
494 lines
14 KiB

/* globals requirejs */
import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router';
import config from './config/environment';
import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug';
import merge from 'deepmerge';
import { env } from 'consul-ui/env';
import walk, { dump } from 'consul-ui/utils/routing/walk';
const doc = document;
const appName = config.modulePrefix;
const appNameJS = appName
.map((item, i) => (i ? `${item.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${item.substr(1)}` : item))
export const routes = merge.all(
// Our parent datacenter resource sets the namespace
// for the entire application
dc: {
_options: {
path: '/:dc',
index: {
_options: {
path: '/',
redirect: '../services',
// Services represent a consul service
services: {
_options: { path: '/services' },
index: {
_options: {
path: '/',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
status: 'status',
source: 'source',
kind: 'kind',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Tags']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
// Show an individual service
show: {
_options: { path: '/:name' },
instances: {
_options: {
path: '/instances',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
status: 'status',
source: 'source',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Node', 'Tags', 'ID', 'Address', 'Port', 'Service.Meta', 'Node.Meta']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
intentions: {
_options: { path: '/intentions' },
index: {
_options: {
path: '',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
access: 'access',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['SourceName', 'DestinationName']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:intention_id' },
create: {
_options: {
template: 'dc/services/show/intentions/edit',
path: '/create',
topology: {
_options: { path: '/topology' },
services: {
_options: {
path: '/services',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
instance: 'instance',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Tags']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
upstreams: {
_options: {
path: '/upstreams',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
instance: 'instance',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Tags']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
routing: {
_options: { path: '/routing' },
tags: {
_options: { path: '/tags' },
instance: {
_options: {
path: '/:name/instances/:node/:id',
redirect: './healthchecks',
healthchecks: {
_options: {
path: '/health-checks',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
status: 'status',
check: 'check',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Node', 'CheckID', 'Notes', 'Output', 'ServiceTags']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
upstreams: {
_options: {
path: '/upstreams',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['DestinationName', 'LocalBindAddress', 'LocalBindPort']],
exposedpaths: {
_options: { path: '/exposed-paths' },
addresses: {
_options: { path: '/addresses' },
metadata: {
_options: { path: '/metadata' },
notfound: {
_options: { path: '/:name/:node/:id' },
// Nodes represent a consul node
nodes: {
_options: { path: '/nodes' },
index: {
_options: {
path: '',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
status: 'status',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Node', 'Address', 'Meta']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
// Show an individual node
show: {
_options: { path: '/:name' },
healthchecks: {
_options: {
path: '/health-checks',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
status: 'status',
kind: 'kind',
check: 'check',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Service', 'CheckID', 'Notes', 'Output', 'ServiceTags']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
services: {
_options: {
path: '/service-instances',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
status: 'status',
source: 'source',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['Name', 'Tags', 'ID', 'Address', 'Port', 'Service.Meta']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
rtt: {
_options: { path: '/round-trip-time' },
sessions: {
_options: { path: '/lock-sessions' },
metadata: {
_options: { path: '/metadata' },
// Intentions represent a consul intention
intentions: {
_options: { path: '/intentions' },
index: {
_options: {
path: '/',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
access: 'access',
searchproperty: {
as: 'searchproperty',
empty: [['SourceName', 'DestinationName']],
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
edit: {
_options: {
path: '/:intention_id',
abilities: ['read intentions'],
create: {
_options: {
template: 'dc/intentions/edit',
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create intentions'],
// Key/Value
kv: {
_options: { path: '/kv' },
index: {
_options: {
path: '/',
queryParams: {
sortBy: 'sort',
kind: 'kind',
search: {
as: 'filter',
replace: true,
folder: {
_options: {
template: 'dc/kv/index',
path: '/*key',
edit: {
_options: { path: '/*key/edit' },
create: {
_options: {
template: 'dc/kv/edit',
path: '/*key/create',
abilities: ['create kvs'],
'root-create': {
_options: {
template: 'dc/kv/edit',
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create kvs'],
// ACLs
acls: {
_options: {
path: '/acls',
abilities: ['access acls'],
policies: {
_options: {
path: '/policies',
abilities: ['read policies'],
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create policies'],
roles: {
_options: {
path: '/roles',
abilities: ['read roles'],
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create roles'],
tokens: {
_options: {
path: '/tokens',
abilities: ['access acls'],
edit: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
create: {
_options: {
path: '/create',
abilities: ['create tokens'],
'auth-methods': {
_options: {
path: '/auth-methods',
abilities: ['read auth-methods'],
show: {
_options: { path: '/:id' },
'auth-method': {
_options: { path: '/auth-method' },
'binding-rules': {
_options: { path: '/binding-rules' },
'nspace-rules': {
_options: { path: '/nspace-rules' },
'routing-config': {
_options: { path: '/routing-config/:name' },
// Shows a datacenter picker. If you only have one
// it just redirects you through.
index: {
_options: { path: '/' },
// The settings page is global.
settings: {
_options: { path: '/setting' },
notfound: {
_options: { path: '/*notfound' },
...[...doc.querySelectorAll(`script[data-${appName}-routes]`)].map($item =>
runInDebug(() => {
// check to see if we are running docfy and if so add its routes to our
// route config
const docfyOutput = requirejs.entries[`${appName}/docfy-output`];
if (typeof docfyOutput !== 'undefined') {
const output = {};
// see
(function addPage(route, page) {
if ( !== '/') {
route = route[] = {
_options: { path: },
page.pages.forEach(page => {
const url = page.relativeUrl;
if (typeof url === 'string') {
if (url !== '') {
route[url] = {
_options: { path: url },
page.children.forEach(child => {
addPage(route, child);
})(routes, output.default.nested);
// To print the Ember route DSL use `Routes()` in Web Inspectors console
// or `javascript:Routes()` in the location bar of your browser
runInDebug(() => {
window.Routes = (endpoint = env('DEBUG_ROUTES_ENDPOINT')) => {
if (!endpoint) {
endpoint = 'data:,%s';
let win;
const str = dump(routes);
if (endpoint.startsWith('data:,')) {
win ='', '_blank');
} else {
win ='%s', encodeURIComponent(str)), '_blank');
export default class Router extends EmberRouter {
location = env('locationType');
rootURL = env('rootURL');