
278 lines
11 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package pbservice;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "proto/pbcommon/common.proto";
import "proto/pbservice/healthcheck.proto";
// This fake import path is replaced by the build script with a versioned path
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
option (gogoproto.goproto_unkeyed_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_unrecognized_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_sizecache_all) = false;
// ConnectProxyConfig describes the configuration needed for any proxy managed
// or unmanaged. It describes a single logical service's listener and optionally
// upstreams and sidecar-related config for a single instance. To describe a
// centralized proxy that routed traffic for multiple services, a different one
// of these would be needed for each, sharing the same LogicalProxyID.
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ConnectProxyConfig {
// DestinationServiceName is required and is the name of the service to accept
// traffic for.
string DestinationServiceName = 1;
// DestinationServiceID is optional and should only be specified for
// "side-car" style proxies where the proxy is in front of just a single
// instance of the service. It should be set to the service ID of the instance
// being represented which must be registered to the same agent. It's valid to
// provide a service ID that does not yet exist to avoid timing issues when
// bootstrapping a service with a proxy.
string DestinationServiceID = 2;
// LocalServiceAddress is the address of the local service instance. It is
// optional and should only be specified for "side-car" style proxies. It will
// default to if the proxy is a "side-car" (DestinationServiceID is
// set) but otherwise will be ignored.
string LocalServiceAddress = 3;
// LocalServicePort is the port of the local service instance. It is optional
// and should only be specified for "side-car" style proxies. It will default
// to the registered port for the instance if the proxy is a "side-car"
// (DestinationServiceID is set) but otherwise will be ignored.
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 LocalServicePort = 4;
// Config is the arbitrary configuration data provided with the proxy
// registration.
// mog: func-to=ProtobufTypesStructToMapStringInterface func-from=MapStringInterfaceToProtobufTypesStruct
google.protobuf.Struct Config = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = true];
// Upstreams describes any upstream dependencies the proxy instance should
// setup.
// mog: func-to=UpstreamsToStructs func-from=NewUpstreamsFromStructs
repeated Upstream Upstreams = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// MeshGateway defines the mesh gateway configuration for upstreams
MeshGatewayConfig MeshGateway = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Expose defines whether checks or paths are exposed through the proxy
ExposeConfig Expose = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Mode represents how the proxy's inbound and upstream listeners are dialed.
string Mode = 9 [(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
// TransparentProxy defines configuration for when the proxy is in
// transparent mode.
TransparentProxyConfig TransparentProxy = 10 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Upstream represents a single upstream dependency for a service or proxy. It
// describes the mechanism used to discover instances to communicate with (the
// Target) as well as any potential client configuration that may be useful such
// as load balancer options, timeouts etc.
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
// ignore-fields=IngressHosts
message Upstream {
// Destination fields are the required ones for determining what this upstream
// points to. Depending on DestinationType some other fields below might
// further restrict the set of instances allowable.
// DestinationType would be better as an int constant but even with custom
// JSON marshallers it causes havoc with all the mapstructure mangling we do
// on service definitions in various places.
string DestinationType = 1;
string DestinationNamespace = 2;
string DestinationName = 3;
// Datacenter that the service discovery request should be run against. Note
// for prepared queries, the actual results might be from a different
// datacenter.
string Datacenter = 4;
// LocalBindAddress is the ip address a side-car proxy should listen on for
// traffic destined for this upstream service. Default if empty is
string LocalBindAddress = 5;
// LocalBindPort is the ip address a side-car proxy should listen on for
// traffic destined for this upstream service. Required.
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 LocalBindPort = 6;
// Config is an opaque config that is specific to the proxy process being run.
// It can be used to pass arbitrary configuration for this specific upstream
// to the proxy.
// mog: func-to=ProtobufTypesStructToMapStringInterface func-from=MapStringInterfaceToProtobufTypesStruct
google.protobuf.Struct Config = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable) = true];
// MeshGateway is the configuration for mesh gateway usage of this upstream
MeshGatewayConfig MeshGateway = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// CentrallyConfigured indicates whether the upstream was defined in a proxy
// instance registration or whether it was generated from a config entry.
bool CentrallyConfigured = 9;
// ServiceConnect are the shared Connect settings between all service
// definitions from the agent to the state store.
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ServiceConnect {
// Native is true when this service can natively understand Connect.
bool Native = 1;
// SidecarService is a nested Service Definition to register at the same time.
// It's purely a convenience mechanism to allow specifying a sidecar service
// along with the application service definition. It's nested nature allows
// all of the fields to be defaulted which can reduce the amount of
// boilerplate needed to register a sidecar service separately, but the end
// result is identical to just making a second service registration via any
// other means.
// mog: func-to=ServiceDefinitionPtrToStructs func-from=NewServiceDefinitionPtrFromStructs
ServiceDefinition SidecarService = 3;
// ExposeConfig describes HTTP paths to expose through Envoy outside of Connect.
// Users can expose individual paths and/or all HTTP/GRPC paths for checks.
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ExposeConfig {
// Checks defines whether paths associated with Consul checks will be exposed.
// This flag triggers exposing all HTTP and GRPC check paths registered for the service.
bool Checks = 1;
// Paths is the list of paths exposed through the proxy.
// mog: func-to=ExposePathSliceToStructs func-from=NewExposePathSliceFromStructs
repeated ExposePath Paths = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ExposePath {
// ListenerPort defines the port of the proxy's listener for exposed paths.
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 ListenerPort = 1;
// ExposePath is the path to expose through the proxy, ie. "/metrics."
string Path = 2;
// LocalPathPort is the port that the service is listening on for the given path.
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 LocalPathPort = 3;
// Protocol describes the upstream's service protocol.
// Valid values are "http" and "http2", defaults to "http"
string Protocol = 4;
// ParsedFromCheck is set if this path was parsed from a registered check
bool ParsedFromCheck = 5;
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message MeshGatewayConfig {
string Mode = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message TransparentProxyConfig {
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 OutboundListenerPort = 1;
// ServiceDefinition is used to JSON decode the Service definitions. For
// documentation on specific fields see NodeService which is better documented.
// mog annotation:
// output=service.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ServiceDefinition {
string Kind = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
string ID = 2;
string Name = 3;
repeated string Tags = 4;
string Address = 5;
// mog: func-to=MapStringServiceAddressToStructs func-from=NewMapStringServiceAddressFromStructs
map<string, ServiceAddress> TaggedAddresses = 16 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
map<string, string> Meta = 6;
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 Port = 7;
CheckType Check = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// mog: func-to=CheckTypesToStructs func-from=NewCheckTypesFromStructs
repeated CheckType Checks = 9;
// mog: func-to=WeightsPtrToStructs func-from=NewWeightsPtrFromStructs
Weights Weights = 10;
string Token = 11;
bool EnableTagOverride = 12;
// Proxy is the configuration set for Kind = connect-proxy. It is mandatory in
// that case and an error to be set for any other kind. This config is part of
// a proxy service definition and is distinct from but shares some fields with
// the Connect.Proxy which configures a managed proxy as part of the actual
// service's definition. This duplication is ugly but seemed better than the
// alternative which was to re-use the same struct fields for both cases even
// though the semantics are different and the non-shared fields make no sense
// in the other case. ProxyConfig may be a more natural name here, but it's
// confusing for the UX because one of the fields in ConnectProxyConfig is
// also called just "Config"
// mog: func-to=ConnectProxyConfigPtrToStructs func-from=NewConnectProxyConfigPtrFromStructs
ConnectProxyConfig Proxy = 14;
// mog: func-to=EnterpriseMetaToStructs func-from=NewEnterpriseMetaFromStructs
common.EnterpriseMeta EnterpriseMeta = 17 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// mog: func-to=ServiceConnectPtrToStructs func-from=NewServiceConnectPtrFromStructs
ServiceConnect Connect = 15;
// Type to hold an address and port of a service
message ServiceAddress {
string Address = 1;
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 Port = 2;
// Weights represent the weight used by DNS for a given status
message Weights {
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 Passing = 1;
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 Warning = 2;