default",
Name: "bar",
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token.SecretID},
var resp structs.IndexedIntentionMatches
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Match", req, &resp))
require.Len(t, resp.Matches, 1)
expected := []string{"bar", "*"}
var actual []string
for _, ixn := range resp.Matches[0] {
actual = append(actual, ixn.DestinationName)
require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, actual)
// Test the Check method defaults to allow with no ACL set.
func TestIntentionCheck_defaultNoACL(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServer(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Test
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Check: &structs.IntentionQueryCheck{
SourceNS: "foo",
SourceName: "bar",
DestinationNS: "foo",
DestinationName: "qux",
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
var resp structs.IntentionQueryCheckResponse
require.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Check", req, &resp))
// Test the Check method defaults to deny with allowlist ACLs.
func TestIntentionCheck_defaultACLDeny(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Check
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Check: &structs.IntentionQueryCheck{
SourceNS: "foo",
SourceName: "bar",
DestinationNS: "foo",
DestinationName: "qux",
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
req.Token = "root"
var resp structs.IntentionQueryCheckResponse
require.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Check", req, &resp))
// Test the Check method defaults to deny with denylist ACLs.
func TestIntentionCheck_defaultACLAllow(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "allow"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Check
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Check: &structs.IntentionQueryCheck{
SourceNS: "foo",
SourceName: "bar",
DestinationNS: "foo",
DestinationName: "qux",
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
req.Token = "root"
var resp structs.IntentionQueryCheckResponse
require.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Check", req, &resp))
// Test the Check method requires service:read permission.
func TestIntentionCheck_aclDeny(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
dir1, s1 := testServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) {
c.ACLDatacenter = "dc1"
c.ACLsEnabled = true
c.ACLMasterToken = "root"
c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "deny"
defer os.RemoveAll(dir1)
defer s1.Shutdown()
codec := rpcClient(t, s1)
defer codec.Close()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, s1.RPC, "dc1")
// Create an ACL with service read permissions. This will grant permission.
var token string
var rules = `
service "bar" {
policy = "read"
req := structs.ACLRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.ACLSet,
ACL: structs.ACL{
Name: "User token",
Type: structs.ACLTokenTypeClient,
Rules: rules,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: "root"},
require.Nil(msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.Apply", &req, &token))
// Check
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Check: &structs.IntentionQueryCheck{
SourceNS: "foo",
SourceName: "qux",
DestinationNS: "foo",
DestinationName: "baz",
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
req.Token = token
var resp structs.IntentionQueryCheckResponse
err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Check", req, &resp)
// Test the Check method returns allow/deny properly.
func TestIntentionCheck_match(t *testing.T) {
_, srv, codec := testACLServerWithConfig(t, nil, false)
waitForLeaderEstablishment(t, srv)
token, err := upsertTestTokenWithPolicyRules(codec, TestDefaultMasterToken, "dc1", `service "api" { policy = "read" }`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create some intentions
insert := [][]string{
{"web", "db"},
{"api", "db"},
{"web", "api"},
for _, v := range insert {
ixn := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: &structs.Intention{
SourceNS: "default",
SourceName: v[0],
DestinationNS: "default",
DestinationName: v[1],
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Token: TestDefaultMasterToken},
// Create
var reply string
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Apply", &ixn, &reply))
// Check
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Check: &structs.IntentionQueryCheck{
SourceNS: "default",
SourceName: "web",
DestinationNS: "default",
DestinationName: "api",
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token.SecretID},
var resp structs.IntentionQueryCheckResponse
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Check", req, &resp))
require.True(t, resp.Allowed)
// Test no match for sanity
req := &structs.IntentionQueryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Check: &structs.IntentionQueryCheck{
SourceNS: "default",
SourceName: "db",
DestinationNS: "default",
DestinationName: "api",
SourceType: structs.IntentionSourceConsul,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: token.SecretID},
var resp structs.IntentionQueryCheckResponse
require.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Intention.Check", req, &resp))
require.False(t, resp.Allowed)