
775 lines
17 KiB

Copyright 2014 SAP SE
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package protocol
import (
var test uint32
const (
realNullValue uint32 = ^uint32(0)
doubleNullValue uint64 = ^uint64(0)
const noFieldName uint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF
type uint32Slice []uint32
func (p uint32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p uint32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p uint32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p uint32Slice) sort() { sort.Sort(p) }
type fieldNames map[uint32]string
func newFieldNames() fieldNames {
return make(map[uint32]string)
func (f fieldNames) addOffset(offset uint32) {
if offset != noFieldName {
f[offset] = ""
func (f fieldNames) name(offset uint32) string {
if name, ok := f[offset]; ok {
return name
return ""
func (f fieldNames) setName(offset uint32, name string) {
f[offset] = name
func (f fieldNames) sortOffsets() []uint32 {
offsets := make([]uint32, 0, len(f))
for k := range f {
offsets = append(offsets, k)
return offsets
// FieldValues contains rows read from database.
type FieldValues struct {
rows int
cols int
values []driver.Value
func newFieldValues() *FieldValues {
return &FieldValues{}
func (f *FieldValues) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("rows %d columns %d", f.rows, f.cols)
func (f *FieldValues) resize(rows, cols int) {
f.rows, f.cols = rows, cols
f.values = make([]driver.Value, rows*cols)
// NumRow returns the number of rows available in FieldValues.
func (f *FieldValues) NumRow() int {
return f.rows
// Row fills the dest value slice with row data at index idx.
func (f *FieldValues) Row(idx int, dest []driver.Value) {
copy(dest, f.values[idx*f.cols:(idx+1)*f.cols])
const (
tinyintFieldSize = 1
smallintFieldSize = 2
intFieldSize = 4
bigintFieldSize = 8
realFieldSize = 4
doubleFieldSize = 8
dateFieldSize = 4
timeFieldSize = 4
timestampFieldSize = dateFieldSize + timeFieldSize
longdateFieldSize = 8
seconddateFieldSize = 8
daydateFieldSize = 4
secondtimeFieldSize = 4
decimalFieldSize = 16
lobInputDescriptorSize = 9
func fieldSize(tc TypeCode, arg driver.NamedValue) (int, error) {
v := arg.Value
if v == nil { //HDB bug: secondtime null value --> see writeField
return 0, nil
switch tc {
case tcTinyint:
return tinyintFieldSize, nil
case tcSmallint:
return smallintFieldSize, nil
case tcInteger:
return intFieldSize, nil
case tcBigint:
return bigintFieldSize, nil
case tcReal:
return realFieldSize, nil
case tcDouble:
return doubleFieldSize, nil
case tcDate:
return dateFieldSize, nil
case tcTime:
return timeFieldSize, nil
case tcTimestamp:
return timestampFieldSize, nil
case tcLongdate:
return longdateFieldSize, nil
case tcSeconddate:
return seconddateFieldSize, nil
case tcDaydate:
return daydateFieldSize, nil
case tcSecondtime:
return secondtimeFieldSize, nil
case tcDecimal:
return decimalFieldSize, nil
case tcChar, tcVarchar, tcString:
switch v := v.(type) {
case []byte:
return bytesSize(len(v))
case string:
return bytesSize(len(v))
outLogger.Fatalf("data type %s mismatch %T", tc, v)
case tcNchar, tcNvarchar, tcNstring:
switch v := v.(type) {
case []byte:
return bytesSize(cesu8.Size(v))
case string:
return bytesSize(cesu8.StringSize(v))
outLogger.Fatalf("data type %s mismatch %T", tc, v)
case tcBinary, tcVarbinary:
v, ok := v.([]byte)
if !ok {
outLogger.Fatalf("data type %s mismatch %T", tc, v)
return bytesSize(len(v))
case tcBlob, tcClob, tcNclob:
return lobInputDescriptorSize, nil
outLogger.Fatalf("data type %s not implemented", tc)
return 0, nil
func readField(session *Session, rd *bufio.Reader, tc TypeCode) (interface{}, error) {
switch tc {
case tcTinyint, tcSmallint, tcInteger, tcBigint:
if !rd.ReadBool() { //null value
return nil, nil
switch tc {
case tcTinyint:
return int64(rd.ReadB()), nil
case tcSmallint:
return int64(rd.ReadInt16()), nil
case tcInteger:
return int64(rd.ReadInt32()), nil
case tcBigint:
return rd.ReadInt64(), nil
case tcReal:
v := rd.ReadUint32()
if v == realNullValue {
return nil, nil
return float64(math.Float32frombits(v)), nil
case tcDouble:
v := rd.ReadUint64()
if v == doubleNullValue {
return nil, nil
return math.Float64frombits(v), nil
case tcDate:
year, month, day, null := readDate(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), nil
// time read gives only seconds (cut), no milliseconds
case tcTime:
hour, minute, nanosecs, null := readTime(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return time.Date(1, 1, 1, hour, minute, 0, nanosecs, time.UTC), nil
case tcTimestamp:
year, month, day, dateNull := readDate(rd)
hour, minute, nanosecs, timeNull := readTime(rd)
if dateNull || timeNull {
return nil, nil
return time.Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0, nanosecs, time.UTC), nil
case tcLongdate:
time, null := readLongdate(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return time, nil
case tcSeconddate:
time, null := readSeconddate(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return time, nil
case tcDaydate:
time, null := readDaydate(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return time, nil
case tcSecondtime:
time, null := readSecondtime(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return time, nil
case tcDecimal:
b, null := readDecimal(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return b, nil
case tcChar, tcVarchar:
value, null := readBytes(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return value, nil
case tcNchar, tcNvarchar:
value, null := readUtf8(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return value, nil
case tcBinary, tcVarbinary:
value, null := readBytes(rd)
if null {
return nil, nil
return value, nil
case tcBlob, tcClob, tcNclob:
null, writer, err := readLob(session, rd, tc)
if null {
return nil, nil
return writer, err
outLogger.Fatalf("read field: type code %s not implemented", tc)
return nil, nil
func writeField(wr *bufio.Writer, tc TypeCode, arg driver.NamedValue) error {
v := arg.Value
//HDB bug: secondtime null value cannot be set by setting high byte
// trying so, gives
// SQL HdbError 1033 - error while parsing protocol: no such data type: type_code=192, index=2
// null value
//if v == nil && tc != tcSecondtime
if v == nil {
wr.WriteB(byte(tc) | 0x80) //set high bit
return nil
// type code
switch tc {
outLogger.Fatalf("write field: type code %s not implemented", tc)
case tcTinyint, tcSmallint, tcInteger, tcBigint:
var i64 int64
switch v := v.(type) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
case bool:
if v {
i64 = 1
} else {
i64 = 0
case int64:
i64 = v
switch tc {
case tcTinyint:
case tcSmallint:
case tcInteger:
case tcBigint:
case tcReal:
f64, ok := v.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
case tcDouble:
f64, ok := v.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
case tcDate:
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeDate(wr, t)
case tcTime:
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeTime(wr, t)
case tcTimestamp:
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeDate(wr, t)
writeTime(wr, t)
case tcLongdate:
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeLongdate(wr, t)
case tcSeconddate:
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeSeconddate(wr, t)
case tcDaydate:
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeDaydate(wr, t)
case tcSecondtime:
// HDB bug: write null value explicite
if v == nil {
return nil
t, ok := v.(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeSecondtime(wr, t)
case tcDecimal:
b, ok := v.([]byte)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
if len(b) != 16 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument length %d of type %T - expected %d", len(b), v, 16)
case tcChar, tcVarchar, tcString:
switch v := v.(type) {
case []byte:
writeBytes(wr, v)
case string:
writeString(wr, v)
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
case tcNchar, tcNvarchar, tcNstring:
switch v := v.(type) {
case []byte:
writeUtf8Bytes(wr, v)
case string:
writeUtf8String(wr, v)
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
case tcBinary, tcVarbinary:
v, ok := v.([]byte)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type %T", v)
writeBytes(wr, v)
case tcBlob, tcClob, tcNclob:
return nil
// null values: most sig bit unset
// year: unset second most sig bit (subtract 2^15)
// --> read year as unsigned
// month is 0-based
// day is 1 byte
func readDate(rd *bufio.Reader) (int, time.Month, int, bool) {
year := rd.ReadUint16()
null := ((year & 0x8000) == 0) //null value
year &= 0x3fff
month := rd.ReadInt8()
day := rd.ReadInt8()
return int(year), time.Month(month), int(day), null
// year: set most sig bit
// month 0 based
func writeDate(wr *bufio.Writer, t time.Time) {
//store in utc
utc := t.In(time.UTC)
year, month, day := utc.Date()
wr.WriteUint16(uint16(year) | 0x8000)
wr.WriteInt8(int8(month) - 1)
func readTime(rd *bufio.Reader) (int, int, int, bool) {
hour := rd.ReadB()
null := (hour & 0x80) == 0 //null value
hour &= 0x7f
minute := rd.ReadInt8()
millisecs := rd.ReadUint16()
nanosecs := int(millisecs) * 1000000
return int(hour), int(minute), nanosecs, null
func writeTime(wr *bufio.Writer, t time.Time) {
//store in utc
utc := t.UTC()
wr.WriteB(byte(utc.Hour()) | 0x80)
millisecs := utc.Second()*1000 + utc.Round(time.Millisecond).Nanosecond()/1000000
var zeroTime = time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
func readLongdate(rd *bufio.Reader) (time.Time, bool) {
longdate := rd.ReadInt64()
if longdate == 3155380704000000001 { // null value
return zeroTime, true
return convertLongdateToTime(longdate), false
func writeLongdate(wr *bufio.Writer, t time.Time) {
func readSeconddate(rd *bufio.Reader) (time.Time, bool) {
seconddate := rd.ReadInt64()
if seconddate == 315538070401 { // null value
return zeroTime, true
return convertSeconddateToTime(seconddate), false
func writeSeconddate(wr *bufio.Writer, t time.Time) {
func readDaydate(rd *bufio.Reader) (time.Time, bool) {
daydate := rd.ReadInt32()
if daydate == 3652062 { // null value
return zeroTime, true
return convertDaydateToTime(int64(daydate)), false
func writeDaydate(wr *bufio.Writer, t time.Time) {
func readSecondtime(rd *bufio.Reader) (time.Time, bool) {
secondtime := rd.ReadInt32()
if secondtime == 86401 { // null value
return zeroTime, true
return convertSecondtimeToTime(int(secondtime)), false
func writeSecondtime(wr *bufio.Writer, t time.Time) {
// nanosecond: HDB - 7 digits precision (not 9 digits)
func convertTimeToLongdate(t time.Time) int64 {
t = t.UTC()
return (((((((int64(convertTimeToDayDate(t))-1)*24)+int64(t.Hour()))*60)+int64(t.Minute()))*60)+int64(t.Second()))*10000000 + int64(t.Nanosecond()/100) + 1
func convertLongdateToTime(longdate int64) time.Time {
const dayfactor = 10000000 * 24 * 60 * 60
d := (longdate % dayfactor) * 100
t := convertDaydateToTime((longdate / dayfactor) + 1)
return t.Add(time.Duration(d))
func convertTimeToSeconddate(t time.Time) int64 {
t = t.UTC()
return (((((int64(convertTimeToDayDate(t))-1)*24)+int64(t.Hour()))*60)+int64(t.Minute()))*60 + int64(t.Second()) + 1
func convertSeconddateToTime(seconddate int64) time.Time {
const dayfactor = 24 * 60 * 60
d := (seconddate % dayfactor) * 1000000000
t := convertDaydateToTime((seconddate / dayfactor) + 1)
return t.Add(time.Duration(d))
const julianHdb = 1721423 // 1 January 0001 00:00:00 (1721424) - 1
func convertTimeToDayDate(t time.Time) int64 {
return int64(timeToJulianDay(t) - julianHdb)
func convertDaydateToTime(daydate int64) time.Time {
return julianDayToTime(int(daydate) + julianHdb)
func convertTimeToSecondtime(t time.Time) int {
t = t.UTC()
return (t.Hour()*60+t.Minute())*60 + t.Second() + 1
func convertSecondtimeToTime(secondtime int) time.Time {
return time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Add(time.Duration(int64(secondtime-1) * 1000000000))
func readDecimal(rd *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, bool) {
b := make([]byte, 16)
if (b[15] & 0x70) == 0x70 { //null value (bit 4,5,6 set)
return nil, true
return b, false
// string / binary length indicators
const (
bytesLenIndNullValue byte = 255
bytesLenIndSmall byte = 245
bytesLenIndMedium byte = 246
bytesLenIndBig byte = 247
func bytesSize(size int) (int, error) { //size + length indicator
switch {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("max string length %d exceeded %d", math.MaxInt32, size)
case size <= int(bytesLenIndSmall):
return size + 1, nil
case size <= math.MaxInt16:
return size + 3, nil
case size <= math.MaxInt32:
return size + 5, nil
func readBytesSize(rd *bufio.Reader) (int, bool) {
ind := rd.ReadB() //length indicator
switch {
return 0, false
case ind == bytesLenIndNullValue:
return 0, true
case ind <= bytesLenIndSmall:
return int(ind), false
case ind == bytesLenIndMedium:
return int(rd.ReadInt16()), false
case ind == bytesLenIndBig:
return int(rd.ReadInt32()), false
func writeBytesSize(wr *bufio.Writer, size int) error {
switch {
return fmt.Errorf("max argument length %d of string exceeded", size)
case size <= int(bytesLenIndSmall):
case size <= math.MaxInt16:
case size <= math.MaxInt32:
return nil
func readBytes(rd *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, bool) {
size, null := readBytesSize(rd)
if null {
return nil, true
b := make([]byte, size)
return b, false
func readUtf8(rd *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, bool) {
size, null := readBytesSize(rd)
if null {
return nil, true
b := rd.ReadCesu8(size)
return b, false
// strings with one byte length
func readShortUtf8(rd *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, int) {
size := rd.ReadB()
b := rd.ReadCesu8(int(size))
return b, int(size)
func writeBytes(wr *bufio.Writer, b []byte) {
writeBytesSize(wr, len(b))
func writeString(wr *bufio.Writer, s string) {
writeBytesSize(wr, len(s))
func writeUtf8Bytes(wr *bufio.Writer, b []byte) {
size := cesu8.Size(b)
writeBytesSize(wr, size)
func writeUtf8String(wr *bufio.Writer, s string) {
size := cesu8.StringSize(s)
writeBytesSize(wr, size)
func readLob(s *Session, rd *bufio.Reader, tc TypeCode) (bool, lobChunkWriter, error) {
rd.ReadInt8() // type code (is int here)
opt := rd.ReadInt8()
null := (lobOptions(opt) & loNullindicator) != 0
if null {
return true, nil, nil
eof := (lobOptions(opt) & loLastdata) != 0
charLen := rd.ReadInt64()
byteLen := rd.ReadInt64()
id := rd.ReadUint64()
chunkLen := rd.ReadInt32()
lobChunkWriter := newLobChunkWriter(tc.isCharBased(), s, locatorID(id), charLen, byteLen)
if err := lobChunkWriter.write(rd, int(chunkLen), eof); err != nil {
return null, lobChunkWriter, err
return null, lobChunkWriter, nil
// TODO: first write: add content? - actually no data transferred
func writeLob(wr *bufio.Writer) {