
330 lines
11 KiB

// +build windows
package ole
import (
var (
procCoInitialize, _ = modole32.FindProc("CoInitialize")
procCoInitializeEx, _ = modole32.FindProc("CoInitializeEx")
procCoUninitialize, _ = modole32.FindProc("CoUninitialize")
procCoCreateInstance, _ = modole32.FindProc("CoCreateInstance")
procCoTaskMemFree, _ = modole32.FindProc("CoTaskMemFree")
procCLSIDFromProgID, _ = modole32.FindProc("CLSIDFromProgID")
procCLSIDFromString, _ = modole32.FindProc("CLSIDFromString")
procStringFromCLSID, _ = modole32.FindProc("StringFromCLSID")
procStringFromIID, _ = modole32.FindProc("StringFromIID")
procIIDFromString, _ = modole32.FindProc("IIDFromString")
procGetUserDefaultLCID, _ = modkernel32.FindProc("GetUserDefaultLCID")
procCopyMemory, _ = modkernel32.FindProc("RtlMoveMemory")
procVariantInit, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("VariantInit")
procVariantClear, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("VariantClear")
procVariantTimeToSystemTime, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("VariantTimeToSystemTime")
procSysAllocString, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("SysAllocString")
procSysAllocStringLen, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("SysAllocStringLen")
procSysFreeString, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("SysFreeString")
procSysStringLen, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("SysStringLen")
procCreateDispTypeInfo, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("CreateDispTypeInfo")
procCreateStdDispatch, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("CreateStdDispatch")
procGetActiveObject, _ = modoleaut32.FindProc("GetActiveObject")
procGetMessageW, _ = moduser32.FindProc("GetMessageW")
procDispatchMessageW, _ = moduser32.FindProc("DispatchMessageW")
// coInitialize initializes COM library on current thread.
// MSDN documentation suggests that this function should not be called. Call
// CoInitializeEx() instead. The reason has to do with threading and this
// function is only for single-threaded apartments.
// That said, most users of the library have gotten away with just this
// function. If you are experiencing threading issues, then use
// CoInitializeEx().
func coInitialize() (err error) {
// Suggests that no value should be passed to CoInitialized.
// Could just be Call() since the parameter is optional. <-- Needs testing to be sure.
hr, _, _ := procCoInitialize.Call(uintptr(0))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// coInitializeEx initializes COM library with concurrency model.
func coInitializeEx(coinit uint32) (err error) {
// Suggests that the first parameter is not only optional but should always be NULL.
hr, _, _ := procCoInitializeEx.Call(uintptr(0), uintptr(coinit))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// CoInitialize initializes COM library on current thread.
// MSDN documentation suggests that this function should not be called. Call
// CoInitializeEx() instead. The reason has to do with threading and this
// function is only for single-threaded apartments.
// That said, most users of the library have gotten away with just this
// function. If you are experiencing threading issues, then use
// CoInitializeEx().
func CoInitialize(p uintptr) (err error) {
// p is ignored and won't be used.
// Avoid any variable not used errors.
p = uintptr(0)
return coInitialize()
// CoInitializeEx initializes COM library with concurrency model.
func CoInitializeEx(p uintptr, coinit uint32) (err error) {
// Avoid any variable not used errors.
p = uintptr(0)
return coInitializeEx(coinit)
// CoUninitialize uninitializes COM Library.
func CoUninitialize() {
// CoTaskMemFree frees memory pointer.
func CoTaskMemFree(memptr uintptr) {
// CLSIDFromProgID retrieves Class Identifier with the given Program Identifier.
// The Programmatic Identifier must be registered, because it will be looked up
// in the Windows Registry. The registry entry has the following keys: CLSID,
// Insertable, Protocol and Shell
// (
// programID identifies the class id with less precision and is not guaranteed
// to be unique. These are usually found in the registry under
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes, usually with the format of
// "Program.Component.Version" with version being optional.
// CLSIDFromProgID in Windows API.
func CLSIDFromProgID(progId string) (clsid *GUID, err error) {
var guid GUID
lpszProgID := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(progId)))
hr, _, _ := procCLSIDFromProgID.Call(lpszProgID, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&guid)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
clsid = &guid
// CLSIDFromString retrieves Class ID from string representation.
// This is technically the string version of the GUID and will convert the
// string to object.
// CLSIDFromString in Windows API.
func CLSIDFromString(str string) (clsid *GUID, err error) {
var guid GUID
lpsz := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(str)))
hr, _, _ := procCLSIDFromString.Call(lpsz, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&guid)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
clsid = &guid
// StringFromCLSID returns GUID formated string from GUID object.
func StringFromCLSID(clsid *GUID) (str string, err error) {
var p *uint16
hr, _, _ := procStringFromCLSID.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(clsid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&p)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
str = LpOleStrToString(p)
// IIDFromString returns GUID from program ID.
func IIDFromString(progId string) (clsid *GUID, err error) {
var guid GUID
lpsz := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(progId)))
hr, _, _ := procIIDFromString.Call(lpsz, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&guid)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
clsid = &guid
// StringFromIID returns GUID formatted string from GUID object.
func StringFromIID(iid *GUID) (str string, err error) {
var p *uint16
hr, _, _ := procStringFromIID.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&p)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
str = LpOleStrToString(p)
// CreateInstance of single uninitialized object with GUID.
func CreateInstance(clsid *GUID, iid *GUID) (unk *IUnknown, err error) {
if iid == nil {
iid = IID_IUnknown
hr, _, _ := procCoCreateInstance.Call(
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// GetActiveObject retrieves pointer to active object.
func GetActiveObject(clsid *GUID, iid *GUID) (unk *IUnknown, err error) {
if iid == nil {
iid = IID_IUnknown
hr, _, _ := procGetActiveObject.Call(
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// VariantInit initializes variant.
func VariantInit(v *VARIANT) (err error) {
hr, _, _ := procVariantInit.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// VariantClear clears value in Variant settings to VT_EMPTY.
func VariantClear(v *VARIANT) (err error) {
hr, _, _ := procVariantClear.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// SysAllocString allocates memory for string and copies string into memory.
func SysAllocString(v string) (ss *int16) {
pss, _, _ := procSysAllocString.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(v))))
ss = (*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(pss))
// SysAllocStringLen copies up to length of given string returning pointer.
func SysAllocStringLen(v string) (ss *int16) {
utf16 := utf16.Encode([]rune(v + "\x00"))
ptr := &utf16[0]
pss, _, _ := procSysAllocStringLen.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)), uintptr(len(utf16)-1))
ss = (*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(pss))
// SysFreeString frees string system memory. This must be called with SysAllocString.
func SysFreeString(v *int16) (err error) {
hr, _, _ := procSysFreeString.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)))
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// SysStringLen is the length of the system allocated string.
func SysStringLen(v *int16) uint32 {
l, _, _ := procSysStringLen.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)))
return uint32(l)
// CreateStdDispatch provides default IDispatch implementation for IUnknown.
// This handles default IDispatch implementation for objects. It haves a few
// limitations with only supporting one language. It will also only return
// default exception codes.
func CreateStdDispatch(unk *IUnknown, v uintptr, ptinfo *IUnknown) (disp *IDispatch, err error) {
hr, _, _ := procCreateStdDispatch.Call(
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// CreateDispTypeInfo provides default ITypeInfo implementation for IDispatch.
// This will not handle the full implementation of the interface.
func CreateDispTypeInfo(idata *INTERFACEDATA) (pptinfo *IUnknown, err error) {
hr, _, _ := procCreateDispTypeInfo.Call(
if hr != 0 {
err = NewError(hr)
// copyMemory moves location of a block of memory.
func copyMemory(dest unsafe.Pointer, src unsafe.Pointer, length uint32) {
procCopyMemory.Call(uintptr(dest), uintptr(src), uintptr(length))
// GetUserDefaultLCID retrieves current user default locale.
func GetUserDefaultLCID() (lcid uint32) {
ret, _, _ := procGetUserDefaultLCID.Call()
lcid = uint32(ret)
// GetMessage in message queue from runtime.
// This function appears to block. PeekMessage does not block.
func GetMessage(msg *Msg, hwnd uint32, MsgFilterMin uint32, MsgFilterMax uint32) (ret int32, err error) {
r0, _, err := procGetMessageW.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(hwnd), uintptr(MsgFilterMin), uintptr(MsgFilterMax))
ret = int32(r0)
// DispatchMessage to window procedure.
func DispatchMessage(msg *Msg) (ret int32) {
r0, _, _ := procDispatchMessageW.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)))
ret = int32(r0)
// GetVariantDate converts COM Variant Time value to Go time.Time.
func GetVariantDate(value float64) (time.Time, error) {
var st syscall.Systemtime
r, _, _ := procVariantTimeToSystemTime.Call(uintptr(value), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&st)))
if r != 0 {
return time.Date(int(st.Year), time.Month(st.Month), int(st.Day), int(st.Hour), int(st.Minute), int(st.Second), int(st.Milliseconds/1000), time.UTC), nil
return time.Now(), errors.New("Could not convert to time, passing current time.")