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</code></pre> <p>Then, in another terminal, start a second agent. We&#39;ll bind this agent to <code></code>. In addition to overriding the node name, we&#39;re also going to override the RPC address. The RPC address is the address that Serf binds to for RPC operations. The other <code>serf</code> commands communicate with a running Serf agent over RPC. We left the first agent with the default RPC address so lets select another for this agent.</p> <pre><code>$ serf agent -node=agent-two -bind= -rpc-addr=
</code></pre> <p>At this point, you have two Serf agents running. The two Serf agents still don&#39;t know anything about each other, and are each part of their own clusters (of one member). You can verify this by running <code>serf members</code> against each agent and noting that only one member is a part of each.</p> <h2 id=toc_2>Joining a Cluster</h2> <p>Now, let&#39;s tell the first agent to join the second agent by running the following command in a new terminal:</p> <pre><code>$ serf join
Successfully joined cluster by contacting 1 nodes.
</code></pre> <p>You should see some log output in each of the agent logs. If you read carefully, you&#39;ll see that they received join information. If you run <code>serf members</code> against each agent, you&#39;ll see that both agents now know about each other:</p> <pre><code>$ serf members
agent-one alive
agent-two alive
$ serf members -rpc-addr=
agent-two alive
agent-one alive
</code></pre> <div class="alert alert-block alert-info"> <p><strong>Remember:</strong> To join a cluster, a Serf agent needs to only learn about <em>one existing member</em>. After joining the cluster, the agents gossip with each other to propagate full membership information. </p> </div> <p>In addition to using <code>serf join</code> you can use the <code>-join</code> flag on <code>serf agent</code> to join a cluster as part of starting up the agent.</p> <h2 id=toc_3>Leaving a Cluster</h2> <p>To leave the cluster, you can either gracefully quit an agent (using <code>Ctrl-C</code>) or force kill one of the agents. Gracefully leaving allows the node to transition into the <em>left</em> state, otherwise other nodes will detect it as having <em>failed</em>. The difference is covered in more detail <a href="/intro/getting-started/agent.html#toc_3">here</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id=footer> <div class=container> <div class=footer-links> <ul class="main-links nav navbar-nav rls-sb"> <li><a href="/intro/index.html">Intro</a></li> <li class=active><a href="/docs/index.html">Docs</a></li> <li><a href="/community.html">Community</a></li> </ul> <ul class="buttons nav navbar-nav rls-sb"> <li class=first><a href="/downloads.html">Download</a></li> <li><a href="">Github</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class=footer-logo> <span></span> </div> <div class="footer-hashi os"> <span>© 2013. A <a href="//">HashiCorp</a> Project.</span> <a href="//"><img src="/images/hashi-logo-s-3644fe63.png"></a> </div> </div> </div> <script src="javascripts/lib/d3.v3.min.js"></script> <script src="javascripts/app/deploy/site.js"></script> <script>
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